Court of Appeal Judges (Age of Retirement) Act, 1972

Act 1 of 1972


Court of Appeal Judges (Age of Retirement) Act, 1972

Act 1 of 1972

  • Assented to on 8 February 1972
  • Commenced on 18 February 1972
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to make fresh provision for the retiring age of the Judge President and Vice Justice of Appeal.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Court of Appeal Judges (Age of Retirement) Act, 1972.

2. Age of retirement of judges of the Court of Appeal

The age of retirement of the Judge President and Justices of the Court of Appeal shall be seventy-five years.
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
18 February 1972
08 February 1972
Assented to