Definition of Swazi Areas Act, 1917

Act 41 of 1916


Definition of Swazi Areas Act, 1917

Act 41 of 1916

  • Commenced on 20 April 1917
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to record the description of the areas set apart under the Concessions Partition Act, and to declare and determine the conditions and restrictions subject to which the Swazi people are entitled to the sole and exclusive use and occupation of such areas.

1. Short title

The Act may be cited as the Definition of Swazi Areas Act, 1917.

2. Swazi areas

The areas described in the Schedule and shown on the maps referred to therein have been set apart under section 2 of the Concessions Partition Act, for the sole and exclusive use and occupation of the Swazi nation and such areas are thereafter in this Act referred to as Swazi areas.

3. Conditions of use

(1)Subject to the powers conferred upon the Ngwenyama in Libandhla by section 94 of the Constitution, the Swazi nation shall be entitled to the sole and exclusive use and occupation of Swazi areas subject to:
(a)such rights of way and outspan as have been or may hereafter by law be established; and any outspan on a Swazi area shall be subject to section 20 of Part V of the Concessions Act;
(b)any rights conferred by mineral concessions in respect of land included therein, including ancillary rights to water, wood or timber, cultivation and rights of grazing;
(c)all rights to precious or base metals, precious stones, minerals, mineral oils or mineral products in respect of Swazi areas which are vested in the Ngwenyama in trust for the Swazi nation by section 95 of the Constitution;
(d)all rights to precious or base metals, precious stones, minerals or mineral products and to all ancillary rights mentioned in paragraph (b) which are or may become vested in any person whether by virtue of a grant made by the Ngwenyama or his predecessors in office or otherwise in accordance with any law for the time being in force;
(e)rights in respect of any Swazi area from time to time conferred on any person by any permission granted under section 3 or 4 of the Safeguarding of the Swazi Areas Act, No. 39 of 1910;
and subject also to the conditions and restrictions contained in sections 3 and 4 of the Forests Preservation Act, No. 14 of 1910 or in any other law.
(2)The rights referred to in subsection (1)(d) shall be exercised and prospecting and mining carried on in Swazi areas subject to the laws for the time being in force.


Swazi areas shown on map of the Peak District

Compiled from the general plans of Swaziland surveys signed by Surveyors R. Pizzighelli and A. Joubert.

Swazi Area No. 1

Figure lettered 10, 126, mid Umlumati River to 186, 10, in extent 1,309 morgen 145 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 46/10 of Land Concession No. 92L.

Swazi Area No. 2

Figure lettered 186, mid Umlumati River to B, 128, C, D, 64, 69, E, mid Umlumati River to F, A, H, 186, in extent 19,939 morgen 127 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 46/10 and 2/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 92L and 119L.

Swazi Area No. 3

Figure lettered 4, 5, 6a, 6, mid M’komozana River to A.4, in extent 2,692 morgen 541 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. No. S. 55/10 of Land Concession No. 172L: but with the deduction(a) of that portion being portion No. 2 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 2,000 morgen, as shown on diagram S.G. No. S. 68/49, approved by the Surveyor-General, by the figure ABB ‘mid M’komozana River C’CDA, excluding the figures f g h j and k l m n o: and of that portion being Portion No. 3 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 2 morgen and 232 square roods, as shown on diagram S.G. No. S. 69/49, approved by the Surveyor-General, by the figure ABCD: and of that portion being Portion No. 4 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 283 square roods, as shown on diagram S.G. No. S. 70/49, approved by the Surveyor-General, by the figure ABCDE.(a)As amended by 34 of 1951.

Swazi Area No. 4

Figure lettered 83, M, mid Umkumazi River to N4, 32, 26, 139, 73, 80, A, 78, 130, B, C, D, mid spruit E, F, mid spruit G, H, mid spruit K, 83, in extent 27,002 morgen 481 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 45/10, 3/10, 2/10, and 64/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 90L, 143L, 119L, and 155L (expired).

Swazi Area No. 5

Figure lettered 111, P, A5, mid spruit to junction with Umkomazi River at B5, mid Umkomazi River to C5, D5, 145, mid Umkomazi River to E5, F5, G5, mid Umbelusi River to 149C, 149F, 149E, mid Umkomazi River to DP, Pur, Pur 1, Pur 2, Cross, 113, along Rathbone’s road to M, N, O, mid Umkomazi River to 111, in extent 44,309 morgen 279 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 46/10, 7/10, 134/10, and 184/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 92L, 26P, 149L, and Unallotted Land No. 2, together with the whole extent of eastern portion of Land Concession No. 107L (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Portion Swazi Area No. 6

Figure lettered East, Ponjaan 6, Ponjaan 5, Ponjaan 4, Ponjaan 3, Ponjaan 2, Ponjaan 1, Ponjaan, Tom 8, Tom 7, Tom 6, Tom 5, Tom 4, Tom 3, Tom 2, Tom 1, 149C, 149B, mid M’Sagane River to junction with Black Umbelusi River to 149A, mid Black Umbelusi River to junction with Malanbachanje Spruit and footpath crossing at Doctor, along footpath to 20/190, mid N’komozaan River to East, in extent 13,576 morgen 314 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 134/10 of Land Concession No. 149L.Note
(1)The extent given above includes area of figure 20/190 mid Malanbachanje Spruit to Doctor, along footpath to 20/190, being portion of Swazi Area No. 6 in the Mbabane District (north).
(2)Swazi Areas Nos. 23 and 24 shown on map of the Peak District are also shown on map on the Ubombo District, and their whole extents are given under their respective numbers in that district.

Swazi areas shown on map of the Ubombo District

Compiled from the general plans of Swaziland surveys signed by Surveyors R. Pizzighelli, A. Joubert, A.H.F. Duncan and W.R. Lanham.

Portion Swazi Area No. 12

Figure lettered Buck Bn, mid Black Umbelusi River to 28D, SE107, 132D, Rath Road, along Rathbone’s road to 28B, 28A, along Rathbone’s road to Buk Bn, in extent 9,206 morgen 465 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 183/10 of Mineral Concession No. 23M.Note — The total extent of Swazi Area No. 12 in Ubombo and Mbabane Districts is 31,830 morgen 554 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 173/10, 177/10, 165/10, and 135/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 28P, 132L, 91L, and 81L.

Swazi Area No. 22

Figure lettered Inter Um, mid Black Umbelusi River to junction with White Umbelusi River at Junc, mid White Umbelusi River to 19A, Inter Um, in extent 13,575 morgen 108 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 172/10 of Mineral and Land Concession No. 19M and L.

Swazi Area No. 23

Figure lettered 149, 158, 184, B, 163, A, 149, in extent 5,183 morgen 178 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 4/10 and 43/10 of Land Concession No. 176L and Unallotted Land No. 23.Note — The portion of Swazi Area No. 23 in the Peak District is included in the above extent.

Swazi Area No. 24

Figure lettered A, C, Krogh, Line Riv 1, mid Black Umbelusi River to A, in extent 6,333 morgen 385 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 36/10 of Land Concession No. 162L: together(b) with the figure lettered C, D, Krogh, C — to be lettered 24A. The beacon D to be so placed on the line Krogh — Oribi that the area of the land thus cut off will together with the area of land in Swazi Area No. 24 already demarcated be equal to one-third of Land Concession No. 162, exclusive of the area of that portion of Land Concession No. 176L overlapping Land Concession No. 162L.

Swazi Area No. 25

Figure lettered Wen 7, mid Ndindindhlovu Spruit to 139A, Buchanan C |[], D, mid Mnyama River to 31a, along footpath to its junction with Tembe Road, along Tembe Road to its junction with Mququaan’s footpath, along Mququaan’s footpath to its intersection with line Beer — Bom 9; thence to Bom 9, Wen 7, in extent 5,419 morgen 588 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 162/10 and 13/11 of Land Concession Nos. 139L and 31P.

Swazi Area No. 26

Figure lettered Rock, A, A2, mid Nunzi Spruit to B, C, D new 145a, E45, E, mid Umsatse Spruit to junction with spruit at E |[], mid spruit to EE, EF, mid spruit to junction with Manshanja River, mid Manshanja River to junction with spruit at F, mid spruit to G, H, mid Holoba Spruit to junction with Great Usutu River at K, mid Great Usutu River to Usutu, 40g, Emuane, 40f, L, mid Inyetan River to 3a, P, O, R, mid Sinzeti Spruit to S, I, E83, Rock, in extent 25,031 morgen 109 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 10/11, 35/11, 6/11, 29/11, 40/11, and 41/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 40L, 137L, 145L, 151L, 3P, and 128L, together with 1,450 morgen 281 square roods of portion Land Concession No. 128L as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 66/12 added to Swazi Area No. 26, and with the whole extent of Unallotted Land No. 30 (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Swazi Area No. 27

Figure lettered E106, 150B, 150A, Bom 11, S16, Game, S17, along Tembe Road to 147b, 147a, 124b, 15c, mid Maguk Spruit to junction with Inyetan River, mid Inyetan River to K, L, mid Umtintegwa River to 99c, N, O, P, mid Umzimpofu River to junction with Mahlalaleka Spruit, mid Mahlalaleka Spruit to where it crosses Tembe Road to 99a, along Tembe Road to SE106, Cheyne, E106, in extent 80,529 morgen 456 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 179/10, 160/10, 28/11, 161/10, 63/11, and 187/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 150L and 82M, 109L, 110L, 99L, and Unallotted Land Nos. 28 and 25, together with the whole extent of that portion of Mineral and Land Concession No. 19M and L south of Tembe Road.

Portion Swazi Area No. 28

Figure lettered 238, mid Umzimpofu River to junction with Great Usutu River at 200, mid Great Usutu River to 237, 239, 238, in extent 3,367 morgen 41 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 73/10 of Land Concession No. 94L.

Portion Swazi Area No. 15

Figure lettered 187, 186, 185, mid Great Usutu River to junction with Umhlamanti River at 183, mid Umhlamanti River to junction with Umbobokazi River at 181, mid Umbobokazi River to 192, mid spruit to 191, 190, mid Umkulotshana River to junction with spruit at 189, mid spruit to 188, 187, in extent 11,906 morgen 468 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 73/10 of Land Concession No. 94L.Note — The extent of that portion of Swazi Area No. 15 in Ubombo District between Sdokoto and Umhlamanti River is included in the extent of Swazi Area No. 15 in the Mbabane District (north).

Swazi areas shown on the map of the Mbabane District (North)

Compiled from the general plans of Swaziland surveys signed by Surveyors A. Joubert, A.H.F. Duncan and W.R. Lanham.

Portion Swazi Area No. 6

Figure lettered 11A, mid Komati (Umkomazi) River to its junction with N’Komozaan River at West, mid N’Komozaan River to 20/190, along footpath to 40/58, Impusi, End Nat, 58a, Shed 8, 11C, 11B, Ridge 2, Ridge 1, 11A, in extent 8,462 morgen 295 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 141/10 and 163/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 11P and 58L.Note — The extent given above does not include the area mentioned under Note (1) of Swazi Area No. 6 in the Peak District.

Swazi Area No. 7

Figure lettered Loxton 2, 23B, mid Malandi River to 23c, 17c, Nyogaan 1, Nek 6, along footpath to NW9, along path to P4, P3, along path to Buy 2, Buy 1, mid Umbuyana River to 9B, 9A, along footpath to Fall, Usana, Source Nat, Riv. 89, mid Black Umbelusi River to 17A, 17B, Zulu, Horst 2, along road to Loxton 1, Loxton 2, in extent 8,103 morgen 492 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 139/10, 54/10, and 174/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 23P, 9L, and 17P, together with the whole extent of Unallotted Land No. 4 (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Swazi Area No. 8

Figure lettered 39aa, mid Black Umbelusi River to Riv 20, Grens 4, Grens 3, Grens 2, Maloya, 89A, along footpath to where it crosses Black Umbelusi River at Doctor, mid Black Umbelusi River to Pur b, mid Mahehe River to 10n, C, D, mid spruit to E, F, mid Kapola Spruit to A, 39d’, 39d, mid Patla-Pachla Spruit to its junction with Black Umbelusi River at 39aa, in extent 6,859 morgen 24 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 151/10, 138/10, and 46/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 89L, 10L, and Unallotted Land No. 5.

Swazi Area No. 8A

Figure lettered A, D, B, C, A, in extent 37 morgen 300 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 138/10 of Land Concession No. 10L.

Swazi Area No. 9

Figure lettered A, B, C, D, 3w, 3u, 3t, 167a, 167h, mid spruit to J, G, K, L, M, M25a, Hebron a, Hebron b, Hebron c, mid Motjaan River to Q, A, in extent 8,508 morgen 282 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 126/10, 148/10, 129/10, 90/10, 102/10, and 46/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 25P, 30P, 84L, 160L, 4L, and Unallotted Land No. 5, together with the whole extent of Land Concession No. 185L (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Swazi Area No. 10

Figure lettered A1, 3SN, mid Little Usutu River to its junction with spruit at 21b, mid spruit to 21a, 30a, 30c, 30b, 84j, 84k, B, mid Little Usutu River to C, D, 21x, 3k, 3j, 3i, E, mid Impaca Spruit to F, 114j, 114h, B1, G, C7, Mdibi, H, mid spruit to K, L, mid spruit to MN, A1, in extent 13,029 morgen 467 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 117/10, 116/10, 144/10, 120/10, 199/10, 200/10, 132/10 and 115/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 21P, 7P, 121L, 201L, 114L, 23L, 167L, and 7L.

Swazi Area No. 11

Figure lettered A, mid Majoy Spruit to its junction with Umvubu Spruit, mid Umvubu Spruit to its junction wiht Mbabane River at D, E, 64a, MDS, 2b, 26a, 2c, 2d, Mdimba, 10d, 2e', mid Umtilaan River to F, O2, L2, 97r, KK, KK3, mid Gwanyan River to its junction with Salogaas River at T2, thence to 9714, 9713, 9712, 9711, 9710, 979, 978, 977, LL, B1, 141d, 97f, 97g, 97h, Con, M, mid spruit to junction with Umzineni River at N, mid Umsineni River to X4, O, P, 202b, Z3, mid Megef Spruit to junction with Little Usutu River at 166a, mid Little Usutu River to junction with spruit, mid spruit to 13b, 13a, 54b, R, mid Mhlambanyati River to S, T, mid Little Usutu River to V, W, XX, Z, AA, mid Makondolwan Spruit to DD, EE, FF, mid Manzane River to GG, 7c, 7d, HH, mid spruit to junction with Makondolwan Spruit, mid Makondolwan Spruit to KK, A, in extent 27,527 morgen 80 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 146/10, 133/10, 142/10, 171/10, 137/10, 135/10, 50/11, 154/10, 136/10, 93/10, 113/10, 54/11, and 44/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 135L, 70M, 31L, 134L, 80L, 81L, 76L, 97L, 77L, 8L, 202L, Unallotted Land Nos. 37 and 38, and Unallotted Land No. 39, together with the whole extent of Land Concessions Nos. 96M, 186L, 64L, 2P, 61L, Unallotted Land Nos. 10 and 11, and the land rights of Mineral Concession No. 11M (no diagrams) demarcated as Swazi area.

Portion Swazi Area No. 12

Figure lettered A, mid Black Umbelusi River to 28C, 28B, along Rathbone’s road to Rath Road, Rath 3, Nek 4, Lat 4, Lat 3, Lat, Lat 2, Lat 1, SW132, 97t, K, H, mid spruit G, N, mid spruit to junction with Hlambanyoni River at O, mid Hlambanyoni River to A, in extent 22,624 morgen 89 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 165/10, 135/10 and 158/10, of Land Concessions Nos. 91L, 81L, and Mineral Concession No. 54M.(Vide note under Portion Swazi Area No. 12 in Ubombo District.)

Portion Swazi Area No. 13

Figure lettered TB1, along road to 55a, 55b, 55c, mid Impeloosi River to TB2, 55d, TB1, and figure lettered C, mid Umiyane Spruit to D, E, H1, 196b, 12x, S14, F, mid Great Usutu River to junction with Impeloosi River at 189a, mid Impeloosi River to C, in extent 8,660 morgen 49 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 112/10, 97/10, 107/10, and 89/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 10P, 175L, 189L, and 126L, together with the whole extent of Land Concession No. 55L and Unallotted Land No. 9 (no diagrams) demarcated as Swazi area.

Portion Swazi Area No. 14

Figure lettered A, B, 120b, 120c, mid Mapamba Spruit to D, G', T5, T6, T6', 29b, 29c, 29d, 29e, 29f, mid Great Usutu River to A, in extent 6,205 morgen 81 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 87/10, 88/10 and 26/11, of Land Concessions Nos. 113L, 120L, and 85L: Together with the remaining extent of certain farm “The Usutu Mission Station” No. 617, situate in the Mbabane and Manzini Districts (formerly Northern and Central Districts), Swaziland, on Crown Land Area No. 219, measuring as such 2,741 morgen 268 square roods, as shown on diagram S.G. No. S. 60/11, approved by the Surveyor-General on the fourteenth day of November, 1911.

Portion Swazi Area No. 15

Figure lettered 173, mid Hlangatane Spruit to 174, 180, mid Umhlamanti River to 182, 242, mid Sdokoto River to 166, 163, 162, mid spruit to junction with Little Usutu River at 152, mid Little Usutu River to its junction with Great Usutu River at 134c, mid Great Usutu River to E, F, G, mid Umzineni River to 173, in extent 16,502 morgen 576 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 171/10, 67/10, and 34/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 134L, 138L, and Unallotted Land No. 41.Note — The extent given above includes the area of that portion of Swazi Area No. 15 in Ubombo District between Sdokoto and Umhlamati Rivers.

Swazi areas shown on map of the Mbabane District (South) (Mankaiana)

Compiled from the general plans of Swaziland surveys signed by Surveyors A.H.F. Duncan, W.R. Lanham, and F.S. Watermeyer.

Portion Swazi Area No. 13

Figure lettered P, mid Impeloosi River to junction with Grootwater Spruit at N, mid Grootwater Spruit to O, Goulds, P, and figure lettered M, mid Impeloosi River to 32a, G', 32b, L7, mid Great Usutu River to its junction with Umkatshangeni River at 58, mid Umkatshangeni River to its junction with spruit, mid spruit to 53, 240, mid Umtiba River to 45, thence to 36, thence along road to Sandhlan, TB4, mid Great Usutu River to 122c, 122a, H, S7, M, in extent 11,462 morgen 222 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 81/10, 130/10, 110/10, and 80/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 24L, 214L, 44L, and 173L, together with the whole extent of Land Concessions Nos. 122L and 158L (no diagrams) demarcated as Swazi area.

Portion Swazi Area No. 14

Figure lettered 248, mid Great Usutu River to its junction with Dudusi River at 85, mid Dudusi River to 84, 242, 243, mid spruit 244, 245, mid spruit 246, 247, mid spruit to its junction with Great Usutu River at 248, in extent 4,276 morgen 200 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 65/10 and 57/10 of Land Concessions Nos. 82L and 102L.

Swazi Area No. 16

Figure lettered w, mid Great Usutu River to its junction with Umzimneni River at 150, mid Umzimneni River to q, 139, 126, a, 125, n, 124, m, 123, l, 121, 120, k, j, 112, h, 111, 110, 105, 104, 103, 249, 250, v, mid Inkotshani Spruit to junction with Great Usutu River at w, in extent 13,315 morgen 228 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 105/10, 86/10 and 81/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 157L, 86L, and Unallotted Land No. 44, together with the whole extent of Land Concession No. 130L (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Swazi Area No. 17

Figure lettered 3, 16, 253, mid Mdhlebekulu Spruit to 29, mid spruit to junction with Ingwempisana River near d, mid Ingwempisana River to junction with spruit near d, mid spruit to, 15, 78, 88a, A, B, C, D, t, mid spruit to junction with Umtimane River at u, mid Umtimane River to junction with Ingwempisi River at 97, mid Ingwempisi to junction with spruit, mid spruit to 255, 115, 116, mid spruit to junction with Ingwempisi River at 117, mid Ingwempisi River to L240, L167, L, M, M', L151, N, mid Umtsitsi Spruit (model) to its junction with Ingwempisi River at L, 179a, mid Ingwempisi River to junction with Toba Spruit at O, mid Toba Spruit to P, L148, Q, Qb, mid Mlozaan Spruit to junction with Mozaan River at R, mid Mozaan River to junction with Umfunsin Spruit at L157, mid Umfunsin Spruit to L159, S, mid Mozaan River T, U, mid Njonjelo Spruit to L140b, L140, L140a, mid Udaka Spruit to junction with Tchelela Spruit at L137, mid Tchela Spruit to V, L142, L143, L144, L145, mid Tungulubi Spruit to w, y, z, mid spruit to junction with Towela River at AA, mid Towela River to 203a, along road to L204, BB, 252, 251, mid Buzingeli Spruit to junction with Umlombo River at 15, mid Umlombo River to junction with Samvu Spruit at y, mid Samvu Spruit to x, 3, in extent 48,235 morgen 572 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 65/11, 72/10, 67/11, 103/10, 23/10, 9/10, 19/10, 21/10, 61/11, 81/11, 75/11, and 117/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 36L, 118L,108L, 83L, 98L, 57L, 8P, 51L, and Unallotted Land Nos. 43, 44, 46, and 45, together with the whole extent of Land Concession No. 200L (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.Note —The extent given above is exclusive of that portion of Swazi Area No. 17, in extent 947 morgen 385 square roods as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 2/14, deducted for the Crown from the original extent of Swazi Area No. 17 demarcated within Unallotted Land No. 44.

Swazi Area No. 18

Figure lettered AC, mid Ingwempisi River to junction with spruit at B, mid spruit to C, DC, mid Assegai River to E, Top 2, L173b, mid Kukwaan River to junction with Umkwe-nyaan River at L172b, mid Umkwenyaan River to L172a, L172, F, L166, L168, L169, L170, AC, in extent 12,349 morgen 194 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 8/10 and 117/11 of Land Concession No. 67L and Unallotted Land No. 45.

Swazi Area No. 19

Figure lettered L192a, mid Concertina or Umtambo Spruit to A, L184, B, L134a, L134, C, mid Ingodwane Spruit to its junction with Hlozaan River at D, mid Hlozaan River to L129, L130, L131, L132, L133, L192a, in extent 3,547 morgen 541 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 25/10 and 117/11 of Land Concession No. 169L and Unallotted Land No. 45.

Swazi Area No. 20

Figure lettered L126, A, MB, B, mid Inkontonyana or Dudusa Spruit to its junction with Assegai River at C, mid Assegai River to PL108, L123, L124, L125, L126, in extent 5,558 morgen 226 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 25/10 of Land Concession No. 169L.

Portion Swazi Area No. 21

Figure lettered A, mid Mozaan River to its junction with Assegai River at L177, mid Assegai River to G, F, mid Umkondonyana River to C, L118, L139, L236, mid Impopoma River to junction with Hlozaan River at L238, mid Hlozaan River to junction with small spruit near D, mid small spruit to D, E, A, in extent 8,662 morgen 567 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 19/10, 27/10, 37/10, and 87/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 8P, 206L, 181L, and Unallotted Land No. 22.

Swazi areas shown on map of the Hlatikulu District

Compiled from the general plan of Swaziland surveys signed by Surveyor F.S. Watermeyer.

Portion Swazi Area No. 21

Figure lettered PL109, mid Assegai River to junction with Zonkoman Spruit at L51, mid Zonkoman Spruit to C, L69a, D, mid Umlombomude River to E, b, c, Driekop, A', mid Mnyamana River to junction with Kipeienkoma Spruit at PL74a, mid Kipeienkoma Spruit to PL81, PL80, PL82, PL83, PL98, AA, PL84, PL85, mid Spekboom River to PL86, PL87, PL89, PL100, 71, Top a, L109, in extent 20,564 morgen 95 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 72/11, 125/11, 80/11, and 84/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 9P, 6L, and M, 101L and Unallotted Land No. 48, together with the whole extent of Land Concession No. 4P (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Portion Swazi Area No. 28

Figure lettered Sigende, A, mid spruit to junction with Mhlatuzaan River at B, mid Mhlatuzaan River to PL264G, C, mid Great Usutu River to junction with Hlatuse River at L21, mid Hlatuse River to 19, Kop 6, L2, f, mid Mhlatuzaan River to junction with Tabe Spruit at PL254, mid Tabe Spruit to PL255, L2b, PL256, PL257, PL258, PL259, Sigende, in extent 54,994 morgen 278 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 134/11, 122/11, and 136/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 6P, 165L, and 5L.

Swazi Area No. 29

Figure lettered B, mid Great Usutu River to its junction with Mapapat Spruit at C, mid Mapapat Spruit to D, Sigende, S1, A, mid Dumbi Spruit to its junction with Great Usutu River at B, in extent 10,192 morgen 121 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 122/11 of Land Concession No. 165L.

Swazi Area No. 30

Figure lettered Q, L15, Mavugutu, A, L9, L10, PL23, PL11c, PL99b, PL99c, M2, L47a, mid Insongweni River to L47b, PL99a, PL99, PL97, PL98, PL83, B, C, mid Tambi Spruit to D, L94, L75a, L13a, E, PL59, F, L49, L48, mid Insongweni River to G, H, AB, L45a, K, WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4, WS5, WS6, L, M, N, O, P, mid Mpagween Spruit to Q, in extent 33,924 morgen 561 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 82/11, 125/11, 136/11, 135/11, 88/11, 84/11, and 124/11 of Land Concessions Nos. 24P, 6L, and M, 5L, 25L, 127L, and Unallotted Land Nos. 48 and 49, together with 559 morgen 51 square roods of portion Unallotted Land No. 49, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 18/14 added to Swazi Area No. 30.

Swazi Area No. 31

Figure lettered PL99b, PL11c, PL23, L24a, mid Hlatuse River to A, Blolwaan, P2, VW4, B, mid Ingwovuma River to C, Fahlaza, D, E, Katjeni, F, mid Ingwovuma River to L20b, L275, G, H, mid Manziwayo River to K1, L271, L, M, L274, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, L270, L269, W, X, Y, Z, AA, DD, EE, FF, GG, mid Ingwovuma River to KK, LL, CNa, mid Ingwovuma River to junction with Moweni River at MRJ, mid Moweni River to MR7, Bn2, 1 Try Fix, 2 Try Fix, mid spruit to S1 new, S2 new, b, PL99b, in extent 125,484 morgen 27 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 142/11 of Land Concession No. 1P, together with 1,336 morgen 119 square roods of portion Land Concession No. 1P as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 17/14 added to Swazi Area No. 31.

Swazi Area No. 32

Figure lettered C, mid spruit to D, E, mid Manzimhlope River to junction with Ncotshane River, mid Ncotshane River to F, PL89a, PL102a, PL102b, A, B, L268, C, in extent 7,914 morgen 138 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 142/11 of Land Concession No. 1P.

Swazi Area No. 33

Figure lettered B, mid Spekboom River to PL102, A, B, in extent 1,861 morgen 561 square roods, as appears on approved diagram S.G. No. S. 80/11 of Land Concession No. 101L, together with the whole extent of Unallotted Land No. 34 (no diagram) demarcated as Swazi area.

Swazi Area No. 34

Figure lettered B, mid Hlutwane Spruit to junction with Popota River, mid Popota River to C, D, mid Mlonyanene Spruit to A, B, in extent 615 morgen 536 square roods, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 135/11 of Land Concession No. 25L or S.G. No. S. 136/11 of Land Concession No. 5L.

Swazi Area No. 35

Figure lettered L24, D, L25, E, P5, mid Popota Spruit to PL253, mid Mhlatuzaan River to F, L2, Kop 6, 19, mid Hlatuse River ot LR 15a, shift, Blolwaan, A, mid Hlatuse River to L24, comprising portions of Land Concessions Nos. 1P, 6P, and 5L, in extent 14,000 morgen, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 46/15, 134/11, 121/12, and 122/12 of portion B of Land Concession No. 1P, of Land Concession No. 6P, and of portions of Grazing Concessions Nos. 159L and 96L (within Land Concession No. 5L).The following area of Crown Land was set apart(d) for the sole and exclusive use and occupation of members of the Swazi nation, and is for all purposes deemed to be land demarcated for the use and occupation of Africans under section 2 of the Concessions Partition Act:Figure lettered L24, D, L25, E, P5, mid Popota Spruit to PL253, mid Mhlatuzaan River to F, L2, Kop 6, 19, mid Hlatuse River to LR 15a, shift, Blolwaan, A, mid Hlatuse River to L24, comprising portions of Land Concessions Nos. 1P, 6P, and 5L, in extent 14,000 morgen, as appears on approved diagrams S.G. Nos. S. 46/15, 134/11, 121/12, and 122/12 of portion B of Land Concession No. 1P, of Land Concession No. 6P, and of portions of Grazing Concessions Nos. 159L and 96L (within Land Concession No. 5L).
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
20 April 1917