Protection of the Person of the Ndlovukazi Act, 1967

Act 23 of 1967

Protection of the Person of the Ndlovukazi Act, 1967


Protection of the Person of the Ndlovukazi Act, 1967

Act 23 of 1967

  • Assented to on 22 January 1968
  • Commenced on 26 January 1968
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to afford protection to the person of the Ndlovukazi by penalizing certain actions injurious to her.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Protection of the Person of the Ndlovukazi Act, 1967.

2. Protection of the Ndlovukazi

A person who does or attempts to do, or makes preparation, or conspires with any other person, to do, an act with the intention of bringing into hatred or contempt, or of exciting disaffection or ill will or hostility against, the person of Ndlovukazi, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on conviction—
(a)for a first offence, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve years or a fine not exceeding twelve thousand Emalangeni, or both, and,[Amended D.4/1987]
(b)for a subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty years or a fine not exceeding twenty thousand Emalangeni, or both.[Amended D.4/1987]
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
26 January 1968
22 January 1968
Assented to