General Administration Act, 1905

Act 11 of 1905

General Administration Act, 1905


General Administration Act, 1905

Act 11 of 1905

  • Commenced on 22 February 1905
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to provide for the good government of Swaziland.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the General Administration Act, 1905.

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—magistrate’s court” means a court established under the Magistrate’s Courts Act, No. 66 of 1938.

3. What laws to be in force

The Roman-Dutch common law, save in so far as the same has been heretofore or may from time to time hereafter be modified by statute, shall be law in Swaziland.

4. Posting of administrative officers

The Minister for Home Affairs may, with the Prime Minister’s concurrence, post an administrative officer to any area or part of an area within which any magistrate’s court has jurisdiction, to be a Senior Regional Secretary, Regional Secretary or Cadet, and every such Senior Regional Secretary, Regional Secretary and Cadet shall have and exercise all the powers, authorities and jurisdiction of a Regional Administrator in and for the area or part of an area to which he is so posted:Provided that every Senior Regional Secretary, Regional Secretary and Cadet shall be subordinate to the Regional Administrator for the area:And provided further that the boundaries or part of an area for which a Senior Regional Secretary, Regional Secretary or Cadet has been posted shall be as defined by the Deputy Prime Minister from time to time by notice in the Gazette.

5. Notification of appointments and acting appointments

The powers, jurisdiction and duties conferred and imposed on any officer of the Government by any law shall be exercised by such officer whom the appropriate Service Commission may appoint to hold or act in such office and any such appointment shall be notified by publication in the Gazette.

6. Area of jurisdiction of magistrate’s court

The area within which a magistrate’s court shall have and exercise jurisdiction shall be as set out in Government Notice No. 121 of 1963, or as hereafter defined by the Minister for Justice or as amended by him from time to time by Notice in the Gazette:Provided that—
(a)a magistrate’s court sitting within any such area at which a magistrate other than the Principal Magistrate of Swaziland presides shall have and exercise jurisdiction throughout such area; and
(b)a magistrate’s court presided over by the Principal Magistrate of Swaziland shall have and exercise jurisdiction throughout Swaziland irrespective of where such Court is sitting.[Amended K.O-I-C. 8/1978]
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
22 February 1905