Pineapple Act, 1967
Act 8 of 1967
- Commenced on 21 April 1967
- [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Pineapple Act, 1967.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—“association” means the Swaziland Pineapple Association registered in accordance with section 21 of the Companies Act No. 7 of 1912;“canner” means a person who processes and packs, in cans, tins, bottles or other receptacles, pineapples for sale for human or animal consumption;“constitution” means the memorandum and articles of the association registered in accordance with the Companies Act No. 7 of 1912;“Director” means the Chief Agricultural Officer;“duly qualified auditor” means an auditor whose qualifications are recognised by the law of any country as entitling him to practise as an auditor in that country;“financial year” means a period of twelve months commencing on the first day of April;“grower” means a grower of pineapples intended for sale which occupy a pineapple field in excess of one acre in extent, and, for the purposes of section 3(2)(a) includes a canner who grows pineapples for canning by himself;“levy” means a levy imposed in accordance with section 3;“Minister” means the Minister for Agriculture and Co-operatives;“pineapple” includes extracts, by-products or waste products of pineapples;“pineapple field” means an area of ground with pineapple plants growing therein and shall be deemed to include all contour ditches, contour-banks, paths and roads within that area which are, at the narrowest part, less than fifteen feet in width, and the boundary of the whole area shall be deemed to be represented by a notional line drawn outside the outermost plants of that area at a distance of five feet from the centre of those outermost plants;“process” means to preserve by means of cooking, heating, freezing, the addition of other substances or by other means.3. Pineapple levy
4. Assessment of liability to pay the levy
5. Payment of the levy and interest
6. Use of the levy
The association shall use the levy for the following purposes—7. Pineapple Research Committee
8. Audit of accounts of the association
9. Restriction on amendments to the constitution (Schedule)
10. Regulation
The Minister may after consulting the association make regulations to implement the objects of this Act by notice in the Gazette.History of this document
01 December 1998 this version
21 April 1967