Crown Lands Act, No. 9 of 1949

Act 9 of 1949


Crown Lands Act, No. 9 of 1949

Act 9 of 1949

  • Commenced on 25 March 1949
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to proclaim certain areas of land in Swaziland to be Crown lands.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Crown Lands Act, No. 9 of 1949.

2. Land to be Crown land

The areas of land in Swaziland and described in the second column of the Schedule to this Act shall, from the respective dates set out in the third column thereof, be Crown lands, and shall be registered and known as numbered in the said Schedule:Provided that the proclamation of the said areas as Crown lands shall not affect any concession, lease, servitude or other right subsisting in respect of the said areas at the date set out in the third column and not vested in the Crown.


Act No.
Area of Land


9 of 1949.Lot No. 297, Hhohho District. — Portion “b” of Portion “B” of Land Concession No. 92L, in extent 1477 6373 ha. a will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 18/40.25th March, 1949.
Lot No. 298, Hhohho District. — Portion “a” of Portion “B” of Land Concession No. 92L, in extent 492,5458 ha. a will appear from Diagram S. No. S. 1/40.
Lot No. 299, Hhohho District. — The Remaining Extent of Portion “B” of Land Concession No. 92L, in extent 2439,5996 ha., as will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 32/19.
10 of 1949Lot No. 296, Manzini District. — Portion No. 2 of Portion “A” of Land Concession No. 132L, in extent 1479,7914 ha., as will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 4/45.25th March, 1949.
51 of 1949Lot No. 300, Manzini District. — Portion C of Perpetual Land Concession No. 22P, in extent 389,4550 ha., as will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 20/37.23rd December, 1949.
1 of 1951Lot No. 301, Manzini District. — Remaining portion of unallotted land within portion of Concession No. 82L, in extent 3074,9149 ha., as shown on Diagram S.G. No. S. 65/10 approved by the Surveyor-General for Swaziland by the figure lettered e C b a mid Umkatshangeni River to junction at u mid spruit G’ F’ E’ D’ C’ B’ A’ mid Umhlambahula River M mid road N mid road O mid road P e.16th February, 1951.
35 of 1951Lot No. 303, Hhohho District. — Portion No. 2 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 1713,0636 ha., and shown on Diagram S.G. No. S. 68/49 by the figure lettered ABB’ mid Mkomozana River C’CDA, excluding the figures f g h j and k l m n o.15th June, 1951.
Lot No. 304, Hhohho District. — Portion No. 3 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 2,0443 ha., and shown on Diagram S.G. No. S. 69/49 by the figure lettered ABCD.
Lot No. 305, Hhohho District. — Portion No. 3 of Land Concession No. 172L, in extent 0,4040 ha. (4040 sq.m.), and shown on Diagram S.G. No. S. 70/49 by the figure lettered ABCDE.
2 of 1952.Lot No. 306, Shiselweni District. — Portion F of Land Concession No. 165L, in extent 808,8358, ha., as will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 2/17.10th April, 1952.
32 of 1952.Lot No. 307, Shiselweni District. — Portion A of the farm Nildesperandum No. 102A of Land Concession No. 1P, in extent 571,7178 ha., as will appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 2/17.19th September, 1952.
40 of 1953.Lot No. 308, Hhohho District. — Portion B of Land Concession No. 11P, situate in the Mbabane District of Swaziland, measuring 3157,9828 ha., as will more fully appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 70/1417th July, 1953.
Lot No. 309, Hhohho District. — The remaining extent of Land Concession No. 11P, situate in the Mbabane District of Swaziland, measuring as such 1495, 8857 ha., as shown on Diagram S.G. No. S. 141/10 by the figure HJUQVWXY along the footpath to H.
44 of 1953.Lot No. 310, Lubombo District. — Certain Portion of Land Concession No. 15P, situate in the Siteki District of Swaziland, measuring 570, 8299 ha., as will more fully appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 129/11.14th August, 1953.
40 of 1957.Lot No. 311, Hhohho District. — Portion of land being the remaining extent of Portion “B2” of Unallocated Land Concession No. 31L in extent 79, 2163 ha., as shown on the Diagram S.G. No. S. 31/16 approved by the Surveyor-General on 7th December, 1916, by the figure B, C, D, c, b, a, along the road to e1, e, d, c, b, b1, mid-spruit to B.28th June, 1957.
Lot No. 312, Lubombo District. — Portion of land being certain Portion 1 of Portion “B” of Land Concession No. 3P situate in the district of Siteki in Swaziland, in extent 78,8009 ha.; as shown on the Diagram S.G. No. S. 12/36, approved by the Surveyor-General on 30th October, 1956, by the figure A, B, C along the Palata River and Nunzi Spruit to d, D, E, F, G, A.
19 of 1958.Lot No. 313, Hhohho District. — Portion of land being the remaining extent of Portion A of Portion of Land Concession No. 10L, measuring as such 12,3126 ha., as will more fully appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 7/24, approved by the Surveyor-General on the 20th March, 1924.16th May, 1958.
Lot No. 314, Hhohho District. — Portion of land being the remaining extent of Portion B of Portion of Land Concession No. 10L, measuring as such 12,7638 ha., as will more fully appear from Diagram S.G. No. S. 8/24, approved by the Surveyor-General on the 20th March, 1924.
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
25 March 1949