Cattle Dipping Charges Act, 1950

Act 46 of 1950


Cattle Dipping Charges Act, 1950

Act 46 of 1950

  • Commenced on 1 October 1950
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the imposition and recovery of charges for the dipping of cattle of persons domiciled in Swaziland, at dips which are supplied with dipping material at the cost of the Government.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Cattle Dipping Charges Act, 1950.

2. Interpretation

(1)In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—cattle” means bulls, oxen, cows, heifers and calves;dipping material” means any preparation used in a dipping tank for the dipping of cattle, and includes materials used in spraying and hand-dressing such cattle;Minister” means the Minister for Agriculture;public dip” means any dipping tank for dipping cattle for the use of which dipping material is supplied at the cost of the Government;owner” means any person who is the registered owner of farm land, whether under freehold or concession title, and who owns or has in his custody cattle which are being dipped at a public dip, but does not include cattle which are under the control of the Swaziland Government for the purposes of the Animal Diseases Act, No. 7 of 1965 which are deemed to be in the custody of the Government for the purposes of this Act.[Amended K.0-I-C. 18/1974]
(2)The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture may exercise any function conferred upon the Director of Veterinary Services by this Act.

3. Charge for cattle dipping

(1)The owner shall pay to the Government a sum calculated at the rate of halfcent in the case of public dips where arsenite of soda is used as a dipping material, and at the rate of one cent in the case of public dips where any other dipping material approved by the Director of Veterinary Services is used, for every head of cattle at each dipping.
(2)The charges referred to in subsection (1) shall be paid in advance, and the Minister may by administrative direction prescribe the method of payment and the form of acknowledgement of proof of payment to be issued in respect of each payment.

4. Penalties

(1)If any person liable thereto refuses or neglects to pay on demand a charge referred to in section 3 it and all costs incidental to its recovery shall be recoverable by civil process issued out of the Magistrate’s Court of the district in which such person resides or of the district where the cattle in respect of which charge is payable are found as if the same were a judgment of such Magistrate’s Court: But no writ of execution shall be issued except on a certificate under the hand of the Permanent Secretary for Agriculture setting out the name of the person in default, the amount of the charge unpaid, that payment thereof has been demanded, and the nature of such demand.
(2)A personal demand for the payment of the charge made by any person authorised by the Minister to the person liable for the payment thereof or his duly authorised agent, or a letter of demand sent by registered post to the last-known address of such person or his said agent shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand under this section.
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
01 October 1950

Cited documents 1

Act 1
1. Animal Diseases Act, 1965 156 citations

Documents citing this one 0