Plant Control Act, 1981

Act 8 of 1981


Plant Control Act, 1981

Act 8 of 1981

  • Commenced on 1 June 1985
  • [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
An Act to provide for the control, movement and growing of plants and matters incidental thereto.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Plant Control Act, 1981.

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—alien animal” means any vertebrate member of the animal kingdom which is not indigenous or native to Swaziland and includes any cattle, sheep, goat, horse, donkey, mule, pig, rabbit, dog and cat or any poultry or the egg of any poultry;board” means the Nursery Registration Board established under section 3;customs officer” means an officer acting under the controller as defined in the Customs, Fiscal Excise and Sales Duties Act, 1971;dealer” means any person dealing in goods of any kind whatsoever in retail or wholesale quantities;hardwood” means any tree belonging to the Angiosperm group of plants;honey” means honey, whether or not in combs, and includes pollen collected by a honey bee and any preparation or product consisting wholly or partly of honey;insect” means any live or dead invertebrate member of the animal kingdom (irrespective of the stage of its development), but does not include bona fide mounted insect collections or material intended solely for study;inspector” means an officer to whom the Minister of Agriculture has in writing either generally or specially, assigned any duty under this Act, and shall normally include the Chief Research Officer and Plant Pathologist of the Malkerns Research Station, officers designated by the Swaziland Sugar Association, and all customs officers, police officers and police inspectors;live stage” in relation to woodborer includes the imago (adult or beetle) egg, larva (worm) or pupa (chrysalis) stage;Minister” means the Minister responsible for Agriculture and Co-operatives;mushrooms” means non-poisonous edible fungi classified under the Agaricaceae and Polyporaceae;noxious weed” means any weed specified in the First Schedule to this Act, and any other plant which the Principal Secretary may declare by notice in the Gazette to be a noxious weed;nursery” means any premises where plants or mushrooms are produced for sale and are intended not for immediate consumption but for outside distribution and further growth;occupier” in relation to land or premises means the person who is the owner or lessee of the land or premises or otherwise has the right of management, care, control or use of the land or premises;owner” in relation to land or premises means—(i)the person in whose name the land is registered or, if such person is absent from Swaziland or his whereabouts are unknown, his agent, tenant, lessee or legal representative in the Kingdom of Swaziland;(ii)in the case of land under the control of a local authority, that local authority;owner” in relation to a nursery means the person in whose name the nursery is registered;plant” means any tree, shrub or vegetation, and includes the fruit, leaves, cuttings or bark of such a plant and any live portion of such a plant, whether severed from or attached to it, and any dead portion or any product of such a plant, but does not include the refined products of such a plant, unless the Minister has declared such product to be a plant;plant disease” means any infection from a fungus, bacterium, virus, mycoplasm, spiroplasm or other pathogen to which plants are subject;police officer” means a member of the Royal Swaziland Police;Principal Secretary” means the Principal Secretary of the Ministry responsible for Agriculture or any other person authorized by him under this Act;sell” includes offer, advertise, keep, display, dispatch, convey or deliver for sale or exchange, or dispose of for any consideration whatsoever, or dispatch, convey or deliver in pursuance of a sale, exchange or disposal as aforesaid;timber” means all wood contained in trees, whether standing, fallen or felled, and all wood whether sawn, split, hewn, planed or otherwise fashioned or processed;trader” means any person dealing in plants or plant products;weed inspector” means any person authorized by the Principal Secretary to perform the duties of an inspector under this Act, and shall further include the Principal Secretary or his delegate as chief weed inspector, all animal health inspectors and road inspectors;woodborer” means any insect, including termites and beetles, the nymph (or larva) and/or the imago (adult) stage of which bores into or feeds on wood.

Part II – Nursery registration, quarantine, plant disease and pest control

3. Nursery Registration Board, its composition and junctions

(1)There is hereby established a Nursery Registration Board (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”) which shall consist of—
(a)the Principal Secretary, who shall be the Chairman;
(b)the Director of Agriculture;
(c)the Chief Forestry Officer;
(d)the Chief Research Officer;
(e)the Curator of the National Herbarium;
(f)the Plant Pathologist;
(g)a representative of the Swaziland National Trust Commission.
(2)Subject to section 6 of this Act:
(a)Every person who is the owner or occupier of a nursery shall, within three months of the coming into operation of this Act, apply in writing for the registration of his nursery and thereafter, unless his registration is sooner revoked every person managing a registered nursery shall pay a prescribed annual fee before the 31st December in each year.
(b)Every person who intends to establish a nursery shall apply to the Board for registration of the nursery.
(3)All applications made under subsection (2) shall be accompanied by the prescribed fees and shall contain the following particulars:
(a)the full name and postal address of the owner or occupier;
(b)the full name and postal address of any person other than the occupier to whom communications in respect of the nursery are to be transmitted by the Principal Secretary;
(c)the exact situation of the nursery;
(d)the name under which this nursery is to be registered;
(e)the approximate area under cultivation for the purpose of the nursery;
(f)whether the proposed nursery is situated on freehold or Swazi Nation Land, and, in the latter case, whether the permission of the Chief has been sought and obtained;
(g)whether the applicant has previous experience of running a nursery;
(h)the proposed date of occupancy and commencement of business;
(i)the approximate quantity of the different descriptions of the nursery stock classified under the headings:
(i)Citrus fruit trees;
(ii)Deciduous and other fruit trees, including mangoes and guavas;
(iv)Forest and shade trees;
(v)Hedge plants;
(vi)Rose plants;
(vii)Hardy ornamental plants;
(viii)Greenhouse and other tender plants;
(x)Gramineae and pasture plants;
(xi)Other plants including indigenous flora;
(j)the approximate quantity of each class of plants in the nursery which are expected to be ready for disposal within twelve months from the date of the application and those which are not yet ready.

4. Cancellation of registration

If the Board is satisfied that an owner or occupier of a nursery
(a)has failed to comply with any condition to which the registration of the nursery is subject;
(b)has failed to carry out an order given under section 33;
(c)has lifted, removed or destroyed or has caused to be lifted, removed or destroyed, or has interfered with any dead or living plant in or from the quarantine area of the nursery; or
(d)is guilty of an offence in terms of section 49,
the Board may, on conviction of that person for an offence under this Act, cancel the registration in question.

5. Sale of plants

(1)No person shall sell any plant from a nursery unless—
(a)the nursery is registered under section 3 or has, under that section, been exempted from registration by the Principal Secretary either generally or specially by notice in the Gazette;
(b)the name and address of the nursery where it was grown, are legibly and durably affixed to the plant or the container in which it grows or is packed;
(c)the Plant Pathologist is satisfied that adequate phytosanitary treatment of plants and containers has been carried out, and that written evidence of this is available upon request.
(2)Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
(3)The Board may impose any further conditions it considers appropriate in registering a nursery or on the sale of plants from any nursery, whether such nursery is registered or not.

6. Exemption from registration

The provisions of section 3 shall not apply to premises whereon are grown only seedling transplants of garden flowers and vegetables, ferns, spineless cactus, cut flowers, sugarcane grown as seed cane for planting into commercial sugarcane fields by quota holders registered under the Swaziland Sugar Industry Agreement (1967), and to poles, fencing posts and other parts of plants that are evidently not intended to be sold on a regular commercial basis, and where the owner or occupier of the premises is not registered as a trader.

7. Inspection and quarantining of nurseries

(1)Any inspector may, at any time, enter upon any nursery or land adjacent thereto and inspect the same and the plants therein and take such steps as may be necessary to determine whether or not any insect pest or plant disease is present.
(2)If, upon any such inspection the inspector is satisfied that any plant is infected with an insect pest or plant disease, the Plant Pathologist may in writing, delivered or transmitted by post to the occupier, declare the whole or any special area thereof to be quarantined for a specified period.
(3)No person other than an inspector, shall, without a permit in writing from the Plant Pathologist, remove or cause to be removed any plant from a quarantined area of a nursery:Provided that a plant may, for the purpose of its destruction or treatment, be removed from any such quarantine area under such conditions or restrictions and to such place as the Principal Secretary may prescribe.
(4)No stake, peg, tag or other mark placed by or on the order of an inspector in or near a quarantine area shall be removed or otherwise interfered with without the permission of the Principal Secretary, and if the provisions of this subsection are contravened by any person, the person registered in respect of the nursery shall be deemed to be the contravener and shall be guilty of an offence unless he proves to the satisfaction of the court that he forbade the act or omission constituting the contravention.

8. Lifting of quarantine from a nursery

(1)If any area of a nursery is quarantined under section 7 for a specified period the owner or occupier may apply in writing to the Principal Secretary for the removal of the quarantine. The Principal Secretary shall cause a further inspection to be made and, if it is deemed expedient, the quarantine may be lifted by written notice which shall be delivered or transmitted by post to the owner or occupier.
(2)In respect of each application for inspection of a nursery under this section, the occupier shall pay to the Principal Secretary a fee of five emalangeni.

9. Quarantine of premises, other than a nursery

The Principal Secretary may, in writing, empower generally or specially any inspector to enter upon any land or building containing growing plants, other than a nursery and inspect whether upon these premises there is any insect pest or plant disease, and if any such inspector suspects or discovers upon such premises the existence of any insect pest or plant disease, he may by notice in writing to the owner or occupier of the premises, stating the nature of the pest or disease, declare the whole or any part of the premises to be quarantined for a specified period. The provisions of section 7(3) and (4), and sections 8, 10 and 11 shall mutatis mutandis apply to any area quarantined in terms of this section:Provided that when any quarantine has been imposed, the Principal Secretary may at any time cause a further inspection to be made within a period of four weeks, and may order the quarantine to be lifted.

10. Disinfection of plants

(1)The owner or occupier of a nursery shall, when required by written notice from the Principal Secretary, or inspector, permit the supervision of any premises and provide facilities, labour and chemicals for the disinfection of any plant immediately prior to despatch thereof from a nursery.
(2)Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of a notice under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

11. Destruction of plants

(1)The Principal Secretary may destroy, or order the destruction of any plant which is (a) in a nursery and is infected or liable to be infected with any insect pest or plant disease deemed by him to be specially dangerous; and (b) diseased or infected sugarcane as determined by the Swaziland Sugar Association to constitute a danger to the sugar industry in terms of clause 12(2) of the Swaziland Sugar Industry Agreement (1967), and in such locality, farm or part of a farm as may from time to time be identified by the Swaziland Sugar Association.
(2)If the occupier fails to comply with an order made by the Principal Secretary in terms of subsection (1) hereof, he shall be guilty of an offence. The Principal Secretary shall be entitled to take such steps as may be necessary to carry out the destruction as provided for herein and recover the cost thereof from the occupier.

Part III – Insects, plant diseases and alien animals in proclaimed area

12. Areas in which the cleansing or destruction of plants, insects and plant diseases and treatment and destruction of alien animals shall be compulsory

(1)If it is necessary that the cleansing or destruction of any plant infected with any insect or plant disease or the destruction of any alien animal be made compulsory in any area, the Principal Secretary may by notice in the Government Gazette declare that area to be an area in which the cleansing or destruction of plants infected with the insect or plant disease in question or the treatment or destruction of the alien animal in question, shall be compulsory for the owners and occupiers of land, premises and nurseries situated within that area, and may prescribe the method to be used in the cleansing or destruction of plants or tha treatment or destruction of any alien animal.
(2)The provisions of section 9 shall mutatis mutandis apply with reference to land or premises quarantined under this section.
(3)The Principal Secretary may from time to time and in like manner withdraw any notice issued under subsection (1) or suspend such notice for such period as he may deem fit or in relation to such portion of the area as he may specify.

13. Occupiers to carry out cleansing operations in proclaimed area

(1)Whenever an area has under section 12 been declared an area in which the cleansing or destruction of any plant or the destruction of any alien animal is compulsory, every occupier of land, premises and nurseries situated within that area shall carry out such cleansing operations or destruction as may be necessary for the eradication of the insect, plant diseases or alien animals referred to in the relevant notice.
(2)If the owner or occupier of land, premises or a nursery fails within the prescribed period to comply with the provisions of section 12(1) or section 31(2) hereof the Principal Secretary shall carry out such cleansing and destruction at the cost of the owner or occupier.

Part IV – Importation of plants, plant diseases, insects and alien animals

14. Prohibited material and material requiring a permit

(1)No person shall import into Swaziland any items listed in the First Schedule.
(2)No person, without a permit or otherwise in accordance with the conditions attached to a permit issued by the Principal Secretary or any other officer specially authorized by him for the purpose, shall import into Swaziland any items listed in the Second Schedule.

15. Material imported from South Africa (excluding that in transit from another territory)

(1)No person shall without a permit import into Swaziland any of the items listed in the Third Schedule.
(2)The items listed in the Fourth Schedule hereof may be imported into Swaziland without a permit provided that they are for personal use or consumption and not for sale.

16. Application for permits to import plants into Swaziland (See Sixth Schedule)

(1)An application for a plant import permit may be made to the Plant Pathologist in the Ministry of Agriculture or may be sent in writing to the Principal Secretary, and shall contain the following particulars:
(a)the full name, and residential address of the applicant;
(b)the name and address of the person from whom it is proposed to obtain the plants;
(c)the botanical names or the generally accepted popular names and the varietal names of the plants and the number of each variety which it is desired to import;
(d)the mode of consignment, whether by post or otherwise, and if not by post, the point of entry through which the plants are to be introduced into Swazi­land;
(e)a valid export permit from the country concerned if any endangered or pro­tected species are being exported from that country;
(f)a valid phytosanitary certificate when required, as well as additional docu­ments mentioned in the Schedules to this Act;
(g)the exact locality in Swaziland where it is proposed to grow the plants; and
(h)any other particulars which the Principal Secretary may require.
(2)The detailed conditions governing the importation of plants shall normally apply as set out in the Schedules, but the Plant Pathologist may use his discretion in their application.
(3)A plant import permit will normally cover a single entry but a multiple entry permit can be issued if desired. There will be no fee for this permit.
(4)A plant import permit for citrus material will only be issued after a separate permit has been issued by the Swaziland Citrus Board.
(5)In the case of importation of plants indigenous to Southern Africa, no plant import permit will be issued unless the application is accompanied by authority in writing by the Swaziland National Trust Commission. The importation or attempted importation of indigenous plants and those protected by the Convention on Internationally Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora without such permission from the Commission shall be an offence.

17. Entry and inspection of plants on arrival

(1)All importations shall be by post or rail or through—
(a)the inland points of entry of Bulembu (Josefsdal), Gege (Botha’s Hoop), Ingwavuma, Lavumisa (Gollel), Lomahasha, Mahamba, Mananga (Border­gate), Matsamo (Jeppe’s Reef), Mhlumeni (Goba), Ndlozane, Ngwenya (Oshoek), Ntsalitshe (Onverwacht-Pongola), Sandlane (Nerston), Sicunusa (Houdkop), Simomotfo (Waverley) and Sitsatsaweni.
(b)the Airport at Matsapha.
(2)When required as a condition stipulated on the plant import permit issued in terms of sections 14 and 15, the consignee shall deliver the plant or seed imported together with its wrappings or packing material immediately upon importation, to the Principal Secretary or to an officer nominated for this purpose by the Principal Secretary.
(3)The Principal Secretary upon delivery of a plant may—
(a)examine the plant together with its wrapping or packing material;
(b)cause the plant to be cleansed or disinfected at the expense of the importer if the presence of plant disease or plant pest thereon is established or reasonably suspected; and
(c)cause the plant to be destroyed if he considers any measures taken or to be taken under subsection (1)(b) hereof are or are likely to be ineffective and he deems the plant disease or plant pest to be dangerous.
(a)Phytosanitary certificates accompanying imports into Swaziland, together with any additional documents, shall be surrendered to the Swaziland Customs at the port of entry relating to the consignment and shall then be forwarded to the Plant Pathologist, Malkerns Research Station.
(b)All imports of plants shall be liable to inspection on arrival, whether or not accompanied by phytosanitary certificates.
(c)If plants are found to be unhealthy, or do not comply with import require­ments, the importer may be required to destroy them at his own expense, although treatment or re-export may be allowed in lieu thereof.

Part V – Exportation of plants and plant materials

18. Phytosanitary certificates

(1)A phytosanitary certificate may be required by the Government of a country outside Swaziland in respect of imported plants or plant material. Such a certificate may be obtained for plants originating in Swaziland upon application to the Plant Pathologist, Malkerns Research Station.
(2)Phytosanitary certificates shall bear no alterations or erasures.
(3)Any person who furnishes information for a phytosanitary certificate which he knows to be false in any material aspect shall be guilty of an offence.

19. Exportation of indigenous plants, for which a phytosanitary certificate shall be mandatory

(1)By the public. The onus shall be on the exporter to determine whether the mate­rial he wishes to export is protected or not under the Flora Protection Act (1952) or by any other law. Permission to export indigenous plants or plant materials including species covered by the Convention on Internationally Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora will only be given under exceptional circumstances, and then only with the permission of the Swaziland National Trust Commission established by the National Trust Commission Act of 1972. Failure on the part of the exporter to seek such permission will constitute an offence.
(2)By a state registered nursery. After application to the Board, the Board may grant permission to export indigenous plants. Such plants will normally be seeds or seedlings reared wholly at the nursery or, in the case of slow-growing or woody plants, be less than 100cm in height.
(3)Any person who removes an indigenous plant for gain from its natural habitat without written permission of the Swaziland National Trust Commission shall be guilty of an offence.
(4)No phytosanitary certificate shall be issued in respect of any indigenous plant unless the application is accompanied by authority in writing by the Swaziland National Trust Commission. Any officer of the Ministry of Agriculture who issues a permit for the export of indigenous plants without the necessary accompanying authority of the Swaziland National Trust Commission shall be guilty of an offence.
(5)Phytosanitary certificates for the export of citrus fruit will be issued by the Swaziland Citrus Board on receipt of written authorization from the Phytosanitary Inspector at the port of loading, in respect of each consignment exported.

Part VI – Control of mushroom industry

20. Handling of mushrooms

(1)No person shall, other than for personal use or consumption, without a permit:
(a)sell mushrooms;
(b)grow, collect, gather, pick, dehydrate, pack or can wild or cultivated mushrooms for sale; or
(c)export wild or cultivated mushrooms.
(2)The Minister may by regulations prohibit or control the importation of wild mushrooms.

21. Mushroom licence

(1)The Principal Secretary may on written application issue a licence permitting a person to do any or all of the matters referred to in section 20(1).
(2)A licence issued by the Principal Secretary shall be subject to such terms and conditions as he may determine, and without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, shall specify—
(a)the fee, if any, to be paid by the holder of such licence;
(b)the period of such licence;
(c)that the holder of the licence shall engage the services of, or be, a qualified toxicologist, with scientific knowledge of wild mushrooms, approved by the Principal Secretary, to be responsible for the protection of the public against the use and sale of any species of fungi which are poisonous or potentially dangerous or harmful;
(d)that any licence may be revoked by him in the event of the breach of any of the terms and conditions thereof.
(3)Any conditions imposed by the Principal Secretary in terms of this section shall be endorsed on the licence, but failure to endorse any condition on the licence shall not relieve the holder thereof from the obligation to observe such condition if he has been informed thereof by or on behalf of the Principal Secretary in writing.
(4)A licence issued under this section shall not be transferable.

Part VII – Noxious weeds

22. Weed inspectors

(1)The Principal Secretary shall appoint weed inspectors whose function shall be to ensure the protection of land from noxious weeds.
(2)A weed inspector may at all reasonable times enter upon any land, whether enclosed or not, for the purposes of ascertaining if any noxious weeds are present. Any weed inspector may also at all reasonable times enter upon any premises where any plant, seed, or grain is offered for sale and may take samples thereof.

23. Destruction of noxious weeds etc.

(1)It shall be the duty of every person to clear or cause to be cleared any noxious weed on the land in respect of which he is the owner or occupier and such person shall report the occurrence of any noxious weed to a weed inspector or to the nearest police station.
(2)If a weed inspector finds on any premises any plant, seed, or grain which is likely to propagate or spread the growth of noxious weeds, such plant, seed, or grain shall be treated by or at the expense of the owner or occupier in the manner prescribed by or to the satisfaction of the inspector, and if not so treated, or if such treatment be deemed ineffectual the Principal Secretary may order that such plant, seed, or grain be destroyed.

24. Clearance of land of noxious weeds

(1)An owner or occupier on whose land noxious weeds have been found shall be notified in writing by a weed inspector and shall be required to clear the land within a speci­fied period of time and any owner or occupier who fails to do so shall be guilty of an offence.
(2)If the owner or occupier fails to clear the land as aforesaid a weed inspector may upon receiving written authority from the Principal Secretary enter upon the land with or without assistants and eradicate the noxious weeds found thereon.

25. Offence to propagate noxious weeds

Any person who knowingly sells or offers or exposes for sale any plant, seed, or grain which is likely to propagate or spread the growth of noxious weeds shall be guilty of an offence.

Part VIII – Insect pests in timber

26. Sale or use of timber infested with woodborer

It shall be an offence for any person, without the permission in writing of the Principal Secretary to sell or otherwise dispose of or use for building or manufacturing any article or any timber which is attacked by or infested with any woodborer in any live stage.

27. Importation of timber infested with woodborer

It shall be an offence for any person without the permission in writing of the Principal Secretary to import into Swaziland—
(a)any timber, infested with any woodborer in any live stage or which has not had the bark completely removed;
(b)any used building timber.

28. Presence of infested timber to be reported

(1)Whenever there is upon any property any timber infested with any borer in any live stage, the owner of such property, or the person in possession or control of such property, shall immediately report the fact to the nearest local authority or member of the Royal Swazi­land Police, who shall forthwith inform the Principal Secretary.
(2)For the purposes of this section “property” means any Crown forest, private forest, or other land or any ship, vessel, vehicle, aircraft, building depot or place for storing, stacking, seasoning or working timber.

29. Destruction or disinfection of timber infested with wood borer

All timbers infested with any borer in any live stage shall either be destroyed or sub­jected to a disinfection treatment approved by the Principal Secretary.

Part IX – Control of brown & red locusts (including locusta pardalina, nomadacris septemfasciata)

30. Notification of appearance of flying locusts and nymphs and deposit of eggs

(1)An owner or occupier of land whereon flying locusts appear or have appeared, or whereon flying locusts are depositing or have deposited eggs or whereon any nymphs appear or have appeared, shall immediately notify an inspector.

31. Action to be taken on receipt of notice

(1)On receipt of a notice referred to in section 30, the person to whom the notice is given shall as soon as possible inform the Principal Secretary.
(2)The Principal Secretary may take such steps as may be necessary for the eradi­cation of any locusts or locust eggs on any land at Government expense.

Part X – Powers of inspectors

32. General powers of inspectors to enter on land

Every owner or occupier of land or premises shall permit an inspector, on production of his authority, to enter upon his land or premises to carry out any of the provisions of this Act.

33. Inspection and quarantining of land or premises, and impositions on owners and occupiers to eradicate insects, plants or plant diseases

(1)An inspector may, without any obligation to pay compensation, inspect any plant on any land or premises and remove any plant therefrom.
(2)If an inspector discovers at any nursery the presence of any insect, plant, plant disease or alien animal or reasonably suspects the presence thereof, or discovers upon any land or premises or nursery situated within an area with reference to which a notice under section 12 applies, the presence of any insect, plant disease or alien animal referred to in that notice or reasonably suspects the presence thereof on such land or premises, he may—
(a)by notice in writing served on the owner or occupier of the nursery or the land or premises, declare the whole of such nursery, land or premises or any specified portion thereof to be quarantined for a definite or an indefinite period; or
(b)by order in writing served on the owner or occupier of the nursery or the land or premises, require the occupier to carry out in the manner and within the time mentioned therein such measures as may be necessary for the purpose of eradicating or combating the insect, plant disease or alien animal, as the case may be.
(3)An inspector may, if he considers it necessary for the eradication of any insect or plant disease, by order under subsection (2)(b) require the occupier of the nursery or the land or premises in question to destroy, in the manner specified in the order, any plant growing in his nursery or on his land and to keep his nursery or his land free of any such plant for a period specified in the order:Provided that no order for the destruction of any plant shall be issued by an inspector without the prior approval of the Principal Secretary.
(4)No person shall, without the permission of an inspector, remove or otherwise interfere with any stake, peg, tag or other mark placed on the order of an inspector in or near a quarantined area.
(5)If the owner or occupier of any nursery or any land or premises quarantined under subsection (2) hereof is charged with a contravention of subsection (4) and it is proved that a stake, peg, tag or other mark placed by or on the order of an inspector was removed or otherwise interfered with, such owner or occupier, as the case may be, shall be presumed to have so removed or interfered with such stake, peg, tag or mark unless he proves that he forbade the act constituting the contravention.
(6)The provisions of section 9 shall mutatis mutandis apply with reference to land, premises or nursery quarantined under this section.

34. Method of serving notice or order

(1)A notice or order under section 33(2) shall be deemed to have been duly served on the owner or occupier of the nursery or the land or premises in question—
(a)when it has been handed to the owner or occupier personally; or
(b)when, in the absence of the owner or occupier, it has been—
(i)handed to his duly authorized representatives; or
(ii)sent by registered post to the last known place of residence of the owner or occupier, and has been known to be received by him.

35. Examination of plants on importation

(a)Any inspector may examine any plant imported into Swaziland together with the packing material or covering thereof, for the purpose of discovering whether it is infected with any insect or plant disease, and the consignee or his agent shall, at the request of’ an inspector, remove the coverings and afford the inspector every facility for conducting the examination.
(b)When an inspection in terms of this subsection is conducted outside the prescribed hours, a fee determined by the Principal Secretary may be payable.
(2)An inspector may cleanse, disinfect or otherwise treat or cause to be cleansed, disinfected or otherwise treated, in such manner as he may deem fit, any such plant which is so infected or which is suspected to be so infected, together with the packing material or covering thereof, and the consignee or his agent shall pay in respect thereof the fees and charges prescribed.
(3)An inspector may at his discretion either destroy, or cause to be destroyed, any material imported into Swaziland in contravention of sections 14 and 15, together with its container and the packing material or covering thereof, or permit the dispatch of such mate­rial, together with the packing material or covering thereof, at the expense of the consignee, to any other country, including the country of origin of such plant.
(4)If the cleaning, disinfection or treatment is carried out at a place specially pro­vided for the purpose, delivery of the plant shall not be made until the fees and charges pre­scribed have been paid.
(5)Any person to whom any plant imported into Swaziland has been consigned shall, when required by an inspector, furnish copies of his plant import permit, phytosanitary certificates if necessary, and other relevant certificates setting out—
(a)the name and address of the consignor;
(b)the number and the kind of packages;
(c)the names, quantities, varieties and grade marks of the plants in the consignment;
(d)the place of origin of each such plant; and
(e)the phytosanitary conditions required by the Principal Secretary in respect of such plant.
(6)If any plant not specified in the plant import permit and other certificates referred to in subsection (5) hereof is found in the consignment or is specified under a false or mis­leading name or description, the inspector may, subject to the approval of the Principal Secretary, cause the plant to be destroyed.

36. Examination of other importations

An inspector may examine any plant material or insects including honeybees, larvae or eggs, or any honey or beeswax, or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof, or any alien animal or any other article in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

37. Issue of clearance certificate

Whenever, in respect of any importation an inspector is satisfied that the provisions of this Act and the regulations have been complied with, he shall, at the request of the con­signee, deliver or transmit to him a certificate to that effect by means of endorsement on his plant import permit.

38. Inspection, or disinfection or destruction of plant diseases, insects, honey bees, honey, accessories, places of alien animals

(1)An inspector may—
(a)inspect any consignment reasonably suspected of containing any plant disease or insect, or any honey bee or its larvae or eggs, or any honey or beeswax, or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof, or any exotic animal or any other imported article;
(b)inspect any place where any plant disease or insect is located;
(c)inspect any place where honey bees or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof are located;
(d)inspect any honey or beeswax which is intended for sale;
(e)inspect any premises where any alien animal is located,
and may give such directions for the eradication or, as the case may be, the cleansing, disinfection or destruction of any such plant, disease, insect, honey bee or its larvae or eggs, honey, beeswax, beehive or its accessories or appliances, place or premises, as will secure the eradication or prevention of any plant disease, insect or bee disease, or may give such directives relating to the supervision or control of any alien animal as will prevent it from becoming dangerous or harmful:Provided that no directive for the destruction of any plant disease, bee, beehive or its accessories or appliances, or any place or premises, shall be given by an inspector without the prior approval of the Principal Secretary.
(2)If any person fails to carry out any directive referred to in subsection (1)(e) within the period stated herein, the Principal Secretary may, at the expense of that person, do all such acts as are reasonably necessary for securing the eradication or prevention of any plant disease, insect or bee disease in question, or, as the case may be, for the supervision or control of any alien animal in question.

39. Destruction of alien animals

The Principal Secretary may, in writing, empower any inspector to take such steps on any land or premises as may be necessary for destroying any alien animal which is dangerous or harmful, or may become dangerous or harmful.

40. Powers of officers or inspectors to trace and destroy locusts, nymphs or locust eggs

An inspector may enter upon any land for the purpose of making such investigations or taking such other action as is necessary or expedient for the purpose of tracing and destroying flying locusts, nymphs or locust eggs.

Part XI – Miscellaneous provisions

41. Exemptions

The provisions of sections, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39 and 40 shall not apply to National Parks and Nature Reserves but no plant from any nursery within such parks or reserves shall be released for export without the necessary phytosanitary requirements being fulfilled, as provided for in sections 18 and 19.

42. Compensation

The Minister may, in his discretion pay such compensation as he may deem reasonable in the circumstances, to the owner or occupier of any land or premises in respect of any plant or any honey bee or its larvae or eggs, or any honey or beeswax, or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof, or any alien animal destroyed, or any plant disease or insect eradicated.

43. Circumstances under which compensation not payable

No compensation shall be payable in the following circumstances:
(a)in respect of the cost incurred in connection with the destruction of any plant or any honey bee or its larvae or eggs, or any honey or beeswax, or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof, or any alien animal, or the eradication of any plant disease or insect, under the provisions of sections 7, 24, and 33;
(b)where the owner or, as the case may be, the occupier concerned, has failed to comply with any order or notice given in terms of this Act relating to the destruction or eradication referred to in paragraph (a);
(c)in respect of any loss of income in consequence of the destruction or eradi­cation referred to in paragraph (a);
(d)in respect of any plant destroyed in terms of section 11;
(e)in respect of any plant planted, cultivated, kept, sold, removed or imported in contravention of any provision of this Act;
(f)in respect of any plant which, due to contact with any plant referred to in paragraphs (d) and (e) is infected or which may have become infected with any insect or plant disease which the Principal Secretary considers to be dangerous;
(g)in respect of any destruction of any honey bee or its larvae or eggs, or any honey or beeswax, or any beehive or any accessories or appliances thereof, or any alien animal, or the eradication of any plant disease or insect imported or, as the case may be, kept, sold or removed in contravention of any provision of this Act.

44. Compensation in respect of injury, loss or destruction resulting from the exercise of powers under these Regulations

Save as is specially provided in this Act, no compensation shall be payable by the Government in respect of injury to or loss or destruction of any plant, alien animal or other article resulting from the exercise of any power under this Act.

45. Offence of obstructing inspectors

Any person who obstructs or hinders any inspector in the execution of his duties under this Act, or who fails to furnish to such inspector any information which he may lawfully require thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence.

46. Delegation of powers

(1)The Minister may delegate to the Principal Secretary or any inspector any of the powers conferred on him by this Act other than the powers referred to in section 48.
(2)The Principal Secretary may delegate to an inspector any of the powers con­ferred on him by this Act, other than the powers referred to in sections 11, 17(3)(c) and 39.

47. Appeal to Minister

(1)A person who is aggrieved by any decision or action by the Principal Secretary or any officer, inspector or a person specially appointed under this Act may, within thirty days appeal against such decision or action to the Minister.
(2)Notwithstanding the above, the decisions of the Principal Secretary re quaran­tine, disinfection and destruction of plant or animal material shall not be delayed pending the result of an appeal to the Minister.

48. Further regulations

(1)The Minister may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, prescribing—
(a)any matter which may be relevant under this Act;
(b)the manner in which and place at which any registration, inspection, disinfec­tion, clearing, eradication or destruction authorised under this Act shall be carried out;
(c)the conditions and restrictions governing the importation and keeping of plants, insects, plant diseases, honey bees, alien animals and anything whatsoever dealt with under this Act;
(d)the form of any licence, permit, certificate, application or notice under this Act;
(e)the standards and phytosanitary quality requirements with which plants that are for sale shall comply;
(f)the manner in which plants that are for sale shall be cultivated, grown, kept or sold, and the records which shall be kept of any plants cultivated, grown, kept or sold;
(g)the soil or material in the containers in which plants that are for sale shall be kept, and the manner in which soil or material shall be treated;
(h)the fees to be charged in respect of any matter with reference to which the charging of fees is authorised under this Act;
(i)generally any matter which he deems necessary to prescribe for the better achievement of the object and purposes of this Act.
(2)The Minister may amend any Schedule to this Act.

Part XII – Offences and penalties

49. Offences and penalties

(1)Any person who contravenes the provisions of sections 7(3), 7(4), 11(2), 14, 15, 16(5), 18(1), 19(1), 19(3), 19(4), 24, 35(7) and 38(2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding E500 or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months.
(2)Any person who contravenes the provisions of sections 5(1), 17(2), 20(1), 21(4), 23 29, 30(3), 33, and 44, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding E250 or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months.
(3)Any person who contravenes the provisions of sections 3(2)(a) and 10 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding E100 or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding forty days.


50. Repeal

The following laws and any other law made thereunder are hereby repealed:
(a)The Noxious Weeds Act, 1929;
(b)The Locust Destruction Act, 1924;
(c)The Importation of Bees Act, 1910;
(d)The Plant Protection Act, 1958; and
(e)The Wild Mushroom Control Order, 1973.

First Schedule (Sections 14(1))

Plants and living material which are prohibited

Ambrosia(Ambrosia spp)
Aquatic Plants, especially
 Water Fern(Salvinia molesta)
 Water hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes)
 Water lettuce(Pistia stratiotes)
 Water milfoil(Myriophyllum aquaticum)
 Water plantain(Alisma plantago)
Buffalo grass(Setaria chevalieri)
Bugweed(Solanum mauritianum)
Burweed(Xanthium spinosum)
Cocklebur(Xanthium strumarium)
Dagga, Insangu or Indian Hemp(Cannabis sativa)
Dodder(Cuscuta trifolii)
Fuller’s teasel(Dipsaca fulomum)
Hollyhock(Althaea rosea)
Jointed cactus(Opuntia aurantiaca)
(= O. pusilla)
(Opuntia rosea)
Khaki weed(Alternanthera echinata)
Lantana(Lantana camara)
Mauritius Thorn(Caesalpinia sepiaria)
Sesbania(Sesbania punicea)
Spear Thistle(Cnicus lanceolatus)
Malta Thistle(Centaurea melitensis)
Purple Star Thistle(Centaurea calcitrapa)
Yellow Thistle or St. Barnabas Thistle(Centaurea solsitialis)
Mexican Poppy or Scotch Thistle(Argemone mexicana and other spp.)
Spiny Hakea(Hakea tenuifolia)
Tussock Grass(Stipa trichotoma)
(= Nasella trichotoma)
Vegetable Alectra(Alectra spp.)
Wild cotton & relatives(Cienfugosia, Gossypium, Hibiscus etc.)
Witchweed(Striga spp.)
Other Noxious weeds 
N.B. The Minister under the terms of this Act may add to or delete further species as may be required.

Second Schedule (Section 14(2))

Plants and living material which require a permit.

This will be issued only if the conditions outlined elsewhere are satisfied
A.Citrus:Seed, budwood, whole plants, or fruit for sale. An extra permit must be obtained through the Swaziland Citrus Board. For fruit for private use (less than 20 kg) and candied citrus peel, see Fourth Schedule.
B.Rice:Whole plant or part or the plant, or seeds.
C.Sisal:Whole plant or part of the plant.
D.Sugarcane:Whole plant or part of the plant, or seeds.
E.Seeds:of Cotton, Lucerne, Tomato and Tobacco.
F.Seeds:intended for planting, and not for food, of the following:Maize, Sorghum, Barley, Oats, Millet, and Wheat.
G.Any cereals:or cereal products as defined in the Control of Cereals Act No. 28 of 1959, which require permission from the Principal Secretary.
H.Any honey, beeswax or used beehives or any used accessories thereof:or anything which has been used to contain or treat honey bees, honey or beeswax.
I.Any honey bee:or its larvae or eggs.
J.Any alien animal.
K.Any soil:including rock, sand, and other forms of earth or compost.
L.Any unspecified material not covered in this Schedule and in Schedules I, III and IV will require a permit.

Third Schedule (Section 15(1))

Plants and living material which require a permit, but will not normally be restricted if from the Republic of South Africa.

Unless these bear proof of origin from South Africa they will be subject to the detailed conditions prescribed by this Act
A.Assorted fruit and vegetables (excluding citrus), flowers either cut or in pots, and other material regularly sold by traders (florists and grocers) for profit:These may be admitted on a multiple entry permit for not more than one year provided the items and their source of origin in the Republic of South Africa are clearly listed in advance.
B.Seed Potatoes:These must be in bags carrying an RSA Government Plant Inspection service A or AA seal, issued by a plant inspector of the Government of the Republic of South Africa.
C.Any plant or parts thereof with special reference to the following:
1.Subtropical fruit and crops
 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
 Coconut (Cocos nucifera)Macadamia nuts
 Coffee (Coffea arabica)Palms (dates, oil etc.)
 Cola (Cola acuminata)Pepper (Piper spp.)
 Custard apple (Anona cherimola)Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)
 Ginger (Zingiber officinale)Tea (Thea sinensis)
 Capsicum (peppers and chillies)
 Yam (Dioscorea)
 Unmanufactured broomcorn derived from sorghum, whether fresh or dry, and any broom or brush or other article made in whole or part from sorghum.
 Chick pea (Cicer arietinum)
 Vetches (Vicia)
 Alternate hosts of pine rusts (see page 43 and 44)
 Chestnut (Castanea vulgaris and other spp.)
 Flax, New Zealand (Phormium tenax)
 Foreign bulbs — Narcissus, Crocus, Convalleria, Eremarus, Hyacinthus, Tulipa.
 Foreign Conifers
 Foreign Cycads
 Foreign Eucalyptus
 Foreign heathers (Erica)
 Foreign Malvaceae
 Foreign orchids
 Foreign Rosaceae including Rosa, Pyrus and other fruits
 Foreign Sisals (Agave, Fouquiera)
 Hazelnut (Corylus)
 Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
 Opuntia and other cacti, excluding jointed cactus (Schedule 1)
 Sundry rhizomes
6.Sundry imports
 Belladonna (Atropa belladonna and other spp.)
 Burdock (Arctium)
 Cassava (Manihot utilissima)
 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
 Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpum)
 Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
 Hops (Humulus sp.)
 Jute (Corchorus capsularis)
 Kiwi fruit (Actinidia)
 Persimmon (Diospyros)
 Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)
 Unmanufactured leaf tobacco
 Unmanufactured cotton lint and all kinds of unspun cotton excluding purified cotton wool.
 Vanilla (all spp.)

Fourth Schedule (Section 15(2))

Plants and living material which do not require a permit

These must be bought in the Republic of South Africa only, by private individuals for immediate use or consumption only and not for sale. Source of origin must be documented.
A.Any tree, shrub, herb, or vine, including ornamentals or plants bearing fruit, and soil, originating at a state registered nursery in the Republic of South Africa. These must be accompanied by proof of origin (nursery labels, invoices, receipts etc).
B.Assorted fruit and vegetables (including no more than 20kg citrus per person), and candied citrus peel.
C.Cut flowers, wreaths and herbaceous pot plants.

Fifth Schedule (Section 3(1))

Application for first registration and annual re-registration of a plant nursery.

This shall be accompanied by a fee of ten emalangeni. If application is successful, a further twenty emalangeni will be payable to complete registration. For re-registration five emalangeni shall be the entire amount payableI, the undersigned do hereby apply to the Nursery Registration Board in terms of section 3 of the Plant Control Act No. ____ of 1981 for the grant and registration of a Nursery.
1.Name of Applicant in fullAddress: ____________Nationality: ____________
2.Name of any agent acting for ApplicantAddress: ________________Nationality: ________________
3.Full name, postal and residential addresses of the owner of the land:
4.The exact situation of the NurseryIf it is a registered piece of ground, please state the title deed number and description thereof. If it is proposed to set it up on Swazi National Land, state the name of the Chief of the Area
5.The approximate extent of the proposed Nursery
6.A sketch-map drawn to scale of the proposed Nursery.
7.Is this freehold or Swazi Nation Land?
8.In the case of Swazi National Land has the permission of the Chief been sought and obtained?State the name of the Chief and his address
9.Name under which nursery is to be registered:
10.Date of intended occupancy and/or commencement of business
11.Please state—
(a)Approximate size of the capital that you are investing in the nursery
(b)Your bank references
(c)Any financial cover or insurance for the nursery
12.Previous experience in running a nursery, if any:
13.Specialization of nursery. Strike out that which does not apply:Forest trees/Fruit trees/Vegetables/Herbaceous garden plants/Ornamental trees and shrubs/All of these/Other (Specify)
14.Give the approximate quantity of the following nursery stock:
(a)Citrus fruit trees
(b)Deciduous and other Fruit trees including mangoes and guavas
(d)Forest and shade trees
(e)Hedge plants
(g)Hardy ornamentals
(h)Greenhouse and other tender plants
(j)Gramineae and pasture plants
(k)Other plants, including indigenous flora
(a)The approximate number of citrus trees in the nursery not expected to be ready for disposal within the next twelve months
(b)The approximate number of other trees in the nursery not expected to be ready for disposal
(a)The approximate number of citrus trees ready for disposal now
(b)The approximate number of other trees in the nursery ready for disposal now
I, the undersigned ________________ being the applicant/agent of the applicant for the grant and registration of the above mentioned licence, do hereby make oath and say that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above informa­tion is true and correct.____________________Name of ApplicantCopies to:—
(1)The Principal Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture
(2)The Director of Agriculture
(3)The Chief Forestry Officer
(4)The Chief Research Officer
(5)Curator National Herbarium
(6)The Plant Pathologist
(7)Swaziland National Trust Commission

Sixth Schedule (Section 16)

Form of plant import permit


Ministry of Agriculture

Permit for introduction of plants and plant products

Date ________ No. ________In terms of the Plant Control Act (1981), and subject to the conditions hereunder, permission is hereby granted to: ____________ of ____________ to import into Swaziland the undermentioned plants or plant products, namely:________________________________________________________________________to be supplied by ____________
Single entryMultiple entry
Port of entry __________________________All plant material must be accompanied by proof of origin (invoices, receipts, nursery labels etc.)Any phytosanitary certificate requested here must be sent to the Pathologist, Malkerns Research Station, Box 4, Malkerns.Special conditions:________________________________________________________________________The validity of this permit expires on ____________Copies to:
(1)Director of Agriculture
(2)Customs Officer
(4)Malkerns Research Station
(5)*Swaziland Citrus Board*As necessary
(6)*Swaziland National Trust Commission*As necessary
____________________________Director of Agriculture(Signature or official stamp)Further Notes

(Reverse of first page)

Citrus conditions

A.Any citrus material from the Republic of South Africa:An extra permit must be obtained from the Swaziland Citrus Board, Box 343, Mbabane. Fruit bought privately for personal use or consumption is exempt.
B.Citrus fruit for processing from Mozambique or the Republic of South Africa:
1.A citrus permit to be obtained as under A.
2.Fruit to be processed in a canning factory and not to be distributed elsewhere for any other purpose.
3.On arrival at Malkerns and without delay all fruit to be steam sterilised for a minimum period of 20 minutes. Under no circumstances should fruit be left unsterilised in the open.
4.Rail trucks and containers to be sterilised by dipping or spraying to run­off with a surface sterilising agent such as sodium or calcium hypochlorite, one of the quaternary ammonium compounds, or equivalent.
5.Seed germination to be destroyed by heat or other treatment.
6.Inspection of fruit and compliance with these conditions by authorised officers of the Ministry of Agriculture be facilitated at any time during the term of the period.
7.Each week’s consignment must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the veterinary authorities in the country of origin to the effect that the fruit is derived from a district(s) where foot and mouth disease has not existed for at least 3 months, and in which no regulations for the control of foot and mouth disease are in force immediately prior to the removal of the fruit.
8.Packing materials, if used, should exclude straw or other plant material.A plant import permit for citrus material will only be issued after a separate permit has been issued by the Swaziland Citrus Board.

Maize and maize products

Imports require an additional permit directly from the Principal Secretary.

Indigenous plants

Persons intending to obtain plants indigenous to Southern Africa from nurseries in the Republic of South Africa or elsewhere must first obtain authorization from the Swaziland National Trust Commission. Plants subject to restriction include (a) several trees and shrubs, e.g. Dracaena (screw-pine), Podocarpus (yellow-wood), Protea, and Spirostachys (tambuti); (b) ferns; (c) bulbous plants, e.g. Agapanthus, Brunswigia (candelabra plant) and Zantedeschia (arum lily); (d) orchids; and (e) miscellaneous plants such as aloes, waterlilies and Barberton daisies.

Seventh Schedule (Sections 18 & 19)


[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]

Eighth Schedule (Section 20, 21)


[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]

Ninth Schedule (Sections 14 - 16)

Detailed specifications on imports

Phytosanitary requirements for the importation of plants, plant portions and certain seeds into the Kingdom of Swaziland.The provisions of this Schedule shall not apply (unless specifically stated herein) if the plant material originates from a state registered nursery within the Republic of South Africa. Material in transit via the Republic shall not be exempt, however.In the case of plants and vegetative material, specific guidelines are laid down here; for seed, however it shall be understood that importation from a reputable commercial seed source within the Republic of South Africa is unrestricted except when specified.

Definition of terms:

1.Additional Declaration (AD):— The special conditions referred to on the plant import permit may necessitate an additional declaration applicable to the particular plant item to be imported that must be attached to the phytosanitary certificate (Pc).2.Declaration (D):— A sworn statement by the importer that the plant, plant portion, plant product or seed are imported for consumption or other purposes, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, such a plant or any portion thereof, will not be sold for planting purposes.3.Official Services Only:— A request may be sent to the Plant Pathologist, Malkerns Research Station and thence through official channels to the Department of Agricultural Services (Quarantine Section) of the Republic of South Africa for a small quantity of impor­ted material to receive the standard quarantine treatment, after which this can be released into Swaziland.4.Phytosanitary Certificate (Pc):— A certificate approved by the International Plant Protection Convention, 1951, and issued by the Department of Agriculture in the country of origin.5.Country of Origin: Country of origin means the country where the plants, etc. were grown.6.Plant Import Permit (PIP):— A permit issued in advance by the Ministry of Agricul­ture, Mbabane, for the introduction of plant material and related products.7.Prohibited (Pr):— Importation is forbidden to the public.8.Treatment (Tr):—An appropriate means of disinfection or de-infestation to be indica­ted on the PIP.(a)Fungicidal Treatment. Suggestions listed do not preclude others suitable.(b)Fumigation.(i)With Methyl bromide: plants etc. to be fumigated in a gas-tight chamber or under gas-tight tarpaulins at a dosage of 48g per lm² for 24 hours, or by using any other effective dosage or exposure time.(ii)With HCN: plants, etc. to be fumigated in a gas-tight chamber for 45 minutes using 30g sodium cyanide, & 35g sulphuric acid (66º Beaume, or above 93%) and 60 millilitres of water for every 6m³ for dormant plants, and in the case of plants with foliage for every 10m³.(iii)With Phostoxin (aluminium phosphide liberating phosphine gas): seed to be fumigated in a gas-tight container, or under gas-tight tarpaulins for a period of at least four days, using one two-gram tablet per cubic metre of ten tablets per ton of seed for an exposure time of 96 hours.Phostoxin tablets are prescribed in preference to methyl bromide for the fumigation of seed because phostoxin does not adversely affect germination when used at recommended dosages. Any effective fumigant other than phostoxin may be used however, and the appli­cation of any effective contact insecticide is also acceptable as an alternative to fumigation.9.Vegetative material:— Any living plant portion, e.g. bulbs, rhizomes, corms, suckers, runners, cuttings, grafts, scions, etc. which can be used for propagation, but excluding plants and seeds.10.Seed:— In the botanical sense of the term, or the dried fruits containing seed in certain cases.

Fruit and seed crops

1.Fruits in general and those not listed below15.Musaceae (Bananas, Plantain, Abaca spp. & Heliconia spp.)
2.Anacardiaceae (Mango & Cashew)16.Olive
3.Avocado17.Palms (Date & Oil)
4.Citrus18.Passion fruit (Grenadilla)
9.Custard apple23.Rosaceous Fruits (Apples & Pears, etc.)
10.Grape vine24.Rubus (Blackberry, Raspberry, etc.)
12.Kiwi Fruit26.Strawberry
14.Macadamia28.Tung Oil
1.Fruit & seed crops in general and those not listed below
 (a)From the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & NamibiaPIP. Freedom from insects & mites in general
 (b)Fruits from Asia E of 60º longitude, the Pacific Islands & other countries where Dacus dorsalis & Anastrepha ludens occurProhibited
 (c)Fruits from other countries and seed in generalPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from insects, mites and nematodes, and diseases due to vira, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Freedom from Conotrachelus mexicanus, Conotrachelus nenuphar (stone fruits), Ceratitis capitata, Cydia molesta, Eriosoma lanigerum, Hyphantria cunea, Poppilia japonica, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, Tomato ringspot virus. Seeds to be treated with suitable fungicide (e.g. Captan, copper oxychloride).
 Including Mangifera indica (Mango)Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) 
 (a)Plants and rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia.
PIP, Pc, AD freedom from Hemicriconemoides mangiferae and pests and diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative material and seed.PIP, Pc, Tr — with appropriate fumigant.
 (c)Fruit from Asia east of 60º longitude, Pacific islands and other countries where Dacus dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) and Anastrepha ludens occurProhibited.
 (d)Fruit from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from all stages of Trypetidae with specific reference to Dacus dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly), D. tryoni, Anastrepha fraterculus and A. mombinpraeoptans.
   Freedom from Melanops perseae, Sternochetus mangiferae (mango seed weevil): East & West Tropical Africa.
   Ceratitis catorii (Madagascarene fly): Malagasy & Mauritius.
   C. cosyra (Tropical fruit fly): Southern Africa.
   C. malagassa (Tropical fruit fly): Malagasy. Oligonychus mangiferus (spidermite): Mozambique, Mauritius, India, Pacific Islands.
   Heterobostrychus aequalis: Malagasy, Mauritius, Seychelles, Asia and Pacific Islands.
   Oligonychus biliariensis (spidermite): West Indies, Pacific Island and India.
   Eriophyes pyri (pear blister mite): Kenya, Rhodesia, Southern Africa.
   Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose Scale): Rhodesia, Congo, Southern Africa, North Africa. Freedom from virus diseases, especially from Mango bunchy top virus.
3.Avocado(Persea spp., including P. americana)
 (a)Plants and rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD —f reedom from diseases and pests listed below.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative material and seedOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from bacterial diseases and other diseases and pests listed below.
 (c)Fresh fruit
 (i) From Asia east of 60º longitude, the Pacific Islands and other countries where Dacus dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly) and Anastrepha ludens (Mexican fruit fly) occurProhibited.
 (ii) from other counriesPIP, P, AD — freedom from Avocado pear sunblotch virus, Cercospora purpurea, Phytophthora cinnamomi and other spp, fruit flies and other insects with specific reference to Dacus dorsalis, Dacus tryoni, Anastrepha ludens, A. mombinpraeoptans, Anuraphis persicae niger (black peach aphid), Oligonychus mangiferus (tetranychid mite), Ceroplastes ruisci (scale insect) and Rhagoletis spp. Freedom from insects and mites in general. Inspection on arrival and treatment if necessary.
(Also including ornamental Rutaceae)
N.B. A certificate from the Swaziland Citrus Board must be obtained for (a), (c), (e), (f), & (g)
 (a)Plants or rooted materialPr. from outside the Republic of South Africa.
PIP, Pc from within the Republic of South Africa. AD — freedom from Aceria sheldoni (citrus bud mite), Calacarus citrafolii (citrus grey mite), Dacus tsueonis, Eriophyes sheldoni, Hemitarsonemus latus (yellow tea mite), Lepidosaphes beckii, Panonychus citri (citrus red bud mite), Radopholus similis, Scaphytopius nitridus, Tylenchulus semipenet rans; Aleurocanthus spiniferus (orange spiny white fly), Aleurocanthus woglumi, Aphytes lepidosaphes (mussel scale), Aonidiella aurantii (red scale), Ceroplastes spp. (wax scale), Diaphorina citri (Oriental or Asian citrus psylla), Parlatoria citri (citrus red bud mite), Parlatoria oleae (olive scale), Toxoptera citricida (“tropical”, “oriental” “black” or “brown” citrus aphid), Trioza erytreae (South African citrus psylla); citrus greening disease, concentric ring blotch disease and other virus diseases including those due to Tristeza. C’achexia, Psorosis, Exocortis & Impietratura.
 (b)Vegetative material or clones that can be grown from seedProhibited
 (c)Vegetative material or clones that cannot be grown from seed, including ornamental RutaceaeOfficial Services only or by special request. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Xanthomonas citri and Citrus stubborn mycoplasma
 (d)Dead portions, fruit, unprocessed orange peel (excluding candied citrus peel)Pr. from countries where Xanthomonas citri (Bacterial canker) is known to occur. PIP, Pc.
 (e)SeedOutside the Republic of South Africa, PIP, Pc, AD: — freedom from Xanthomonas citri (Bacterial canker) and Citrus stubborn mycoplasma. Tr — Hydrogen peroxide (50% solution) for 10 min. or 8 Hydroxyquinolene sulphate (1% solution) 45 seconds immersion.
  (i) From countries where Xanthomonas citri, Dacus dorsalis, D. tryoni, Anastrepha fraterculus, A. ludens and A. mombinpraeoptans occurProhibited.
  (ii) From other countries including the the Republic of South Africa, destined for sale within SwazilandPIP, Pc, AD: — freedom of country of origin from Xanthomonas citri, Dacus dorsalis, D. tryoni, Anastrepha fraterculus, A. ludens and A. mombinpraeoptans. Freedom of fruit from insects and mites. Tr. if necessary.
 (g)Fruit for processingPIP, Pc., AD as above. Other conditions:—(1)fruit to be processed in a canning factory and not to be distributed elsewhere for any purpose.(2)All fruit and containers to be sterilized. AD — freedom from foot and mouth disease, from the Veterinary Department of the country of origin.(3)Packing material to exclude straw and any other plant material.
 (h)Ground peelPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of country of origin from Xanthomonas citri.
 (i)Citrons from Israel for Jewish religious occasions, citrus peel(1)Fruit to be disinfected on arrival by immersion in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.(2)Fruit to be destroyed after use in the presence of a plant inspector.
 (j)Fruit for immediate consumption, & candied citrus peel from the Republic of South Africa onlyTwo bags (20kg) per person, unrestricted.
5.Cocoa(Theobroma cacao and other spp.) 
 (a)Plants, dead portions and fruit for other purposes than consumption or propagationProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases below.
 (b)Fruit for consumptionUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Marasmius perniciosus and Monilia roreri. D.
 (c)Vegetative propagation material 
  (i) From South American States, the West Indies and all countries where Marasmius perniciosus and Monilia roreri occurProhibited
  (ii) From other countriesOfficial Services only, PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Cacao swollen shoot virus, Phytophthora palmivora and Ceratocystis fimbriata. Declaration that Marasmius perniciosus and Monilia roreri do not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Distantiella theobromae and Planococcoides njalensis (of restricted distribution in Africa).
 (d)Seed and fruit for plantingOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — that parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Marasmius perniciosus, Monilia roreri, Ceratocystis fimbriata, Phytophthora palmivora and Cacao swollen shoot virus. Tr with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant e.g. Captan (60g/45kg seed) and Phostoxin.
 (e)Seed or related genera from other countries.PIP, Pc, AD, Tr with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
6.CoconutCocos (all species) & specifically Arecacastrum romanzoffianum, C. nucifera, C. weddelliana, C. romanzoffianum, Syagrus spp. 
 (a)Plants, unrooted vegetative material outside the Republic of South AfricaPr. or Official Services only. In the latter case PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from red ring disease (Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus, (Rhyncophorus palmarum)), Cadang-cadang, Root wilt, lethal yellowing, leaf scorch, Timangaja disease, Bronze leaf wilt, Bristle top disease (Guam disease); and Phytophthora palmivora. Treatment — an appropriate fungicide upon arrival.
 (b)Seed for propagation 
  (i) From countries where the following diseases occur: Red ring disease caused by Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Rhyncophorus palmarum), Cadang-cadang, Root wilt, Lethal yellowing, leaf scorch, Timangaja disease, Bronze leaf wilt, Bristle top disease (Guam disease)Prohibited
 (b)Seed from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD—that the following diseases do not occur in the country of origin: Red ring disease caused by Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Rhyncophorus palmarum), Cadang-cadang, Root wilt, Lethal yellowing, Leaf scorch, Timangaja disease, Bronze leaf wilt, Bristle top disease (Guam disease). Declaration of freedom of seeds from Phytophthora palmivora. Tr.— with 50% hydrogen peroxide or in 1% hydroxyquinoline for 45 seconds — Fumigation with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin.
 (c)Coconuts for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of country of origin from the nematode Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus. Tr. — fumigation with methyl bromide. Declaration.
 (All species of Coffea, including C. arabica) 
 (a)Plants, berries and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ceroplastes luteolus, C. rubens, Diarthrothrips coffeae, Geococcus coffeae, Hypanthenemus hampei, Leucoptera coffeella, L. meyricki, Meloidogyne coffeicola, Pellicularia koleroga, Planococcus kenyae, Pratylenchus coffeae, Stephanoderes hampei & Xylosandrus morigerus.
 (b)Seed for planting from other countries, including African countriesOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD.— Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from virus diseases, Colletotrichum coffeanum, Pellicularia koloroga and Pseudomonas garceae.
 (c)Commercial coffee (including Green coffee)Unrestricted.
8.Cola(Cola acuminata & Cola spp.) 
 (a)Rooted plantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests & diseases below.
 (b)Unrooted material from the African ContinentPIP, Pc, AD that parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Cacao swollen shoot virus. Freedom from Balanogastris colac (Cola weevil).
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin.
9.Custard apple (Cherimoya)(Anona cherimola) 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phomopsis anonae, Phytophthora palmivora and Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum.
10.Grapevine (Vitis spp.) 
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Lobesia botrana (vine moth) and downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)
 (b)Dead portions excluding seed, juice and wine
 (c)Unrooted propagation material from countries where Pierce’s disease occurs
 (d)Unrooted propagation material from other countriesOfficial Services only. PIP. Pc, AD — freedom from Exosporium sultanae, Phomopsis viticola, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Grapevine flavescence doree, Physopella ampelopsidis (rust), Coniella diplodiella (white rot), Alfalfa dwarf virus and Arabis mosaic virus, Peach rosette mosaic virus and Tomato black ring virus. Declaration that Pierce’s disease, Viteus vitrifolii (Phylloxera) and Xanthomonas ampelina do not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Lobesia botrana (vine moth), Aleurocanthus woglumi, Brevipalpus lewisi, Erythroneura comes, Eupoecilia ambiguella, Fidia viticida, Paramyelois transitella and downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola).
 (e)Fruit from Asia east of 60º longitude and countries where Dacus dorsalis and Anastrepha fraterculus occurProhibited
 (f)Fruit from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from all species of fruit fly. Declaration that Coniella diplodiella and Guignardia bidwelli do not occur in the area of production. Freedom from Guignardia citricarpa.
 (g)SeedOfficial services, PIP, Pc, Tr — if required.
11.Guava(Psidium guajava) 
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Namibia.
   PIP, Pc AD — freedom from pests & diseases below.
 (b)Plant material from IndiaProhibited.
 (c)Unrooted material from elsewherePIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Anastrepha fraterculus, Gloeosporium psidii, Glomerella psidii, Hendersonula toruloidea, Pestalotia psidii & Puccinia psidii.
12.Kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry(Actinidia chinensis) 
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative material & fruitPIP, Pc, Official services only.
13.Litchi(Litchi chinenis) 
 (a)Plants or rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases below.
 (b)Unrooted material outside the Republic of South AfricaOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Ceuthospora litchii (Leaf curl) and Clitocybe tabescens (Mushroom root rot).
 (c)Fruit outside the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD on freedom from all living stages Trypetidae with specific reference to Dacus dorsalis, D. tryoni, Anastrepha fraterculus, A. mombinpraeoptans, and A. ludens. Fruit to be free from other insects and mites. Inspection on arrival and treatment if necessary.
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phytophthora cinnamomi and other spp.
 (b)Unrooted material outside the Republic of South AfricaOfficial Services only, PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phytophthora cinnamomi and other spp. Tr — Fumigation and treatment with an appropriate fungicide upon arrival.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin.
15.Musaceae (including Banana, Plantain, Abaca, Ensete and Heliconia) 
 (a)(i) Plant material from countries where Pseudomonas solanacearum — banana race (Moko disease), Xanthomonas celebensis (Blood disease), Pseudomonas maublanci (Black bud rot), Mycosphaerella fijiensis (Black leaf streak), M. musicola (Sigatoka disease), and the nematode Radopholus simiis occurProhibited
  (ii) Plant material from other countries.PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Heliocotylenchus multicinctus, Stephanitis typica and the virus diseases Banana bunchy top and Abaca mosaic virus. Declaration that the nematode Radopholus similis and the pathogens Pseudomonas solanacearum (Banana race), Ps. maublanci, Xanthomonas celebensis and Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola do not occur in the country of origin. Declaration that Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, (Panama disease) & Erwinia carotovora f. sp. musae (Bacterial rhizome rot) do not occur in the area of production. Declaration that plant material is free from nematodes belonging to the genera Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus.
 (b)Fruit from outside the African ContinentPIP, Pc.
 (c)Fruit from African countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of fruit from insect and mite infestations with special reference to Trypetidae (Fruit flies) and Diaspididae (Scale insects). Inspection and treatment if necessary upon arrival.
 (d)Dead portions, fibre, packing materialProhibited
 (e)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — an appropriate fungicide and fumigant e.g. Captan (60g/45kg seed) and Phostoxin.
16.Olive(Olea spp.) 
 (a)Plants & vegetative materialUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Nambia. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Pseudomonas savastanoi and Parlatoria oleae.
 (c)Fruit from Asia E of 60° longitude, the Pacific Islands and all countries where Dacus dorsalis or Anastrepha ludens occur.Prohibited.
 (d)Fruit from the Republic of South AfricaUnrestricted
 (e)Fruit from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from fruit flies Anastrepha ludens, A. mombinpraeoptans, Dacus tryoni. Freedom from mites. Inspection on arrival & treatment if necessary.
17.Palms (Excluding Coconut palms, above) Dates, Oil palm, etc. (Phoenix dactylifera, Acrocomia intremescens, Oreodoxa regia and Elaeis spp. 
 (a)Plant material and seed 
  (i) from countries where Red ring disease or the causal agent Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Rhyncophora palmarum) occursProhibited.
  (ii) Plant material or seed from other countriesOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Red ring disease caused by Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Rhyncophora palmarum) does not occur in the country of origin. Declaration that the disease casused by Mauginiella scattae and Marasmius palmivora do not occur in the area of production. Freedom from Calconycles catori, Coelomenodera elaeidis, Fusarium oxysporum, f. sp. albedinis, Melithomma insulare, Oligonychus pratensis, Parlatoria blanchardii, Pseudococcus nipae and Pseudotheraptus wayi.
  (iii) Processed dates for consumptionUnrestricted.
18.Passion fruit (Grenadilla) (Passiflora species) 
 (a)Plants and rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Colletotrichum gloeosporoides (stem anthracnose) & Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV).
 (b)Unrooted vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases above.
19.Pawpaw(Carica papaya) 
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited outside the Republic of South Africa on account of the virus diseases due to Papaya distortion ringspot virus, Papaya leaf curl, Papaya mosaic and Papaya yellow crinkle, as well as Phytophthara palmivora. From the Republic of South Africa: PIP, Pc. AD — freedom from diseases listed above and from Asperosporium caricae.
20.Pecan (Carya spp.) 
 (a)Plants and rooted materialRestricted except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia, PIP, Pc, AD – freedom from pests & diseases below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Microsphaera alni (Powdery mildew) and Pellicularia koleroga (thread blight). Mother plants to be inspected during active growth and found free from Shuck die-back disease and navel orange moth (Paramyelois transitella).
 (c)Seed (Nuts) 
  (i) processed for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Paramyelois transitella unless from the Republic of South Africa.
  (ii) unprocessedPIP, Pc, Inspection upon arrival and fumigation if necessary.
21.Persimmon (Diospyros spp.) 
 (a)Rooted plant material outside the Republic of South AfricaProhibited on account of susceptibility to Radopholus similis and Trophotylenchulus florodensis.
 (b)Unrooted plant material 
  (i) From countries where Cephalosporium diospyri occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPlP, Pc, AD — Cephalosporium diospyri (Persimmon wilt) does not occur in the country of origin. Tr — with an appropriate fumigant.
 (c)Seed and Fruit 
  (i) From countries where Cephalosporium diospyri occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesUnrestricted.
22.Pineapple(Ananas comosus) 
 (a)Rooted materialProhibited
 (b)Unrooted vegetative materialOfficial Services only, except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from mites, nematodes, insects, especially Diaspis bromeliae (pineapple scale), bacterial & virus diseases, especially Tomato spotted wilt, Erwinia ananas, Phytomonas ananas, Fusarium spp., and Phytophthora spp. including P. cinnamomi, P. palmivora & P. parasitica. Tr with appropriate fumigant if necessary.
  (i) From Asia east of 60º longitude, the Pacific Islands and all countries where Dacus dorsalis ooccursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from all living stages of Trypetidae with specific reference to Dacus dorsalis, D. tryoni, Anastrepha ludens, A. mombinpraeoptans and A. fraterculus. Freedom from insects & mites. Inspection on arrival and treatment if necessary.
23.Rosaceous Fruit (Fresh and Unprocessed; apples, apricots, cherries, peaches, pears, plums, quinces) 
 Importation from all countries subject to specific phytosanitary requirements:—Freedom from Carpocapsa pomonella (codling moth), Carposina nipponensis, Dacus zonatus, Grapholitha prunivora, Hemitarsonemus latus (yellow tea mite), fruit flies especially Rhagoletis pomonella (apple maggot), cherry fruit flies (R. cerasi, R. cingulata, R. fausta), Tachypterellus quadrigibbus, Anastrepha fraterculus, Dacus tryoni (Queensland fruit fly), other insects and mites. Inspection on arrival and treatment if necessary.
 (a)Apples from CanadaPIP, Pc, AD —(a)Fruit to be found free from all live phytophagous mites, injurious insects and/or their eggs, of species not recorded in Southern Africa, except the pear rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali.(b)Fruit to be obtained from orchards free of fireblight (Erwinia amylovora).(c)Fruit to be treated with an appropriate bactericide.(d)Fruit to be of a good quality and from cultivars highly resistant to E. amylovora.(e)Fruit not to arrive in Swaziland before 5th November of any year.(f)Fruit to be packed in new containers.
 (b)Apples from FrancePIP, Pc, AD —(a)Fruit to be free from all live phytophagous mites, injurious insects and/or their eggs, of species not recorded in Southern Africa, except the pear rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali.(b)Fruit to be obtained from orchards in areas south of 48º N latitude.(c)Fruit to be dipped post-harvest in an appropriate fungicide.(d)Fruit to be obtained from cultivars resistant to Nectria galligena.(e)Fruit to be packed in new containers.
 (c)Apples from BritainPIP, Pc, AD—(a)Fruit to be free from all live phytophagous mites, injurious insects and/or their eggs, of species not recorded in Southern Africa, except the pear rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali.(b)Fruit to be obtained from orchards free from fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) and from cultivars resistant to Nectria galligena.(c)Fruit to be treated with an appropriate bactericide.(d)Fruit to be dipped post-harvest in the appropriate fungicide.(e)Fruit to be of good quality and free of rot upon arrival.(f)Fruit not to arrive in Swaziland before November 5th of any year.(g)Fruit to be packed in new containers.
 (d)Pear from FrancePIP, Pc, AD—(a)Fruit to be free from live insects and/or their eggs or immature stages with specific reference to Psylla pyricola and Aphanostigma piri; and that the orchards from which the fruit were taken have been certified to be free of these pests.(b)Fruit to be free from live phytophagous mites and/or their eggs, of species not recorded in South Africa, except the pear rust mite, Aculus schlechtendali. Freedom especially from Eriophyes pyri (pear blister mite).(c)Fruit to be obtained from orchards in areas south of 48ºN latitude and known to be free from fire blight (Erwinia amylovora).(d)Fruit to be packed in new containers.
 (e)Miscellaneous, from South East and East Asia east of 60º longitude, the Pacific Islands or other countries where Dacus dorsalis or Anastrepha ludens occurProhibited.
24.Rubus spp. (Blackberry = R. fruticosus Loganberry = hybrid, Raspberry = R. idaeus, Youngberry, etc.) 
 (a)Whole plants and cuttingsUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa. PIP. From elsewhere: PIP, Pc, AD —parent plants were found free of Erwinia amylovora, bacteria & viral diseases. Material to be rooted in sterilized medium. Freedom from live insects and mites, Hamaspora longissima, Synchytrium endobioticum, Peronospora rubi and diseases listed below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Blackberry dwarf virus, Raspberry leaf curl virus (American), Raspberry ringspot virus, Erwinia amylovora & Peronospora rubi.
25.Sesame (Sesamum indicum) 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Cercospora sesami, Drechslera sesami, and Macrophomina phaseolina. Treatment with an appropriate fumigant and fungicide.
26.Strawberry(Fragaria vesca) 
 (a)Plants & FruitUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Corynebacterium fascians, Phytophthora fragariae, Xanthomonas fragariae, Green petal virus disease, Acleris comariana (strawberry tortrix), Anthonomus signatus (strawberry weevil), Aphelenchoides besseyi, Aphelenchoides fragariae, Aphis forbesii, Harpalus rufipes, Pterostichus madidus, Synanthedon bibiopennis, and Strawberry vein bending virus.
27.Sunflower(Helianthus annuus) 
 (a)Plants, vegetative material, dead portions and tubers for propagationProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Seed for propagation from 
  (i) countries where seed-borne Helianthus mosaic virus occurs (Brazil, Argentina, Uganda, USSR)Prohibited.
  (ii) from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — seed-borne Helicanthus virus does not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Plasmopara halstedii, Phoma oleracea var. helianthi tuberosi, Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas helianthi. Tr. — appropriate fungicide & fumigant.
 (c)Seed and tubers for consumption 
  (i) From countries where seed-borne Helianthus mosaic virus occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Seed-borne Helianthus mosaic virus does not occur in country of origin.
28.Tung Oil Tree (Aleurites cordata, A. fordii & Aleurites spp.) 
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Pseudomonas aleuritidis, Phytophthora palmivora and Septobasidium aleuritidis. Tr — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
29.Walnut (Juglans spp.) 
 (a)Plants and rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative materialOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Erwinia rubrifaciens, Xanthomonas juglandis, Paramyelois transitella (navel orange moth), Datana integerrima, & Rhagoletis completa.
  (i) processed for consumptionUnrestricted.
  (ii) unprocessedPIP, Pc, Inspection upon arrival and fumigation if necessary

Vegetables & spices

1.Vegetables and spices in general and those not listed below
2.Allium spp. (onion, garlic, shallot)
7.Capsicum spp. (peppers & chillies)
9.Cassava & Tapioca
12.Cucurbits (pumpkin, squash, cucumber, ete)
14.Ginger, Arrowroot & Turmeric
22.Solanum (potato & eggfruit)
24.Sweet potato
1.Vegetables and spices in general and those not listed below 
 (a)From the Republic of South Africa onlyPIP.
Freedom from insect and nematode pests, viruses, bacteria and fungi.
 (b)From countries where the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) occursProhibited.
 (c)From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD as deemed necessary. Freedom from Anomala orientalis, Poppilia japonica & Tomato ringspot virus.
 (d)SeedUnrestricted only if from a reputable seed source. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from relevant viruses, bacteria fungi and plant pests.
2.Allium (all species excluding ornamentals - garlic, leeks, onions, shallots, etc.) 
 (a)Plants and dead portions

Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Petrobia latens & Thrips tabaci.
 (b)Vegetable material of species which can be grown from seed
 (c)Vegetative material of species which cannot be grown from seed, viz. shallots, garlic. etc. 
  (i) From countries where Urocystis cepulae (Onion smut) occursProhibited
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Urocystis cepulae (Onion smut) does not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Onion yellow dwarf virus & Puccinia asparagi (Asparagus rust). Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. destructor, Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus & Heterodera spp. Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) must not occur in the immediate area of production. Freedom from Acrolepis assectella, (leek moth), Petrobia latens and Thrips tabaci. Consignment to be free from soil and dead vegetative material.
 (d)Vegetative material for consumption or processingPIP, Pc, AD — Onion smut (Urocystis cepulae) does not occur in the country of origin. Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) does not occur in the area of production.
   Freedom from Puccinia asparagi (Asparagus rust). Freedom from nematodes, especially Ditylenchus dtpsaci, D. destructor, Heterodera spp. & Pratylenchus coffeae. Freedom from the wheat curl mite (Eriophyes (Aceria) tulipae) and from all living stages of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), Petrobia and Thrips, or must have had fumigation with methyl bromide. Consignment to be free of soil.
 (e)Garlic for consumptionPIP, Pc.
 (f)SeedPIP, Pc, AD:- Seed is free from Ditylenchus dipsaci naturally or by treatment. Tr. — Appropriate fungicide treatment against spores of Urocystis cepulae e.g. Ceresan M.
 (a)Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) 
  (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
  (b)Seed for cultivation: 
  (i) From countries where the seed-borne Helianthus mosaic virus occurs (Argentina, Brazil, Uganda, USSR)Prohibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Seedborne Helianthus mosaic virus does not occur in the country of origin. Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Plasmopara halstedii, Phoma oleracea var. helianthi tuberosi, Pseudomonas cichorii and Pseudomonas helianthi. Tr — with an appropriate fungicide & fumigant.
  (c)Tubers for consumption. 
  (i) From countries where Helianthus mosaic virus occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Helianthus mosaic virus does not occur in the country of origin.
 (b)Globe artichoke (Cynara scolymaus & other Cynara spp). 
  (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited.
  (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with special reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci, Meloidogyne spp., Radopholus similis and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Freedom of mother plants from virus diseases with specific reference to Artichoke curly dwarf virus, Artichoke latent virus, Artichoke mosaic virus and Artichoke mottled crinkle virus.
  (i) From the U.S.APIP, Pc, AD — parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free of Artichoke curly dwarf virus.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Artichoke curly dwarf virus.
 (d)Tubers for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Artichoke curly dwarf virus.
 (a)Plant material excluding preserved productsProhibited, except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests & diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation material 
  (i) From countries where Asparagus latent virus occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of country of origin from Asparagus latent virus. Freedom from Corynebacterium fascians, Cercospora asparagi, Phoma asparagi, and Puccinia asparagi. Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci, Meloidogyne spp., Radopholus similis & Pratylenchus spp. Tr — with an appropriate fungicide.
  (i) From countries where Asparagus latent virus occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of country of origin from Asparagus latent virus.
5.Beetroot (Beta spp.) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — as below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Beet curly top virus, Beet leaf curl virus, Tomato black ring virus, Corynebacterium betae, Pseudomonas aptata, Peronospora schachtii, Phoma betae. Treatment with an appropriate fungicide.
6.Brassica spp. (Cabbage, Cauliflower etc.) 
 (a)Plant material except seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Erwinia carorotovora, Xanthomonas campestris and Leptosphaeria maculans (syn. Phoma lingam), Hallula phidilealis, Hylemyia brassicae, Trichoplusia ni and Pieris spp. Tr. Sodium Hypochlorite against Xanthomonas campestris, Thiram or thiabendazole against Leptosphaeria maculans. General Tr: Hot/Cold water (max. 500C) for 20 minutes.
 (c)Seed for consumptionPIP.
7.Capsicum spp.(Peppers and chillies) 
 (a)Rooted plantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Dried material for processing or consumptionUnrestricted from areas above. Otherwise PIP, Pc.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Diaporthe phaseolorum, Pseudomonas solanacearum, Xanthomonas vesicatoria and Phytophthora capsici. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide.
8.Carrot (Daucus carota). 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Alternaria radicina.
   Certificate of or a Thiram soak treatment (2% aqueous solution for 24 hours at 300C).
9.Cassava, Sweet & Bitter & Tapioca(Manihot aipi, M. esculenta, M. utilissima) 
 (a)Plants and dead portionsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases listed below.
 (b)Vegetative material for propagation 
  (i) From countries where Cassava brown streak virus occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countries except the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD — Cassava brown streak virus does not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Aonidomytilus albus, Cassava mosaic virus and diseases caused by Xanthomonas manihotis, X. cassavae, Cercospora henningsi & other spp., Microsphaera and Uromyces spp. In the case of rooted material:- Freedom from Ditylenchus dipsaci, Pratylenchus coffeae and Rotylenchus reniformis.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc. Tr — appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (d)Products for consumption 
  (i) which can be used for propagationAs for (b)(ii).
  (ii) Processed productsUnrestricted.
10.Celery & Dill(Apium spp., Peucedanum spp.) 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP. Pc. AD as below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants to be inspected during active growth and found free from Pseudomonas cichorii and Septoria apii — or hot water treatment (30 minutes at 48º). If first declaration cannot be given, alternatively treat with thiram or thiabendazole.
11.Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) 
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr with an appropriate fungicide. (e.g. Captan) and fumigant.
12.Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis, Cucurbita spp. and Lagenaria);Calabash, Canteloupe, Cucumber, Gherkins, Gourds, Melons, Muskmelons, Pumpkins, Sikay, Squash, etc. 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Seed(i) excluding muskmelonPIP, Pc, AD that parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from visual mosaic infection, (Cucumber green mottle virus, Melon mosaic virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus). Freedom from Dacus cucurbitae (melon fruit fly), Mylopandalis pandalina (Baluchian melon fly) and Choanephora cucurbitarum.
   (ii) of muskmelonPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from the above and from Muskmelon necrotic spot virus
   (iii) for consumption onlyPIP
13.Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum — graecum) 
 (a)Rooted plants & vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa.
 (b)SeedUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa, otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Cercospora transveisina.
 (c)Seed and dried material for consumption and medicinal use only.Unrestricted.
14.Ginger, Arrowroot and Turmeric (Zingiber officinale and Curcuma spp.) 
 (a)Plant material for propagation or consumption (excluding dried or processed ginger) 
  (i) From the Republic of South AfricaUnrestricted PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases listed below.
  (ii) Vegetative material from countries outside the Republic of South Africa.PIP, Pc. AD — freedom from Fusarium oxysporum var. zingiberi, Phyllosticta zingiberi, Meloidogyne spp. and the stemborer Opogena sacchari. (In the case of rhizomes the above-mentioned declaration to be based upon an inspection during active growth.) Declaration that Pseudomonas solanacearum Race IV and the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis do not occur in the country of origin.
 (b)Green ginger for consumption from countries outside the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of country of origin from Pseudomonas solanacearum Race IV and the burrowing nematode Radopholus simiils. Inspection and fumigation with methyl bromide upon arrival. Declaration.
 (c)Dry ginger and processed gingerUnrestricted.
15.Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Lactuca mosaic virus. The level of infection with this virus in the seed shall not exceed 0.1 % on mosaic indexing or alternatively, not more than 2% visible infection in the field. Freedom from Erwinia carotovora & Bremia lactucae.
16.Mint (Mentlha piperita) 
 (a)Vegetative propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — parent plants were inspected in the field during active growth and found free of wilt (Verticillium dahliae) and black stem rot (Phoma strasseri).
17.Parsnip (Pastinaca satira) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
18.Pepper (Piper nigrum, P. auritum) 
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Anthonomis eugenii (pepper weevil), Spilographa electa, Phytophthora palmivora and Pellicularia koleroga.
 (c)Dried pepper for consumption or processingUnrestricted.
19.Radish (Raphanus sativus) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
  (i) From USAPlP, Pc, AD — freedom from Alternaria raphani, Colletotrichtum higginsianum and Xanthomonas campestris var raphani.
  (ii) From other countriesUnrestricted.
20.Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum) 
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests & microbes below.
 (b)Vegetative material (rhizomes)PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ditylenchus dipsaci, Heterodera galeopsidis, H. schachtii, H. trifolii, Erwinia rhapontici & Rhubarb mosaic virus.
 (c)SeedPIP, Freedom from Ditylenchus dipsaci.
21.Salsify (Tragopogon & Scorzonera) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
  (i) From GermanyPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ustilago scorzonerae (smut)
  (ii) From other countriesUnrestricted.
22.Solanum spp. 
 (a)Plant material excluding tubers & seedProhibited.
 (b)Solanum tuberosum (potato) 
  (i) Seed Potatoes as defined in the Rules for Government Certification of seed potatoes in SwazilandOutside the Republic of South Africa:
Official Services only. If from the Republic of South Africa: PIP, Pc, A or AA certificate:
substantial freedom from Ditylenchus destructor, Empoasca fabae, Epicaerus cognatus, Heterodera pallida, Heterodera rostochiensis, Macrosiphum solanum, Pratylenchus brachyurus; Corynebacterium sepedonicum, Pseudomonas solanacearum; Angiosorus solani, Alternaria sotani (early blight), Phytophthora infestans (late blight), Phoma exigua, Synchytrium endobioticum, Verticilium albo-atrum and viruses including Potato spindle tuber virus, Potato vein yellowing virus, Potato yellow-dwarf virus, Beet curly top virus and Stolbur mycoplasma.
  (ii) Potatoes for consumptionProhibited outside the Republic of South Africa.
PIP, Pc if from the Republic of South Africa.
  (iii) SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from vira, bacteria, fungi and plant pests as above. Must be obtained from a reputable seed source.
 (c)Solanum melongena (egg plant), Solanum indicum other Solanum spp. 
  (i) SeedPIP. Pc, AD — freedom from Pseudomonas solanacearum, Phomopsis blight (Diaporthe (Phomopsis) vexans), Bringal mosaic virus & Potato spindle tuber virus. Tr: Hot water treatment.
  (ii) Fruit for consumptionProhibited outside the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, if from the Republic of South Africa.
23.Spinach (Spinacia oleracca) 
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Peronospora farinosa.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Peronospora farinosa. Tr. with an appropriate fungicide. (e.g. Thiram).
24.Sweet potato (Ipomoea spp.) 
 (a)Plant material for purposes other than propagationProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Plant material for propagation 
  (i) TubersOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ceratocystis fimbriata, Monilochaete infuscans, Actinomyces ipomoeae, Internal cork virus, Russet crack virus. Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Radopliolus similis, Meloidogyne spp., Ditylenchus destructor, D. dipsaci, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Criconemoides spp and Belonolaimus spp. Freedom from Acraea acerata, Epilachna pavonia, Nipaecoccus nipae, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona.
  (ii) VinesOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Ceratocystis fimbriata, Monilochaete infuscans, Actinomyces ipomoeae, Internal cork virus and Russet crack virus.
25.Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum.) 
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Phthorimaea operculella, Keiferia lycopersicella & Verticillium alboatrum.
 (b)Fruit from countries where the tomato fruit fly (Pardalaspis cyanes cens) is known to occur (including Madagascar, Mauritius & Reunion)Prohibited.Other countries: Official Services only.
 (c)Seed, including that from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia must be from a reputable commercial seed sourcePIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Corynebacterium michiganense, Didymella lycopersici, Verticillium spp., Potato spindle tuber virus (Tomato bunchy top virus), Tomato black ring virus, Tomato ringspot virus, & Beet curly top virus. Freedom from Hemitarsonemus latus (yellow tea mite), Aceria lycopersici, Aculus lycopersici and Pardalaspis cyanescens. Tr appropriate fungicide or hot water treatment.
26.Vanilla (all spp.) 
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases below.
 (b)Vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Phytophthora spp. (Black rot) and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae (Root rot). Material to be completely stripped of roots before despatch.
27.Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) 
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Physalospora rhodina and the virus diseases: Melon mosaic virus, Muskmelon mosaic virus and Squash mosaic virus.
28.Yams (Dioscorea spp.) 
 (a)Plants or rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Yam mosaic virus, bacterial diseases and Goplana dioscorea (rust). Tr — with an appropriate fungicide.
 (c)Plant material for consumptionProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. Risk of introducing plant parasitic nematodes is great because of composting plants at municipalities.
 (d)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Goplana dioscorea. Tr. with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.


1.Legumes in general and those not listed below
2.Vicia (Broad beans, vetch)
3.Beans other than Vicia
10.Medicago spp.
11.Pasture legumes other than Medicago
1.Legumes in general and those not listed below
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialOfficial Services only, unless from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Namibia.
 (b)Fruits for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from relevant viruses, bacteria, fungi and plant pests. Freedom from Anomala orientalis, Heterodera (Globodera) spp, Poppilia japonica & Tomato ringspot virus.
 (c)SeedsUnrestricted if from a reputable seed source only. PIP Pc, AD — freedom from relevant viruses, bacteria, fungi and plant pests.
2.Vicia (Vetches, Broadbeans)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD:—Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Broadbean stain virus, Ascocyta fabae (leaf spot), Peronospora viciae (downy mildew), and Ditylenchus dipsaci. Tr. with an appropriate fungicide.
3.Beans (Species of the genera Dolichos, Glycine, Macroptilium, Pueraria, Phaseolus, Vigna)
 (a)Plants and vegetative material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases and pests listed below.
 (b)Seed of the following genera:
  (i) Dolichos & PucrariaPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Acanthoscelides obtectus. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
  (ii) Glycine spp. (Soy beans)PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Acanthoscelides obtectus —Parent plants to be inspected during active growth and found free from Bean yellow mosaic virus, Soybean stunt virus, Corynebacterium flaccumfuciens, Pseudomonas glycinea, Xanthomonas phaseoli, Cercospora sojina (Frog eye leaf spot), Corynespora cassicola (Target spot), Colletotrichum dematium f. truncata (Anthracnose), Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora (Stem canker), Septoria glycines (Brown spot), Rhizoctonia leguminicola (Black patch), & Peronospora manshurica. Declaration that Heterodera glycines (Soybean cyst nematode) does not occur in the area of production.
  (iii) Phaseolus lunatusPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens, Colletotrichum dematium, f. truncata, Isariopsis griseola, Bean western mosaic virus, and Xanthomonas phaseoli.
  (iv) Other Phaseolus, and MacroptiliumPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Corynebacte rium flaccumfaciens.
  (v) VignaPIP, Pc, Tr. — as for (i).
4.Chick pea (Cicer arietinum)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ascochyta rabiei.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Ascochyta (Mycosphaerella) rabiei. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide.
5.Crotalaria (Sunhemp)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Colletotrichum curvatum.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD as above. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
6.Groundnuts (Arachis spp.)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases & pests listed below.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialPIP. Pc, AD — freedom from Meloidogyne arenaria, Cercospora spp., Diplodia gossypina, Phoma arachidis, Puccinia arachidis, Sphaceloma arachidis, Groundnut bud necrosis virus, Peanut clump virus, Peanut marginal chlorosis virus and Peanut stunt disease virus.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Diplodia gossypina, Sphaceloma arachidis and Groundnut mottle virus, Peanut marginal chiorosis virus, and Peanut ring spot virus, or: Declaration that the mentioned diseases do not occur in the country of origin. Tr. —with an appropriate fungicide.
 (d)Seed for consumption
  (i) Processed orUnrestricted
  (ii) Unprocessed, still viablePIP. Pc. Inspection upon arrival and fumigation if necessary.
7.Lathyrus spp. including Sweet Pea
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc.
8.Lentils (Ervum lens)As for Peas
9.Lupins (Lupinus spp.)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phomopsis leptostromiformis.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fungicide e.g. Thiram.
10.Medicago spp.
 A.Lucerne (Medicago sativa) and spp. not listed below: 
  (a)Plants & vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases below.
  (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) Corynebacterium insidiosum, Cercospora medicaginis, Urophlyctes alfalfae, Verticillium alboatrum and Medicago Virus 3.
  (c)Lucerne hay from the Republic of of South AfricaPIP and written permission of the Director of Veterinary Services, also a statement from the Division of Veterinary Services in South Africa that the material comes from an area not under restriction for foot and mouth disease or any other infectious disease.
 B.Medicago denticulata, M. laciniata, M. minimaProhibited.
  M. polymorpha, M. praecox 
11.Pasture legumes other than Medicago
 (a)Plants, vegetative material, dead portions of fodder & mealProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa PIP, Pc, AD—freedom from pests and diseases below. PIP, Pc, Tr. with fungicide (excluding mercury compounds,) and fumigant. Freedom from dodder (Cuscuta spp.)
  (i) Trifolium spp.(Clover & trefoil)AD — Freedom from Curvularia trifolii, Kabatiella caulivora and Ditylenchus dipsaci.
  (ii) Desmodium spp.AD — Freedom from Colletotrichum truncatum.
  (iii) Lespedeza spp.AD — Freedom from Xanthomonas lespedezae (bacterial wilt).
  (iv) Lotus spp.AD — Freedom from Cercospora loti (leafspot) and Phomopsis loti (blight).
  (v) Melilotus spp.AD — Freedom from Corynebacterium insidiosum, Ascochyta caulicola, Verticillium alboatrum and Medicago Virus 3.
  (vi) Ornithopus spp.AD —Freedom from Colletotrichum trifolii.
12.Peas (Pisum spp. and relatives)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases & pests listed below.
 (b)Seed for PlantingPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Macrosiphum pisi. Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Pseudomonas pisi. Bean yellow mosaic virus, and Pea seed-borne mosaic virus — or declaration that the disease does not occur in the area of production.
 (c)Seed for consumptionD.


1.Gramineae in general and those not listed below
2.Cereals (small grain varieties)
7.Sugar cane.
1.Gramineae in general and those not listed below.
 (a)Plants living or dead including unrooted vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Anomala orientalis, Heterodera (Globodera) spp., Limothrips cerealium, Macrosiphum avenae, Meloidogoyne graminicola, Ostrinia nubilalis, Oulema melanopus, Poppilia japonica, Zabrus tenebrioides and Tomato ringspot virus.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from microbes and plant pests.
 (c)Stored productsOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from weevils (Curculionidae), Trogoderma granarium, mites and other storage pests, also from obvious contamination by storage fungi. Inspection if necessary.
 (d)Hay, straw and thatching material from the Republic of South AfricaPIP, and written permission of the Director of Veterinary Services, also a statement from the Division of Veterinary Services in South Africa that the material comes from an area not under restriction for foot and mouth disease or any other infectious disease.
2.Cereals (Barley, Oats, rye and wheat)
 (a)Plants, living or dead, vegetative material and packing material derived from grasses or cerealsProhibited.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative material and stolons of species which cannot be grown from seedOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD, Tr. if required.
 (c)Seed for planting, other than from the Republic of South Africa.PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Barley stripe mosaic virus, loose smut, ergot, Cockle disease (Anguina tritici) and cysts of the nematode species Heterodera punctata and H. avenae. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
   Extension of AD as follows:(i)for Wheat (Agropyron, Triticum and Triticale). Freedom from Cephus cinctus, C. pygmaeus, Hyperodes honariensis, Petrobia latens, Cephalosporium graminum (wilt disease), Drechslera verticillata (sterility disease), Neovossia indica (partial bunt), Ophiobolus graminis (takeall). Septoria tritici, Tilletia contraversa (dwarf bunt), Tilletia foetida, Tilletia indica, Urocystis agropyri.(ii)for Oats and other Avena spp. Freedom from Cephalosporium graminum (Stripe wilt), Drechslera victoriae ( Leaf blight) & Pratylenchus pratensis.(iii)for Rye and other Secale spp. Freedom from Gloeotinia temulenta (Blind seed disease), Tilletia contraversa (Dwarf bunt).(iv)For Barley and other Hordeum spp. Freedom from Cephalosporium graminum (Stripe wilt), Barley stripe mosaic virus.
 (d)Seed from the Republic of South Africa.PIP. Entry subject to Government control regulations.
 (e)Malting barley and barley maltPIP, D.
 (f)Grain for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from storage fungi and pests. Entry subject to Government control regulations.
3.Grasses (Agropyron, Agrositis, Cynodon, Eragrostis, Festuca, Lolium, Panicum, Pennisetum, Setaria etc.) 
 (a)Plants, living or dead, vegetative material and packing materialProhibited unless as hay. PIP. See Page 61.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative material and stolons of species which cannot be grown from seed.Official Services only if required. PIP, Pc.
 (c)Seed for planting of Sorghum halepense (Johnson grass) and Stipa (Nasella) trichotoma (Nasella tussock)Prohibited.
 (d)Seed for planting of other grass spp.No restriction on maximum import. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from pests and microbes, Tr, — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 AD as follows: 
 (i) for Agrostis and Eragrostis spp.Freedom from Gloeotinia temulenta, Anguina graminis, A. agrostis, and cysts of the nematode Heterodera avenae.
 (ii) for Festuca above.
 (iii) for LoliumFreedom from Gloeotinia temulenta, Anguina agrostis, and cysts of Heterodera avenae.
 (iv) Panicum spp. (Millet) 
  (a)Plants, vegetative material and plant portionsProhibited.
  (b)Seed for plantingPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from virus diseases and Xanthomonas paniciTr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (v)Setaria and other pasture grasses 
  (a)Plants, vegetative material and plant portionsProhibited.
  (b)Seed for plantingPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes and other plant pests
 (a)Plants, fresh or dry vegetative material and packing material derived from corn leaves.Prohibited.
 (b)Seed for planting 
  (i) From Egypt, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sikkim, Thailand or any country where Cephalosporium maydis, Sclerophthora rayssiae var. zeae, Sclerospora philippinensis and Sclerospora maydis occurProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesAdditional permit is required from the Principal Secretary. PIP, Pc, AD — Cephalosporium maydis, Sclerophthora rayssiae var. zeac,
   Sclerospora graminicola, Sclerospora macrospora, Sclerospora maydis, Sclerospora philippinensis, Sclerospora sacchari, S. spontanea and Xanthomonas stewartii do not occur in the country of origin. Parent plants to be inspected in the field during active growth and found free from Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Erwinia chrysanthemi, Xanthomonas stewartii. Freedom from Drechslera maydis, Drechslera zeicola, Phyllosticta maydis, Kabatiella zeae & Pratylenchus zeae. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (c)Maize for consumptionPIP, Additional permit as for (b)(ii).
5.Rice (Oryza) — all spp.) 
 (a)Plants, vegetative material and dead portions including packing material.Prohibited.
 (b)Seed of paddy or rough rice from areas where the nematode spp. Ditylenchus angustus or Aphelenchoides besseyi occurProhibited.
 (c)Seed from outer areasPIP, Pc, AD — that the nematode species Ditylenchus angustus or Aphelenchoides besseyi do not occur in the area of origin. Freedom from pests: Lissorhoptrus oryzephilus, Nymphula depunctalis, Pachydiplosis oryzae, Spodoptera mauritia, Tetraneura akinire.Freedom from bacterial diseases with specific reference to Xanthomonas oryzae, X. oryzicola. Freedom from Ephelis pallida, E. oryzae, Helminthosporium miyabeanus and H. sigmoideum, Leptosphaeria salvinii, Tilletia barclayana, Trichoconis padwickii, Ustilaginoidea virens. Freedom from Grassy stunt virus, Tungaro, & Yellow dwarf virus, Tr. —with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (d)Rice and rice products for consumptionUnrestricted.
6.Sorghum (all spp. excluding S. halepense (Johnson grass)) 
 (a)Plants, dead portions and vegetative material including packing materialProhibited.
 (b)Unshredded broomcorn derived from Sorghum spp. or articles incorporating unshredded broom-corn, outside South Africa.PIP, Pc, Tr. — fumigation with Methyl bromide (48g/m3).
 (c)Seed for plantingPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Pseudomonas andropogonis, Xanthomonas holcicola, Xanthomonas stewartii, Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Drechslera maydis, Periconia circinata and Ramularia sorghi. Tr. with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant (or wide spectrum insecticide). Entry subject to Government control regulations.
 (d)Malting SorghumPIP.
 (e)Grain for consumptionPIP, Pc. Entry subject to Government Control regulations.
7.Sugar cane(Saccharum officinale) 
 (a)Unrooted propagation material 
  (i) Outside the Republic of South Africa.Official Services only. PIP, Pc, and AD as below.
  (ii) Inside the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD that canes were inspected during active growth and found free from the following pests and virus, bacterial and fungal diseases, viz. Aulacaspis tegalensis, Clemora smithi, Criconemoides morgensis, Diatraea saccharalis, Metasmius hemipterus, Cephalosporium maydis, Chlorotic streak, Fiji disease, Grassy shoot virus, Ratoon stunt disease, Striate mosaic virus, Sclerospora sacchari, S. spontanea, Ustilago scitaminea (Sugar Smut), Xanthomonas albilineans, X. rubrilineans, X. rubrisubalicans, X. vasculorum. Tr. — fumigation with HCN or Methyl bromide on arrival.
 (b)Seed outside or inside the Republic of South Africa.Official Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Sclerospora sacchari and S. spontanea. Tr. — appropriate fungicide and fumigant.


1.Ornamentals in general and those not listed below.
2.Acacia spp.
4.Anthurium spp.
5.Aquatic plants
9.Begonia spp.
13.Bromeliads (excluding Ananas spp.)
15.Bulbs, tubers & rhizomes
16.Cacti (including Opuntia spp.)
17.Cassia spp.
19.Chrysanthemum spp. (excluding Pyrethrum spp.)
23.Dianthus spp. (Carnation, pinks, sweet william)
26.Eucalyptus app.
27.Flax (New Zealand)
28.Hakea spp.
31.Hibiscus spp.
33.Malvaceae (excluding Cotton & Hibiscus)
37.Opium poppy
40.Petunia spp.
41.Physalis spp.
42.Poison Ivy
45.Protea spp.
46.Pyrethrum spp.
47.Rhododendron spp.
48.Rooted plants
55.Miscellaneous— alternate hosts for rust.
1.Ornamentals in general and those not listed below.
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialOfficial Services only unless from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from viruses, bacteria, fungi and plant pests.
 (b)SeedUnrestricted only if from a reputable seed source. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from viruses, bacteria, fungi and plant pests.
 General precautions must be taken against the following insect pest and microbes.
  Anomala orientalis, Brevipalpus obovatus, Eriosoma lanigerum, Graphognathus leucoloma, Heliothis armigera, Lepidosaphes ulmi, Panonychus citri, Poppilia japonica, Pulvinaria floccifera, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, Radopholus similis, Spodoptera littoralis, Spodoptera litura, Thrips tabaci, Tomato ringspot virus.
2.Acacia spp.
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc,
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fumigant (Phostoxin).
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia.
 (b)Unrooted materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from beet viruses and Tomato ringspot virus.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected and found free of Tomato ringspot virus. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide (e.g. Captan).
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Unrooted plant material, or with aerial roots only.PIP, Pc, AD — Plants or parent plants were grown in sterilized medium free from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis.
5.Aquatic plants. (See also Schedule I)
 (a)Plant material or seed of species belonging to the following families: Halorragidaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Lemnaceae, Pontederiaceae and Salviniaceae as well as Alisma plantago-aquatica, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Aponogeton conjugatus, Aponogeton desertorum (syn. A. kraussianus), Bacopa erecta, Chara spp., Ceratophyllum demersum, Cyperus difformi, C. digitatus, C. esculentus, C. papyrus, C. rotundis, Echnocloa stagnina, Eichhornia crassipes, Eleocharis dulcis, Hydrocles nymphoides, Ischaemum rugosum, Lagarosiphon spp., Leersia hexandra, Ludwigia adscendens (syn. Jussaiea repens), Marsilea spp., Microlepis speluncea, Mimosa nigra, Mycrocystis toxica, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Najas spp., Nelumbo nucifera, Neptunia oleracea, Nymphaea caerulea, N. capensis, N. lotus, N. maculata, N. odorata, Nymphoides indica, Oryza brachyantha, O. brevilugulata, O. perennis, Ottelia ulvifolia, Phragmites mauritianus, Pistia stratiotes, Potamogeton spp., Pycreus spp., Sagittaria guayanensis (syn. Lophotocarpus guayanensis), Salvinia molesta, Scirpus spp., Sparganium spp., Sphenoclea zeylanica, Trapa natans, Typha spp., Typhonodorum lindleyanum, Vossia cuspidata, Wolffia arrhizaProhibited.
 (b)Other aquatic plantsPIP, Pc, AD—(i)Plant material is free from all living stages of snails and nematodes or—(ii)Plant material was treated four weeks prior to shipment with appropriate chemical(s), completely effective against all living stages of snails and nematodes.(iii)Species and varieties to be packed separately and labelled individually. (Complete classification, including Family name)
6.Ash (Fraxinus spp.)
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD that oak wilt, Ceratocystis fagacearum and Tobacco ringspot virus (Stunt disease) do not occur in the area of production. Tr — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
7.Bamboo (Arundincaria spp)
 (a)Plant materialProhibited on account of Sugar cane virus diseases.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr with appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
8.Beech(Fagus (All spp.))
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin.
 (a)Plants and unrooted cuttingsPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from wilt and leaf spot (Xanthomonas begoniae). Declaration that plants were grown in steam sterilized soil or growing medium free from plant parasitic nematodes.
 (b)Bulbs, rhizomes, tubersPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from wilt and leaf spot (Xanthomonas begoniae), plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Ditylenchus destructor, Heterodera spp. Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus spp. Synchytrinum endobioticum (Wart disease) did not occur in the immediate area of production. Freedom from plant parasitic mites.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Xanthomonas begoniae.
10.Berberidaceae (including Berberis, Epimedium, Jeffersonia, Mahoberberis, Mahonia, Nardina, Podophyllum and Vancouveria spp.)Plant material and seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc.
11.Birch(Betula spp.)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fungicide.
12.BonsaiUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from nematodes.
13.Bromeliads (excluding Ananas spp.)
 (a)Rooted materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Vegetative materialPIP, Pc, Tr with appropriate fumigant
14.Buckthorn (Rhamnus spp.)
 Plants, vegetative material and seedProhibited unless from the Republic of South Africa. (May carry the blackrust of wheat, Puccinia graminis). PIP, Pc.
15.Bulbs, corms, tubers, and rhizomes
 (a)Bulbs of Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis, Crinum, Hippeastrum, Hymenocallis, Narcissus, Nerine, Polianthus, Sprekelia etc.)Unrestricted only if from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — as below. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Sclerotium tuliparum, Sclerotinia bulborum, plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. destructor, Meloidogyne spp., Heterodera spp. and plant parasitic mites. Synchytrium endobioticum (Wart disease) did not occur in the immediate area of production.
 (b)Bulbs of Liliaceae (Allium, Convalaria, Eremurus, Fritillaria, Hemerocallis, Hyacinthus, Lachenalia, Lathyrus, Lilium, Muscari, Ornithogalum, Scilla, Tulipa etc.) 
  (i) All speciesPIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Sclerotium disease with specific reference to Sclerotinia bulborum. Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. destructor. Freedom from plant parasitic mites. Freedom from Lily rosette virus. Synchytrium endobioticum (Wart disease) did not occur in the immediate area of production.
  (ii) for HyacinthsAbovementioned AD and freedom from Xanthomonas hyacinthi (Yellow disease).
  (iii) for TulipsAbovementioned AD and freedom from Tulip breaking virus and Botrytis tulipa (Tulip fire).
 (c)Rhizomes of Iridaceae 
  (Babiana, Crocus (Saffron), Freesia, Gladiolus, Iris, Ixia, Sparaxis, Tigridia, Tritonia, Watsonia etc.) 
  (i) All speciesPIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Bean yellow-mosaic virus, Sclerotium tuliparum, Sclerotinia bulborum, Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. destructor, Meloidogyne spp, Pratylenchus spp. and plant parasitic mites. Synchytrium endobioticum (Wart disease) must not occur in the immediate area of production.
  (ii) for GladiolusAbovementioned AD and freedom from Septoria gladioli (hard rot), spp. of Botrytis, Curvulainia, Fusarium & Uromyces.
  (iii) for IrisAbovementioned AD and freedom from Drechslera iridis (ink disease) and Iris mosaic virus.
 (d)Subterranean propagation material not listed elsewherePIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes and mites naturally or by treatment; Synchytrium endobioticum (Wart disease) does not ocur in the immediate production area. Consignment to be free of soil or growing medium.
 (e)Tubers of Araceae (e.g. Caladium)PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Sclerotium or Sclerotinia and that hot water treatment at a temperature of 500C for 30 minutes has been given to destroy nematodes which may be present; alternatively treatment with Zinophos.
16.Cacti (e.g. Opuntia, Mammillaria). All species of the family CactaceaeSee also page 20.
 (a)Rooted plant material except Opuntia (see below)Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phymatotrichum omnivorum.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialPIP, Pc, AD — Consignment does not contain rootstocks of Opuntia spp., (see below) and Harrisia, Nopalea, Pereskia, & Tephrocactus. Freedom from Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Texas rootrot). Tr. — fumigation with an appropriate fumigant. Any portion of stem or plant portion bearing roots to be removed.
 (c)Opuntia aurantiaca (pusilla) & O. roseaAll plant material including seed and fruit. Pr.
 (d)Opuntia vulgarisProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. Material must be destined either as animal feed or for plantations to feed animals. PIP.
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted plant material 
  (i) from countries where Phymatotrichum omnivorum occurs.Prohibited.
  (ii) from other countriesPIP, Pc. AD — Freedom from fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). Freedom of country of origin from Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Texas root rot). Treatment: Material to be steeped in Bordeaux mixture for 20 seconds, dried for 4 hours and treated on all surfaces with a 100 ppm Streptomycin solution or — material to be soaked in 5% Aretax for 1 minute and dried.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr — with an appropriate fumigant (e.g. Phostoxin).
18.Chestnut (Castanea vulgaris & Castanca spp.)
 (a)From the Republic of South AfricaUnrestricted. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)From other countries 
  (i) Plants, rooted material, dead portions and wood with barkProhibited.
  (ii) Unrooted vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — that Chestnut Blight (Endothia parasitica) is not known to occur in the country of origin; material to be free from Oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) and Phytophthora cambivora.
19.Chrysanthemum (Excluding Pyrethrum)
 (a)Rooted plant materialPIP, Pc, AD —(i)Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Ditylenchus dipsaci, Ascochyta chrysanthemi, Diarthronomyia chrysanthemi, Mycosphaerella ligulicola (Ray Blight), Puccinia horiana, Chrysanthemum stunt virus, Tomato aspermy virus, Aster yellows mycoplasma, & Erwinia chrysanthemi.(ii)Plants/cuttings were rooted and grown in a steam sterilized medium.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ascochyta chrysanthemi, Mycosphaerella ligulicola (Ray Blight), Puccinia horiana, Chrysanthemum stunt virus, Tomato aspermy virus, Aster yellows mycoplasma and Erwinia chrysanthemi.
20.Conifers (all species including Araucaria, Cedrus, Cupressus, Juniperus, Pinus, Widdringtonia)
 (a)All plant material excluding debarked timber and seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Acleris variana, Arceuthobium spp, Dendroctonus brevicornis and other spp, Diprion pini, (pine sawfly), Ips amitinus, Phenacaspis pinifoliae; Pissodes & Scolytidae; Atropellis spp. Cercospora pini — densiflorae, Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli, Cronartitum spp., Dothiostroma spp., Endocronartium spp., Gymmnosporangium spp., Melampsora medusae, Peridermium kurilense, Poria weirii, & Scirrhia acicola.
 (b)SeedPIP. Pc, AD — freedom from needle cast fungi, especially Lophodermium pinastri.
 (c)TimberSubject to inspection on arrival. Timber with bark on or insect infested to be debarked or fumigated with Methyl Bromide at 45g/m³ for at least 24 hours under gastight tarpaulins at the port of entry. Freedom from Gemida cahani.
21.Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpum and Vaccinium spp.)
 (a)Importation from USA and countries where Vaccinium stunt virus and Cranberry falseblossom mycoplasma occur.Prohibited
 (b)From other countries outside the Republic of South Africa 
  (i) Unrooted plant materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Vaccinium stunt virus and Cranberry falseblossom mycoplasma. Freedom from Godronia cassandrae (Twig dieback), and Meloidodera floridensis. Tr. —with an appropriate fumigant.
  (ii) SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Vaccinium stunt virus and Cranberry falseblossom mycoplasma. Tr. — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin.
22.Cycads (Encephalartos, Stangeria spp.)
 (a)PlantsPermission to import will only rarely be given. Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Curculionid beetles such as Demyrsus melaeoides — or —fumigation with an appropriate fumigant e.g. methyl bromide. Freedom also from Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Texas root rot) Tr. — with Bordeaux mixture.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr. — with appropriate fumigant and fungicide.
23.Dianthus (Carnation, Pink, Sweet william)
 (a)Plants and vegetative material including cuttings (rooted and unrooted) 
  (i) All materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Alternaria dianthicola (petal blight), Phialophora cinerescens, Ustilago violacea (Anther smut), Pseudomonas caryophylii (Bacterial wilt), Erwinia chrysanthemi f. sp. dianthi and the virus diseases Edged ring and Streak virus of carnations. Freedom from Cacoecimorpha (Tortrix) pronumbana & Epichoristodes acerbella. Tr. — Material to be steeped in an appropriate fungicide and treated with an effective insecticide if the declaration for C. pronumbana has been omitted.
  (ii) rooted cuttings or plantsAbovementioned plus AD that the plants/cuttings were rooted and grown in a steam sterilized medium free from plant parasitic nematodes.
24.Dogwood (Cornus, all spp.)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ceratoystis fagacearum (Oak wilt) or declaration that this disease does not occur in the growing area.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ceratocystis fagacearum. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
25.Elderberry (Sambucus spp.)
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from bacterial, fungus and virus diseases.
26.Eucalyptus (All spp.)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests listed below and from Polyporus bandonii
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr. — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Phostoxin. Freedom from Gonipterus gibberus and G. scutellatus (Eucalyptus snout beetle), & Phoracantha semipunctata.
27.Flax (New Zealand) (Phormium tenax)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from virus and bacterial diseases, especally Xanthomonas phormicola, and Phormium yellow leaf mycoplasma. Tr. — with an appropriate fumigant e.g. Methyl bromide.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Phormium yellow leaf mycoplasma disease. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
28.HakeaAny plant material including seedProhibited, unless specifically derived as an ornamental from a state registered nursery in the Republic of South Africa.
29.Hazelnut Corylus)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from virus diseases and bacterial blight (Xanthomonas corylina). Tr. — fumigation with an appropriate fumigant and an appropriate fungicide.
30.Heather (Erica spp.)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Olpidium brassicae and parasitic nematodes.
 (b)SeedUnrestricted from areas above. Otherwise PIP, Pc, Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide.
31.Hibiscus spp. (H. cannabinus, H. esculentus, H. sabdariffa)
 (a)Plant material excluding seed, and Okra, Kapok or Kenaf fibreProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP. Pc.
 (b)Commercial fibre: Kapok (Ceiba pentandra), Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) in a rotted and decorticated conditionFumigation with methyl bromide if more than one whole seed occur per 500g representative sample.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
32.Lagerstroemia indica
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Erysiphe lagerstroemiae.
33.Malvaceae excluding Cotton (Gossypium), Hollyhock (Althaea spp.) and Hibiscus
 (a)Plants, vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
34.Mulberry (Morus spp.)
 (a)Plant materialOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Mulberry mosaic virus and Pseudococcus comstockii.
35.Oak (Quercus spp.)
 (a)Plant material excluding seed, cork and timberProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP Pc, AD — freedom from diseases listed below
  (i) from the USA or countries where Ceratocystis fagacearum (Oak wilt) occurs.Prohibited.
  (ii) from other countriesOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Ceratocystis fagacearum does not occur in the country of origin. Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Cronartium cerebrum, Cronartium spp., Endothia parasitica, Ophiostoma roboris, Oak/pine rusts, and Ceratocystis fagacearum. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (c)Timber outside the Republic of South Africa 
  (i) with bark unremovedProhibited.
  (ii) with bark removedInspection at port of entry.
  (i) Unmanufactured cork derived from the cork oakPIP, Tr. —— Methyl bromide fumigation.
  (ii) Manufactured corkUnrestricted.
36.Orchids (For Vanilla spp see under Sundry Imports)
 (a)Plant or vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — that plants have been steeped in an appropriate fungicide. Plants are free from soil or growing media. Plants were rooted and grown in a steam sterilized medium free from plant parasitic nematodes.
 (b)Seedlings obtained by tissue culture methodsPIP, Pc. Seedlings to be on Agar in sterilised flasks.
37.Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited.
 (b)Seed for cultivationOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Pleospora papaveracea (Leaf blight) and Peronospora arborescens (Downy mildew).
 (c)Seed for processingPIP and Declaration. Tr. — fumigation with methyl bromide, 48g/m3 for 24 hours.
38.Palms, ornamental
 (a)Plant material and seedImport regulations as for date and oil palm. Freedom from Calconycles catori, Coelomenodera elaeidis, Melithomma insulare, Oligonychus pratensis, Parlatoria blanchardii, Pseudococcus nipae, Pseudotheraptus wayi.
 (b)Seed (ungerminated) from countries where Red ring diseases (Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus = Rhyncophorus palmarum) occursProhibited.
 (c)Seed (ungerminated) from other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Rhyncophorus palmarum) does not occur in the country of origin. Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free of Mauginiella scattae and Marasmius palmivora. Tr. — an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
39.Peatmoss, peat and other growing media excluding soil.
 (a)General composts, orchid media and barkComposts containing, or suspected of containing any living or dead plant portions, or any insect pest, or any organisms which may cause plant disease. Prohibited unless from a state registered nursery in the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
 (b)Special rooting compost, sphagnum, peat and peatmossPIP, Pc, AD — that a laboratory examination of representative samples has shown that the consignment is free from pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and plant parasitic nematodes — or — declaration that consignment has been sterilized by heat, or fumigated with an appropriate fumigant such as Etox (300gm³ under a vaccum of 70cm mercury for 3 hours) or Methyl bromide (45gm/m³ under gastight tarpaulins for 24 hours).
40.Petunia (all spp.)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Tobacco ringspot virus.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Tobacco ringspot virus.
41.Physalis spp. (Including Ground cherry, Cape gooseberry)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Potato spindle tuber virus.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected and found free of Potato spindle tuber virus (Tomato bunchy top virus).
42.Poison Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron)
 (a)Plants, vegetative material and seedProhibited.
43.Pomegranate (Punica Spp.)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Sphaceloma punicae.
 (b)Unrooted plant materialOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Sphaceloma punicae (Leaf spot).
 (c)FruitAs for (a)
44.Poplar (Populus spp.)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, & Namibia. PIP. Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Aplanobacter populi, bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae f. sp. populaea); Hypoxylon mammatum, Melampsora medusae & Melampsora spp., Mycosphaerella populorum and Poplar mosaic virus. Tr. — material to be stripped of all leaves and steeped in an appropriate fungicide before despatch. Freedom from Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth)
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — frreedom from rust diseases (Melampsora spp.). Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
 (d)LogsUnrestricted only from areas above. Otherwise PIP, Pc, or fumigation upon arrival at port of entry, for carpenter ants, (Camponotus spp.). Tr. — with methyl bromide at 48g/m³ for 24 hours under gastight tarpaulins. Inspection for carpenter ants.
45.Protea spp.
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Phytophthora cinnamomi and other spp.
46.Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cineraraefolium, Croseum)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialUnrestricted from areas above. Otherwise official services only. PIP, Pc, AD -— frecdom from Chrysanthemum stunt virus, Mycosphaerella ligulicola and Ramularia bellunensis.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Micosphaerella ligulicola and Ramularia bellunensis. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide.
47.Rhododendron spp. (Including Azalea)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted vegetative materialPIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Chrysomyxa rhododendri (Rhododendron rust), Ovulina azaleae (petal blight) and Septoria azaleae (Leaf scorch and drop). Tr. — Defoliation and treatment with an appropriate fungicide.
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Chrysomyxa rhododendri, Ovulina azaleae and Septoria azaleae. Tr. — with an appropriate fungicide and fumigant.
48.Rooted plants (Restricted to 10 cultivars)
 (a)Hardwood kindsOfficial Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Erwinia amylovora, Nectria galligena and live phytophagous mites and/or their eggs of species not recorded in South Africa. Plants were rooted and grown in a sterilized medium. Plants were despatched in a sterilized medium in new containers.
 (b)Softwood kinds (Strawberry)Official Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Phytophthora fragariae, Xanthomonas fragariae and green petal virus disease.
49.Rosaceae (all spp.) See also P. 43Unrestricted only from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
 1.Pollen of stone and pome fruitsProhibited.
 2.Seed of stone and pome fruitsOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, Tr. — Streptomycin 100ppm.
 3.Other rosaceous seedPIP, Pc, AD — Seed has been steeped in 100 ppm Streptomycin solution.
 4.Seed for consumptionPIP.
 5.Budwood or cuttings 
  (a)Rosaceous fruit plants(i) From the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests and diseases listed below. 
    (ii) From elsewhere. Official Services on1y. PIP, Pc, AD— cuttings were taken from mother plants, inspected and found free from Erwinia amylovora, Nectria galligena, other fungi and bacteria, viruses, and live phytophagous mites and/or their eggs, including species not recorded in Southern Africa. Cuttings to be taken from parent material at least 1km away from any source of infection with Erwinia amylovora or Nectria galligena Freedom from Anarsia lineatella, (peach twig borer), Aphanostigma piri, Aphis pomi, Carpocapsa pomonella, Carposina nipponensis, Conotrachelus nenuphar, Dacus zonatus, Dibotryon morbosum, Dichrocoris punctiferalis, Eriophyes insidiosus, Grapholitha prunivora, Hoplocampa spp., Hyphantria cunea, Laspyrezia funebrana, Lepidosaphes ulmi, Myzus persicae, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, Stephanitis pyri, Tachypterellus quadrigibbus, Tetranychus viennensis, Zeuzera pyrina, Coniothyrium fuckelii, Gymnosporangium spp., Phyllosticta solitaria, Stereum purpureum, Venturia pirina, Pseudomonas mors-prunorum, Pseudomonas nectarorophila, Xanthomonas pruni; apple chat fruit mycoplasma, apple proliferation mycoplasma, apple ringspot virus, cherry necrotic rusty mottle disease, cherry leaf roll virus, peach mosaic virus (American), peach rosette mosaic virus, pear decline mycoplasma, pear stony pit virus, plum line pattern virus, plum pox virus and X disease of Prunus. 
  (b)Rosaceous ornamentals Amelanchier, Aronia, Chaenomeles, Cydonia, Cotoneaster, Crataegomespilus, Crataegus, Eriobotyra, Exochorda, Holodiscus, Kerria, Malus, Mespilus, Photinia, Potentilla, Prunus, Pyracantha, Pyrus, Sorbaria, Sorbus, Spiraea, Stranvaesia, etc.(i) Pr.— from Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, USA or countries where Erwinia amylovora occurs. (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from bacterial and virus diseases and that Erwinia amylovora does not occur in country of origin. Freedom from Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth).
50.Roses Rosa (all spp.)Unrestricted only from the Republic of South Africa.
 (a)BudwoodPIP, Pc, AD that mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Rose rosette virus and Rose wilt virus or that these viruses do not occur in the country of origin.
 (b)Rooted plantsPIP, Pc, AD that mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Rose
 rosette virus and Rose wilt virus — or —that these viruses do not occur in the country of origin. Freedom from Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth). Alcurocanthus spiniferus, Brevipalpus californicus, Capitophorus fragaefolii, and bacterial and fungal diseases including Synchytrium endobioticum. Plants to be rooted, grown and despatched in a sterilized medium.
 (c)Rosaceous fruits — see under Fruit and Seed Crops 
51.Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Cercospora carthami.
52.Sisal(Agave, Fouquiera, Furcraea spp.)
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted plant material (excluding bulbils)Unrestricted from areas above. Otherwise Official Services only. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Red Rot disease. Tr — fumigation with an appropriate fumigant. Freedom from Scyphophorus interstitialis (sisal weevil).
 (c)BulbilsUnrestricted from areas above. Otherwise PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from bacterial and virus diseases. Parent plants were inspected in the field during active growth and found free from Red rot disease. Tr — with an appropriate fungicide.
 (a)All plant materialProhibited from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from pests, bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes.
54.Willow (Salix spp.)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases listed below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Virus chlorosis, Erwinia salicis and Pseudomonas saliciperda (Bacterial twig blight); Fusicladium miyabeana (black scab), Pollaccia saliciperda (Willow blight), Physalospora miyabeana(Black canker) and Venturia chlorospora (willow blight). Tr. — immersion in an appropriate fungicide and fumigation with an appropriate fumigant.
 (c) PIP, Pc, Tr. — with an appropriate fumigant and fungicide.
55.MiscellaneousAlternate hosts of Pine Rusts (Uredinales)
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PiP, Pc.
 (b)Vegetative material (excluding seed) of the following genera: Aster, Callistephus, Cineraria, Coreopsis, Helianthus, Impatiens, Ipomoea (excluding I. batatas), Jacquemontia, Nemesia, Parthenium, Senecio, Solidago, Verbena, Wahlenbergia.Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
  (i) Subterranean materialPIP, Pc, AD — substantiated freedom from virus diseases, bacterial diseases, wilt fungi and Sclerotium diseases. Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to the following species: for Paeonia: Aphelenchoides fragariae, A. ritzemabosi, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Pratylenchus spp. Meloidogyne spp. for Ribes: Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi, Pratylenchus spp., Meloidogyne spp.for Campanula: Dilylenchus diosaci, Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi, and Meloidogyne spp. for Anemone: Aphelenchoides fragariae, A. ritzemabosi, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus spp.All species: Freedom from soil or growing medium. Absence of Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) from nursery or immediate propagation area. Pine rusts (Uredinales) do not occur in the area of production. Freedom from plant parasitic mites naturally or by treatment.
  (ii) Unrooted cuttingsPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Uredinales and spp. of bacterial and virus diseases. Defoliation of material prior to despatch. Tr with an appropriate fungicide.
  (iii) Seed (excluding sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and commercially cultivated Ribes spp.)Unrestricted.

Sundry imports

1.Imports in general and those not listed below
4.Casuarina (She-oak)
9.Datura spp.
11.Dried flowers
13.Fibre (other than cotton)
15.Forest trees
22.Packing material
24.Rubus cuneifolius
25.Stored products
1.Sundry imports in general and those not listed below
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialOfficial Services only, unless from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD—freedom from Anomala orientalis, Eriososna lanigerum, Poppilia japonica, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus and Tomato ringspot virus.
 (b)Fruits for consumptionPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from relevant viruses, bacteria, fungi, and plant pests.
 (c)SeedUnrestricted only if from reputable source. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from viruses, bacteria, fungi and plant pests.
 (d)Processed productsUnrestricted.
2.Belladonna (Atropa belladonna & A. spp)
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Peronospora hyoscyami (Downy mildew)
 (c)Vegetative material for extraction of atropinePIP, Pc, Tr — fumigation with methyl bromide.
 (d)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Peronospora hyoscyami (Downy mildew).
3.Burdock (Arctium)
 (a)Plant materialProhibited except as a vegetable, directly for eating.
4.Castor Oil (Ricinus spp.)
 (a)Plants & vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc.
5.Casuarina (Beefwood, She-oak)
 (a)Rooted plant materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Unrooted propagation materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Pseudomonas solanacearum (wilt)
 (c)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of parent plants from Pseudomonas solanacearum.
6.Chicory (Cichoriaum intybus) & Endive(C. endivia)
 (a)Plant material except seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ustilago cichorii (smut) and Marsonina panattoniana or —Treatment with an appropriate fungicide to eliminate these diseases.
 (a)UnprocessedPIP, AD — Consignment was fumigated with and appropriate fumigant e.g. Methyl bromide (45g/m3 for 42 hours).
8.Cotton (Gossypium spp.)
 (a)Plants, vegetative material, dead portions, excluding manufactured and unmanufactured cotton fibreProhibited.
 (b)Unmanufactured cotton, cotton samples, cotton waste, cotton packing material, reclaimed cottonUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa. Otherwise PIP, Pc, — fumigation with Methyl bromide.
 (c)Manufactured cottonUnrestricted.
 (d)Cotton seed and seedy cotton outside or inside the Republic of South Africa.PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from bacterial, fungus, & viral diseases with special reference to Xanthomonas malvacearum, Ascochyta gossypii, Colietotrichum gossypii, Glomerella gossypii and Verticillium alboatrum. Mother plants to be inspected during active growth and found free from Diplodia gossypina (Physasalospora rhodina black boll rot disease), Phymatotrichum omnivorum, Empoasca fascialis (cotton jassid), Spodoptera littoralis and Spodoptera litura. Seed to be flame or acid delinted. Tr. — appropriate fungicide and fumigation treatment. Freedom from Hemitarsonemus latus (Yellow tea mite), Anthonomus grandis, Alabama argillacea (cotton leaf worm) & Heliothis zeae (USA cotton bollworm).
9.Datura spp. (Stinkblaar)Plants, vegetative material and seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, PIP, Pc.
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Colletotrichum fuscum.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — Mother plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Colletotriehum fuscum (anthracnose). Tr. —hotwater treatment.
11.Dried flowersUnrestricted from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia. Otherwise PIP, Pc, Tr. — fumigation with methyl bromide.
12.Elms (Celtis, Ulmus and Zelkova)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from microbes and pests listed under (b)(ii).
 (b)Seed, dead portions, unbarked products or unmanufactured timber. 
  (i)from the USA, Europe, Canada or other countries where Ceratotocystis ulmi, Endothia parasitica (Dutch elm disease), Lymantria dispar (Gypsy moth) and Ennomos subsignarius (Elm spanworm) occurProhibited
  (ii)From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD — Ceratocystis ulmi, Endothia parasitica, Hylurgopinis rufipes, Scolytus multistriatus, Scolytus scolytus, Lymantria dispar and Ennomos subsignarius do not occur in the country of origin. For seed:—abovementioned and declaration that parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Elm mosaic virus, Elm phloem necrosis mycoplasma and Tomato black ring virus.Tr. — futigicidal and fumigation treatment.
13.Fibres other than Cotton
 (b)UnmanufacturedPIP. Tr. if necessary with methyl bromide.
14.Flax (Linum spp.)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Colletotrichum lini & Septoria linicola.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Colletotrichum lini & Septoria linicola.
 (c)Decorticated fibreUnrestricted.
15.Forest Trees (All spp. except those listed elsewhere)
 (a)Plants, rooted material, plant portionsPIP, Pc, AD —— freedom from relevant pests and diseases including Hiphantria cunea.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, AD —appropriate fumigation.
16.Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
 (a)PlantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Rhizomes for propagationPIP, Pc, AD — freedom of parent plants from Alternaria panax. Freedom from plant parasitic nematodes with specific reference to Meloidogyne spp.
 (c)Rhizomes for pharmaceutical useDeclaration.
17.Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
 (a)Plant material excluding seedProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
 (b)SeedPIP, Pc, Tr. — fungicidal and fumigation treatments with appropriate chemicals.
18.Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
 (a)Plants and vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc.
19.Hops (Humulus spp.)
 (a)Plants and vegetative material 
  (i) From the Republic of South Africa.PIP, Pc, AD— as for (a)(ii).
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD - freedom from Ditylenchus dipsaci, Heterodera humuli, Pseudoperonospora humuli and Verticillium alboatrum. Freedom from virus diseases with specific reference to Hop mosaic virus, and Hop nettle head virus complex.
  (i) for propagationPIP, Pc, AD — Mother plants were inspected during active growh and found free from Hop mosaic virus and the Nettle head virus complex.
  (ii) Cones (seed) for commercial purposesPIP, D.
20.Jute (Corchorus capsularis)
 (a)Plants or dead portions of plantsProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD — as below.
 (b)Vegetative material and seed elsewhere than (a)Official services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Cacao swollen shoot virus. Tr. with an appropriate fungicide. Freedom from Anomis sabulifera (Jute semilooper).
21.Maple (Acer spp.)
 (a)Plants and vegetative material (rooted)Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana & Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD as below.
 (b)Seed and unrooted materialPIP, Pc, AD — freedom from Ceratocysyis virescens. Tr. — with an appropriate fungi-dice (Ceresan) and fumigant (Phostoxin) or AD that Vascular wilt (Ceratocystis virescens) does not occur in country of origin.
 (c)Acer rubrum: plants, vegetative material & seed.Prohibited.
22.Packing material
 (a)derived from vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Namibia.
 (b)of a non vegetative originUnrestricted.
23.Rubber (Hevea spp.)
 (a)Vegetative materialProhibited except from the Republic of South Africa, PIP, Pc.
  (i) From countries where Dothidella ulei (South) American leaf blight) occursProhibited.
  (ii) From other countriesPIP, Pc, AD that Dothidella ulei and Phomopsis heveae do not occur in the country of origin. Declaration that parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Ceratocystis fimbriata and Phytophthora palmivora. Treatment with appropriate fumigant and fungicide.
24.Rubus cuneifoliusPlants, vegetative material and seedProhibited.
25.Stored ProductsOfficial services only. PIP, Pc, AD — Freedom from Pseudomonas solanacearum (Granville wilt strain), Acanthoscelides obtectus (Pulse beetle), Callosobruchus chinensis (Pulse beetle), Ephestria cautella (Grain moth), Sitophilus zeamais (Maize weevil), Sitotroga cerealella (Angoumois grain moth), Tribolium castaneum (Rust red flour beetle), Trogoderma granarium (Khapra beetle), weevils (Curculionidae), mites, other storage pests and obvious contamination by storage fungi. Inspection if necessary.
26.Tea (Camellia (Thea) sinensis)
 (a)PlantsProhibited, except from the Republic of South Africa. PIP, Pc, AD as for (b)(ii).
 (b)Budwood, jats & scions, and seed 
  (i) From countries where Exobasidium vexans (Blister blight) occurs: (Asia, Assam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Guinea, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, Taiwan, Vietnam)Prohibited.
  (ii) From other countries outside the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD that Exobasidium vexans does not occur in the country of origin. Declaration that plant material is free from Calacarus carinatus, Xanthomonas gorlencovianum, Pestalotiopsis theae, Phomopsis theae and Rosellinia spp. Tr. — immersion in an appropriate fungicide (Perenox) for 24 hours. Freedom from Hemitarsonemus latus (yellow tea mite).
 (c)Processed teaUnrestricted.
27.Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.)
 (a)Plant material (excluding leaf tobacco and seed)Prohibited except from the Republic of South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. PIP, Pc, AD — freedom from diseases and pests listed below.
 (b)Seed and unmanufactured leaf tobacco from countries where Peronospora tabacina or any other Peronospora spp. pathogenic to tobacco occurProhibited.
 (c)Seed of cultivated or indigenous Nicotiana spp. from countries other than the Republic of South Africa.Official services only, PIP, Pc, AD — Peronospora tabacina (Blue mould) does not occur in the country of origin. Parent plants to be inspected during active growth and found free from Pseudomonas mellea (Wisconsin leaf spot), Tobacco mottle virus, Tobacco ring spot virus, Tobacco vein distortion virus, Tomato black ring virus. Freedom from Choanephora cucurbitarum. Tr. — appropriate fungicide e.g. Silver nitrate or Thiram, and fumigation e.g. Phostoxin. Freedom from Hemitarsonema latus (Yellow tea mite)
 (d)Seed of ornamental Nicotiana spp. from countries other than the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD — Peronospora tabacina (Blue mould) does not occur in the country of origin (State of origin acceptable in case of the USA). Parent plants were inspected during active growth and found free from Pseudomonas mellea, Tobacco ring spot virus and Tomato black ring virus. Treatment as under (c) above.
 (e)Unmanufactured leaf tobacco from countries other than the Republic of South AfricaPIP, Pc, AD that(i)Peronospora tabacina does not occur in country of origin. Or(ii)official declaration that tobacco and packing material have been fumigated with Etox at 1000 g/m3 for 4 hours under sustained vacuum at 21°C and above. Or(iii)Procedure described under (ii) above will be performed immediately upon arrival of a consignment in the Republic of South Africa or in Swaziland.
 (f)Seed from the Republic of South Africa and manufactured leaf tobacco, cigarettes, cigars etc.Unrestricted provided there is no obvious infection or infestation.
 Any plant material including seed known to be noxious or considered to be a weed (See Schedule I)Prohibited.

Tenth Schedule (Section 48)

Index of materials

 Abaca spp. 40
 Abaca mosaic virus 41
 Acacia spp. 66
 Acanthoscelides obtectus 58, 87
 Acer spp. 86
 Acer rubrum 86
 Aceria lycopersici56
 Aceria sheldoni35
 Aceria tulipae48
 Acleris comariana46
 Acleris variana71
 Acraea acerata55
 Acrocomia intremescens41
 Acrolepis assectella48
 Actinidia chinensis23, 40
 Actinomyces ipomeae55
 Aculus lycopersici56
 Aculus schlectendali45, 45
 Additional Declaration (AD)31
 Agave spp.28, 80
 Agropyron spp.62
 Alabama argillacea84
 Alectra spp.21
 Aleurites cordata46
 Aleurites fordii46
 Aleurocanthus spiniferus35, 80
 Aleurocanthus woglumi35, 39
 Alien animal4, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21
 Alisma plantago-aquatica20, 67
 Allium spp.48, 69
 Alternanthera echinata20
 Alternanthera philoxeroides67
 Alternaria dianthicola72
 Alternaria panax85
 Alternaria radicina51
 Alternaria raphani54
 Alternaria solani54
 Althaea rosea20
 Amaryllis spp.69
 Ambrosia spp.20
 Amelanchier spp.79
 Anacardium occidentale34
 Ananas comosus43
 Anarsia lineatella79
 Anastrepha fraterculus34, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44
 Anastrepha ludens33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45
 Anastrepha mombinpraeoptans34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43
 Anemone spp.81
 Angiosorus solani.54
 Angoumois grain moth87
 Anguina agrostis.62
 Anguina tritici61
 Aromala orientalis48, 57, 60, 66, 82
 Anomis sabulifera86
 Anona cherimola22, 39
 Anther smut of Dianthus72
 Anthonomus eugenii53
 Anthonomus grandis84
 Anthonomus signatus46
 Anthurium spp.22, 26
 Anuraphis persicae niger35
 Aonidiella aurantii35
 Aonidomytilus albus51
 Aphanostigma piri 45, 79
 Aphelenchoides besseyi 46, 63
 Aphelenchoides fragariae 46, 81
 Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi81
 Aphis forbesii46
 Aphis pomi79
 Aphytes lepidosaphes35
 Apium spp.51
 Aplanobacter populi77
 Aponogeton conjugatus67
 Aponogeton desertorum67
 Aponogeton kraussianus67
 Apples43, 44
 Apple chat fruit mycoplasma79
 Apple maggot 4444
 Apple proliferation mycoplasma79
 Apple ringspot virus79
 Aquatic plants20, 66
 Arabis mosaic virus39
 Arachis spp.58
 Araucaria spp.71
 Arceuthobium spp.71
 Arctium spp.22, 83
 Arecastrum romanzoffianum37
 Argemone mexicana20
 Aronia spp.79
 Artichoke49, 50
 Artichoke curly dwarf virus49
 Artichoke latent virus49
 Artichoke mosaic virus49
 Artichoke mottled crinkle virus49
 Arundinaria spp.68
 Ascochyta caulicola60
 Ascochyta chrysanthemi71
 Ascochyta fabae58
 Ascochyta gossypii84
 Ascochyta rabiei58
 Asian citrus psylla35
 Asparagus latent virus50
 Asparagus rust48
 Asperosporium caricae42
 Aster sensu lato81
 Aster yellows mycoplasma71
 Atropa belladonna22, 83
 Atropa spp.83
 Atropellis spp.72
 Aulacaspis tegalensis64
 Avena spp.61
 Avocado pear sunblotch virus35
 Azalea spp.78
 Babiana spp.69
 Bacopa erecta67
 Bacterial canker of poplar77
 Bacterial citrus canker35
 Bacterial rhizome rot41
 Bacterial twig blight of willow80
 Balanogastris colae38
 Baluchian melon fly52
 Banana bunchy top virus41
 Barley21, 61
 Barley malt61
 Barley stripe mosaic virus61
 Bean western mosaic virus58
 Bean yellow mosaic virus58, 60, 70
 Bee disease17
 Beehives17, 18, 21
 Bees— see Honey bees
 Beeswax17, 18, 21
 Beet curly top virus50, 54, 56
 Beet leaf curl virus50
 Begonia spp.68
 Belladonna22, 83
 Belonolaimus spp.55
 Berberis spp.68
 Beta spp.50
 Betula spp.68
 Blackberry dwarf virus45
 Black boll rot disease of cotton84
 Black bud rot of Musaceae40
 Black canker of willow81
 Black citrus aphid35
 Black leaf streak40
 Black patch of soybeans58
 Black peach aphid35
 Black scab of willow80
 Black stem rot of mint53
 Black rust of wheat69
 Black scab of willow80
 Blind seed disease61
 Blister blight of tea8
 Blood disease40
 Blue mould of tobacco88
 Botrytis spp.70
 Botrytis tulipa69
 Brassica spp.50
 Bremia lactucae53
 Brevipalpus californicus80
 Brevipalpus lewisi39
 Brevipalpus obovatus66
 Bringal mosaic virus55
 Bristle top disease of coconut37, 38
 Broadbean stain virus57
 Bronze leaf wilt of coconut37, 38
 Broomcorn22, 63
 Brown citrus aphid35
 Brown Locust15
 Brown spot of soybean58
 Buffalo grass20
 Bulbs22, 69
 Burdock22, 83
 Cacao swollen shoot virus37, 38, 86
 Cachexia virus35
 Cacoecimorpha pronumbana73
 Cacti8, 20, 22, 70
 Cadang-cadang37, 38
 Caesalpinia sepiaria20
 Calacarus carinatus87
 Calacarus citrifolii35
 Calconycles catori42, 76
 Callistephus spp.81
 Callosobruchus chinensis87
 Callosobruchus rhodesianus87
 Camellia sinensis87
 Campanula spp.81
 Camponotus spp.77
 Cancellation of registration7
 Candied citrus peel36
 Cannabis sativa20
 Cape Gooseberry76
 Capitophorus fragaefolii80
 Capsicum spp.22, 51
 Carica papaya42
 Carpenter ants77
 Carpocapsa pomonella44, 79
 Carposina nipponensis44, 79
 Carthamus tinctorius8
 Carya spp.42
 Cassava spp.22, 51
 Cassava brown streak virus51
 Cassava mosaic virus51
 Castanea vulgaris22, 71
 Castor oil83
 Casuarina spp.83
 Cedrus spp.71
 Ceiba pentandra74
 Celtis spp.84
 Centaurea calcitrapa20
 Centaurea melisensis20
 Centaurea solsitialis20
 Cephalosporium diospyri43
 Cephalosporium graminum61
 Cephalorporium maydis62, 64
 Cephus cinctus61
 Cephus pygmaeus61
 Ceratitis capitata 28, 33
 Ceratitis catorii34
 Ceratitis cosyra34
 Ceratitis malagassa34
 Ceratocystis fagacearum 68, 71, 73, 75
 Ceratocystis fimbriata37, 55, 87
 Ceratocystis ulmi84, 85
 Ceratocystis virescens86
 Ceratophyllum demersum67
 Cercospora spp.59
 Cercospora arparagi50
 Cercospora carthami80
 Cercospora henningsi51
 Cercospora loti60
 Cercospora medicaginis59
 Cercospora pini-densiflorae72
 Cercospora purpurea35
 Cercospora sesami46
 Cercospora sojina58
 Cercospora transveisina52
 Cereals21, 61
 Ceroplastes spp.35
 Ceroplastes luteolus38
 Ceropla stes rubens38
 Ceroplastes ruisci35
 Ceuthospora litchii40
 Chaenomeles spp.79
 Chara spp.67
 Cherry fruit fly44
 Cherry leaf roll virus79
 Cherry necrotic rusty mottle disease79
 Chestnut29, 71
 Chestnut blight71
 Chick pea22, 58
 Chief research officer6
 Chillies22, 51
 Chinese gooseberry40
 Chlorotic streak64
 Choanephora cucurbitarum52, 88
 Chrysanthemum spp.71
 Chrysantheum cineraraefolium77
 Chrysantheum roseum77
 Chrysantheum stunt virus71, 78
 Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli72
 Chrysomyxa rhododendri78
 Cicer arietinum22,58
 Cichorium endivia83
 Cichorium intybus83
 Cienfugosia spp.21
 Cineraria spp.81
 Citrullus vulgaris56
 Citrus spp.7, 12, 21, 23, 27, 35
 Citrus bud mite35
 Citrus greening disease35
 Citrus grey mite35
 Citrus peel23, 36
 Citrus psylla35
 Citrus red bud mite35
 Citrus stubborn mycoplasma35, 36
 Clearance certificate17
 Clemora smithii64
 Clitocybe tabescens40
 Cnicus lanceolatus20
 Cockle disease61
 Cocoa22, 36
 Coconut23, 37, 38
 Cocos nucifera22, 37
 Cocos romanzoffianum37
 Cocos weddelliana.37
 Codling moth44
 Coelomenodera elaeidis42, 76
 Coffea spp.38
 Coffea arabica22, 38
 Coffee22, 38
 Cola spp.22, 38
 Cola acuminata22, 38
 Cola weevil38
 Colletotrichum coffeanum38
 Colletotrichum curvatum58
 Colletotrichum dernatium58
 Colletotrichum fuscum84
 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides42
 Colletotrichum gossypii84
 Colletotrichum higginsianum54
 Colletotrichum lini85
 Colietotrichum trifolii60
 Colletotrichum truncatum60
 Colorado beetle48
 Compost21, 76
 Concentric ring blotch disease35
 Coniella diplodiella39
 Conifers22, 71
 Coniothyrium fuckelii79
 Conium maculatum23, 85
 Conotrachelus mexicanus33
 Conotrachelus nenuphar33, 79
 Control of Cereals Act21
 Convallaria spp.22, 69
 Corchorus capsularis23, 86
 Coreopsis spp.81
 Coriander22, 52
 Coriandrum sativum22, 52
 Cork75, 83
 Cornus spp.73
 Corylus spp.22, 74
 Corynebacterium betae50
 Corynebacterium fascians46, 50
 Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens58
 Corynebacterium insidiosum59, 60
 Corynebacterium michiganense56
 Corynebacterium sepedonicum54
 Corynespora cassicola58
 Cotoneaster spp.79
 Cotton21, 23, 83, 84
 Cotton bollworm (USA)84
 Cotton jassid84
 Cotton leafworm84
 Cotton lint, unmanufactured23, 84
 Cranberry22, 72
 Cranberry falseblossom mycoplasma72
 Crataegomespilus spp.79
 Crataegus spp.79
 Criconemoides spp.55
 Criconemoides morgensis64
 Crinum spp.69
 Crocus spp.22, 69
 Cronartium spp.72, 75
 Cronartium cerebrum75
 Crotalaria spp.58
 Cucumber green mottle virus52
 Cucumis spp.52
 Cupressus spp.71
 Curator, National herbarium6
 Curculionidae61, 72, 87
 Curcuma spp.52
 Curvularia spp.70
 Curvularia trifolii60
 Cuscuta spp.59, 60
 Cuscuta trifolii20
 Custard apple22, 39
 Customs officer4
 Cut flowers8, 21, 23
 Cycads22, 72
 Cydia molesta33
 Cydonia spp.79
 Cylindrocladium quinqueseptatum39
 Cynara scolymaus49
 Cyperus difformis67
 Cyperus digitatus67
 Cyperus esculentus67
 Cyperus payprus67
 Cyperus rotundis67
 Dacus cucurbitae52
 Dacus dorsalis28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45
 Dacus tryoni34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43
 Dacus tsueonis35
 Dacus zonatus44, 79
 Datana integerrima47
 Dates22, 41
 Datura spp.84
 Daucus carota51
 Deciduous fruit trees7
 Declaration (D)31
 Demersus melaeoides72
 Dendroctonus brevicornis71
 Desmodium spp.60
 Destruction procedures9, 10, 13—14, 16—18
 Diaphorina citri35
 Dianthus spp.72
 Diaporthe phaseolorum51, 58
 Diaporthe vexans55
 Diarthronomyia chrysanthemi71
 Diarthrothrips coffeae38
 Diaspis bromeliae43
 Diatraea saccharalis64
 Dibotryon morbosum79
 Dichrocoris punctiferalis79
 Didymella yvcopersici56
 Digitalis spp.22, 84
 Dioscorea spp.22, 56
 Diospyros spp.23, 43
 Diplodia gossypina59, 84
 Diprion pini71
 Dipsaca fulomum20
 Disinfection of plants9, 17
 Distantiella theobromae37
 Ditylenchus angustus63
 Ditylenchus destructor48, 54, 55, 68, 69, 70
 Ditylenchus dipsaci48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 69, 70, 71, 81, 86
 Dodder20, 59
 Dolichos spp.57, 58
 Dothidella ulei87
 Dothiostroma spp.72
 Downy mildew (grape)39
 Drechslera iridis70
 Drechslera maydis63, 64
 Drechslera sesami46
 Drechslera verticillata61
 Drechslera victoriae61
 Drechslera zeicola63
 Dried flowers84
 Dutch Elm disease84
 Dwarf bunt of wheat & oats61
 Early blight54
 Echinocloa stagnina67
 Edged ring virus of carnations73
 Eichhornia crassipes20, 67
 Elaeis spp.41
 Eleocharis dulcis67
 Elm mosaic virus85
 Elm phloem necrosis mycoplasma85
 Elm span worm84
 Empoasca fabae54
 Empoasca fascialis84
 Encephalartos spp.72
 Endocronartium spp.72
 Endothia parasitica71, 75, 84, 85
 Ennomos subsignarius84, 85
 Ensete spp40
 Entry points11
 Ephelis oryzae63
 Ephelis pallida63
 Ephestria cautella87
 Epicaerus cognatus54
 Epichoristodes acerbella73
 Epilachna pavonia55
 Epimedium spp68
 Eradication— see under Destruction
 Eragrostis spp62
 Eremurus spp22, 69
 Erica spp.22, 74
 Eriobotrya spp.79
 Eriophyes insidiosus79
 Eriophyes pyri34, 45
 Eriophyes sheldoni35
 Eriophyes tulipae48
 Eriosoma lanigerum33, 66, 82
 Ervum lens59
 Erwinia amylovora44, 45, 71, 78, 79
 Erwinia ananas43
 Erwinia carotovora41, 50, 53
 Erwinia chrysanthemi63, 71, 73, 79
 Erwinia rhapontici54
 Erwinia rubrifaciens47
 Erwinia salicis80
 Erwinia stewarti— see Xanthomonas stewarti
 Erythroneura comes39
 Erysiphe lagerstroemiae74
 Eucalyptus spp.22, 73
 Eucalyptus snout beetle73
 Eupoecilia ambiguella39
 Exemption from registration8
 Exobasidium vexans87
 Exochorda spp.79
 Exocortis virus35
 Exosporium sultanae39
 Exotic animals— see under Alien animals
 Export of mushrooms13
 Export of plants12—13
 Fagus spp.68
 Fencing posts8
 Festuca spp.62
 Fibre (see also under cotton)85
 Fidia viticida39
 Fiji disease64
 Fire blight44, 45
 Flax22, 73, 85
 Flora Protection Act12
 Flowers8, 21, 23
 Foot—and—mouth disease36
 Fouquiera spp.22, 80
 Forest trees7, 85
 Forestry officer6
 Fragaria vesca46
 Fraxinus spp.67
 Freesia spp.69
 Fritillaria spp.69
 Frog eye leafspot58
 Fruit21, 22, 23
 Fruit flies44
 Fruit trees7
 Fuller’s teasel20
 Furcraea spp.80
 Fusarium spp.43, 70
 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis42
 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense41
 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae56
 Fusarium oxysporum var. zingiberi53
 Fusicladium miyabeana80
 Gemida gahani72
 Geococcus coffeae38
 Ginger22, 52, 53
 Ginseng22, 85
 Gladiolus spp.69, 70
 Globe artichoke49
 Globodera see under Heterodera
 Gloeosporium psidii39
 Gloeotinia temulenta61, 62
 Glomerella gossypii84
 Glomerella psidii39
 Glycine spp.57, 58
 Godronia cassandrae72
 Gonipterus gibberus73
 Gonipterus scutellatus73
 Goplana dioscorea56
 Gossypium spp.21, 83
 Grain moth87
 Gramineae7, 22, 60
 Grape vine39
 Grapevine flavescence dorée39
 Graphognathus leucoloma66
 Grapholitha prunivora44, 79
 Grassy shoot virus64
 Grassy stunt virus63
 Green petal virus disease46, 78
 Greenhouse plants7
 Greening disease of citrus35
 Ground cherry76
 Groundnut bud necrosis virus59
 Groundnut mottle virus59
 Guam disease37, 38
 Guignardia bidwelli39
 Guignardia citricarpa39
 Gymnosporangium spp.72, 79
 Gypsy moth77, 79, 80, 84, 85
 Hakea spp.74
 Hakea tenuifolia20
 Hallula phidilealis50
 Hamaspora longissima45
 Hard rot of Gladiolus70
 Harpalus rufipes46
 Harrisia spp.70
 Hawthorn (Crataegus)79
 Hazelnut22, 74
 Heather22, 74
 Hedge plants7
 Helianthus spp.81
 Helianthus annuus46
 Helianthus mosaic virus46
 Helianthus tuberosus49
 Heliconia spp.40
 Helminthosporium miyabeanus63
 Helminthosporium sigmoideum63
 Heliocotylenchus multicinctus41
 Heliothis armigera66
 Heliothis zeae84
 Hemerocallis spp.69
 Hemicriconemoides mangiferae34
 Hemitarsonemus latus34, 35, 44, 56, 84, 87, 88
 Hemlock23, 85
 Hemp (dagga)20
 Hemp (sisal)21, 22, 80
 Henbane23, 85
 Hendersonula toruloidea39
 Heterobostrychus aequalis34
 Heterodera spp.48, 57, 60, 68, 69
 Heterodera avenae61, 62
 Heterodera galeopsidis54
 Heterodera glycines58
 Heterodera humuli86
 Heterodera pallida54
 Heterodera punctata61
 Heterodera rostochiensis54
 Heterodera schachtii54
 Heterodera trifolii54
 Hevea brasillensis22, 86, 87
 Hibiscus spp.21, 74
 Hibiscus cannabinus74
 Hibiscus esculentus74
 Hibiscus sabdariffa74
 Hippeastrum spp.69
 Holodiscus spp.79
 Honey4, 17, 18, 21
 Honey bees4, 17, 18, 19, 21
 Hops23, 86
 Hop mosaic virus86
 Hop nettle head virus86
 Hoplocampa spp.79
 Hordeum spp.61
 Hosts, alternate22
 Humulus spp.23, 86
 Hyacinthus spp.22, 69
 Hydrocles nymphoides67
 Hylemyia brassicae50
 Hylurgopinus rufipes85
 Hymenocallis spp.69
 Hyoscyamus niger23, 85
 Hypanthenemus hampei38
 Hyperodes honariensis61
 Hyphantria cunea33, 79, 85
 Hypoxylon mammatum77
 Hyoscyamus niger23, 85
 Impatiens spp.81
 Impietratura virus35
 Import Regulations10—12, 16
 Importation of Bees Act20
 Indian Hemp20
 Indigenous plants7, 11, 12, 27
 Ink disease of Iris70
 Insects4, 10, 14, 19
 Inspectors4, 8, 15—19
 Internal cork virus55
 Ipomoea spp.81
 Ips amitinus71
 Iris spp.69, 70
 Iris mosaic virus70
 Isariopsis griseola58
 Ischaemun rugosum67
 Ixia spp.69
 Jacquemontia spp.81
 Jeffersonia spp.68
 Jerusalem artichoke49
 Johnson grass63
 Jointed cactus20
 Juglans spp.47
 Jussiaea repens67
 Jute23, 86
 Jute semilooper86
 Kabatiella caulivora60
 Kabatiella zeae63
 Keiferia lycopersicella55
 Kerria spp.79
 Khaki weed20
 Khapra beetle87
 Kiwi fruit23, 40
 Lachenalia spp.69
 Lactuca mosaic virus53
 Lactuca sativa53
 Lagarosiphon spp.67
 Lagenaria spp.52
 Lagerstroemia indica74
 Lantana camara20
 Laspyresia funebrana79
 Late blight54
 Lathyrus spp.59, 69
 Leaf curl of Litchi40
 Leaf scorch of coconut37, 38
 Leek moth48
 Leersia hexandra67
 Legislation repealed20
 Legumes22, 57—60
 Lentils22, 59
 Lepidosaphes beckii35
 Lepidosaphes ulmi66, 79
 Leptinotarsa decemlineata48
 Leptosphaeria maculans50
 Leptosphaeria salvinii63
 Lespedeza spp.60
 Lethal yellowing of coconut37, 38
 Leucoptera coffeella38
 Leucoptera meyrickii38
 Lilium spp.69
 Lily rosette virus69
 Limothrips cerealium60
 Linum spp.85
 Lissorhoptrus oryzephilus63
 Litchi chinensis40
 Live stage4
 Lobesia botrana39
 Locusta pardalina15
 Locusts15, 18
 Locust Destruction Act20
 Lolium spp.62
 Loose smut61
 Lotus spp.60
 Lophodermium pinastri72
 Lophotocarpus guayanensis67
 Lucerne21, 59
 Ludwigia adscendens67
 Lupinus spp.59
 Lycopersicum esculentum55
 Lymantria dispar77, 79, 80, 84, 85
 Macadamia spp.22, 40
 Macrophomina phaseolina46
 Macroptilium57, 58
 Macrosiphum avenae60
 Macrosiphum pisi60
 Macrosiphum solanium54
 Madagascarene fly34
 Mahoberberis spp.68
 Mahonia spp.68
 Maize21, 28, 63
 Maize dwarf mosaic virus63, 64
 Maize weevil87
 Malta Thistle20
 Malus spp.79
 Malvaceae22, 74
 Malting barley61
 Malting sorghum64
 Mamillaria spp.70
 Mangifera indica34
 Mango bunchy top virus34
 Mango seed weevil34
 Manihot aipi51
 Manihot esculenta51
 Manihot utilissima22, 51
 Marasmius palmivora41, 76
 Marasimus perniciosus37
 Marsilea spp.67
 Marsonina panattoniana83
 Mauginiella scattae42, 76
 Mauritius thorn20
 Medicago spp.59
 Medicago denticulata59
 Medicago laciniata59
 Medicago minima59
 Medicago polymorpha59
 Medicago praecox59
 Medicago sativa59
 Medicago virus3 59, 60
 Melampsora spp.7
 Melampsora medusae72, 7
 Melanops perseae3
 Melilotus spp.6
 Melithomma insulare42, 7
 Meloidodera floridensis7
 Meloidogyne spp.41, 48, 49, 50, 53, 55, 68, 69, 70, 81, 8
 Meloidogyne arenaria5
 Meloidogyne coffeicola3
 Meloidogyne graminicola6
 Melon fruit fly5
 Melon mosaic virus52, 5
 Mentha piperita5
 Mespilus spp.79
 Metasmius hemipterus64
 Mexican fruit fly34
 Mexican Poppy20
 Microlepis spp.67
 Microsphaera spp.51
 Microsphaera alni42
 Millet21, 62
 Mimosa nigra67
 Minister of Agriculture4, 19
 Moko disease40
 Monilia roreri37
 Monilochaete infuscans55
 Morus spp.75
 Mulberry mosaic virus75
 Muscari spp.69
 Mushrooms5, 13
 Mushroom licence13, 29
 Mushroom rootrot40
 Muskmelon mosaic virus56
 Muskmelon necrotic spot virus52
 Mussel scale35
 Mycosphaerella fijiensis40, 41
 Mycosphaerella ligulicola71, 78
 Mycosphaerella musicola40, 41
 Mycosphaerella populorum77
 Mycosphaerella rabiei58
 Mycrocystis toxica67
 Mylopandalis pandalina52
 Myriophyllum aquaticum20, 67
 Myzus persicae79
 Najas spp.67
 Nardina spp.68
 Narcissus spp.22, 69
 Nasella trichotoma21, 62
 Nasella tussock grass21, 62
 National parks & reserves18
 National Trust Commission Act12
 Navel orange moth42, 47
 Nectria galligena44, 78, 79
 Needle cast fungi72
 Nelumbo nucifera67
 Nemesia spp.81
 Neovossia indica61
 Neptunia oleracea67
 Nerine spp.69
 Nettle head virus complex86
 New Zealand Flax22, 73
 Nicotiana spp.87, 88
 Nipaecoccus nipae28, 55
 Nomadacris septemfasciata15
 Nopalea spp.70
 Noxious weeds5, 13—14, 20—21, 88
 Noxious Weeds Act20
 Nursery Registration6—8, 23—24
 Nymphoides indica67
 Nymphaea caerulea67
 Nymphaea capensis67
 Nymphaea lotus67
 Nymphaea maculata67
 Nymphaea odorata67
 Nymphula depunctalis63
 Nursery5—9, 12, 23—25
 Nursery Registration Board6, 23
 Oak rusts75
 Oak wilt68, 73, 75
 Oats21, 61
 Official Services only31
 Oil palm22, 41
 Oil seeds42, 46
 Okra fibre74
 Olea spp.41
 Oligonychus biliariensis34
 Oligonychus mangiferus34, 35
 Oligonychus pratensis42, 76
 Olive scale35
 Olpidium brassicae74
 Onion yellow dwarf virus48
 Onion smut48
 Ophiobolus graminis61
 Ophiostoma roboris75
 Opium poppy22, 75
 Opogona sacchari53
 Opuntia spp.22, 70
 Opuntia aurantiaca20, 70
 Opuntia pusilla20, 70
 Opuntia rosea20, 70
 Opuntia vulgaris70
 Orange peel35
 Orange spiny white fly35
 Orchids22, 75
 Orchid medium76
 Oreodoxa regia41
 Oriental citrus aphid35
 Oriental citrus psylla35
 Oriental fruit fly34
 Ornamentals7, 24, 64
 Ornithogalum spp.69
 Ornithopus spp.60
 Ostrinia nubilalis60
 Oryza spp.63
 Oryza brachyantha67
 Oryza brevilugulata67
 Oryza perennis67
 Ottelia ulvifolia67
 Oulema melanopus60
 Ovulina azaleae78
 Pachydiplosis oryzae63
 Packing Material16, 86
 Paeonia spp.81
 Palms7, 22, 41, 76
 Panama disease41
 Panax ginseng22, 85
 Panonychus citri35, 66
 Papaver somniferum22, 75
 Papaya distortion ringspot virus42
 Papaya leaf curl42
 Papaya mosaic42
 Papaya yellow crinkle42
 Paramyelois transitella39, 42, 43, 47
 Pardalaspis cyanescens56
 Parlatoria blanchardii42, 76
 Parlatoria citri35
 Parlatoria oleae35, 41
 Parlatoria zizyphi28
 Partial bunt of wheat61
 Parthenium spp.81
 Passiflora spp.42
 Passion fruit42
 Passion fruit woodiness virus42
 Pastinaca sativa53
 Pasture grasses7, 62
 Pasture legumes59, 60
 Paw paw42
 Pea seedborne mosaic virus60
 Peach mosaic virus79
 Peach rosette mosaic virus39, 79
 Peach twig borer79
 Peanut clump virus59
 Peanut marginal chlorosis virus59
 Peanut ring spot virus59
 Peanut stunt disease virus59
 Pear43, 45
 Pear blister mite34, 45
 Pear decline mycoplasma79
 Pear rust mite44, 45
 Pear stony pit virus79
 Pellicularia koloroga38, 42, 53
 Penalties19, 20
 Pepper22, 51, 53
 Pepper weevil53
 Pereskia spp.70
 Periconia circinata6
 Peridermium kurilense72
 Principal Secretary of Agriculture5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 28
 Peronospora arborescens75
 Peronospora farinosa55
 Peronospora hyoscyami83
 Peronospora manshurica58
 Peronospora rubi45
 ronospora schachtii50
 Peronospora tabacina88
 Peronospora viciae58
 Persaea spp.34
 Persaea americana34
 Persimmon23, 43
 Persimmon wilt43
 Pestalotia psidii39
 Pestalotiopsis theae87
 Petal blight of Dianthus72
 Petrobia latens48, 61
 Petunia Spp.76
 Peucedanum spp.51
 Phaseolus spp.57
 Phaseolus lunatus58
 Phenacaspis pinifoliae72
 Phialophora cinerescens72
 Phoenix dactylifera41
 Phoma arachidis50
 Phoma asparagi59
 Phoma betae50
 Phoma exigua54
 Phoma lingam50
 Phoma oleracea var. helianthi—tuberosi46, 49
 Phoma strasseri53
 Phomopsis anonae39
 Phomopsis heveae87
 Phomopsis leptostromiformis59
 Phomopsis loti60
 Phomopsis theae87
 Phomopsis vexans55
 Phomopsis viticola39
 Phoracantha semipunctata73
 Phormium tenax22, 73
 Phormium yellow leaf mycoplasma73, 74
 Photinia spp.79
 Phragmites mauritianus67
 Phthorimaea operculella55
 Phyllosticta maydis63
 Phyllosticta solitaria79
 Phyllosticta zingiberi53
 Phymatotrichum omnivorum70, 71, 72, 84
 Physalis spp.76
 Physalospora miyabeana80
 Physalospora rhodina56, 84
 Physopella ampelopsidis39
 Phytomonas ananas43
 Phytophthora spp.43, 56
 Phytophthora cambivora71
 Phytophthora capsici51
 Phytophthora cinnamomi35, 39, 40, 43, 77
 Phytophthora fragariae46, 78
 Phytophthora infestans54
 Phytophthora palmivora37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 53, 87
 Phytophthora parasitica43
 Phytosanitary certificate11, 12, 28—29, 31
 Pierce’s disease39
 Pieris spp.50
 Pineapple scale43
 Pine rusts22, 75, 81
 Pine sawfly71
 Pinus spp.71
 Piper spp.22
 Piper auritum53
 Piper nigrum53
 Pissodes spp.72
 Pistia stratiotes20, 67
 Pisum spp.60
 Planococcus kenyae38
 Planococcoides njalensis37
 Plant5, 18, 19
 Plant disease5, 10, 17, 19
 Plant Import Permit10, 11, 16, 17, 26, 27, 32
 Plant pathologist6, 8, 11, 12
 Plant Protection Act (1959)20
 Plasmopara halstedii46, 49
 Plasmopara viticola39
 Pleospora papaveracea75
 Plumline pattern virus79
 Plum pox virus79
 Podophyllum spp.68
 Poison ivy77
 Polianthus spp.69
 Police Officer5
 Pollaccia saliciperda80
 Polyporus bandonii73
 Poplar mosaic virus77
 Poppilia japonica33, 48, 57, 60, 66, 82
 Populus spp.77
 Poria weirii72
 Pot plants21, 23
 Potamogeton spp.67
 Potato, “seed”22, 54
 Pratylenchus spp.41, 48, 50, 68, 69, 70, 81
 Pratylenchus brachyurus54
 Pratylenchus coffeae38, 48, 51
 Pratylenchus pratensis61
 Pratylenchus zeae63
 Protea spp.77
 Prunus spp.79
 Prunus necrotic ringspot virus52
 Pseudaulacaspis pentagona55, 79
 Pseudococcus comstocki28, 75
 Pseudococcus nipae42, 76
 Pseudococcus obscurus28
 Pseudomonas aleurititis46
 Pseudomonas andropogonis64
 Pseudomonas aptata50
 Pseudomonas caryophylli73
 Pseudomonas cichorii46, 49, 52
 Pseudomonas garceae38
 Pseudomonas glycinea58
 Pseudomonas helianthi46, 49
 Pseudomonas maublanci40, 41
 Pseudomonas mellea88
 Pseudomonas mors-prunorum79
 Pseudomonas nectarophila79
 Pseudomonas pisi60
 Pseudomonas saliciperda80
 Pseudomonas syringae77
 Pseudomonas savastanoi41
 Pseudomonas solanacearum40, 41, 51, 53, 54, 55, 83, 87
 Pseudoperonospora humuli86
 Pseudotheraptus wayi42, 76
 Psidium guajava39
 Psorosis virus35
 Psylla pyricola45
 Pterostichus madidus46
 Puccinia arachidis59
 Puccinia asparagi48, 50
 Puccinia graminis69
 Puccinia horiana71
 Puccinia psidii39
 Pueraria spp.57, 58
 Pulse beetles87
 Pulvinaria floccifera66
 Punica spp.77
 Purple starthistle20
 Pycreus spp.67
 Pyracantha spp.79
 Pyrethrum spp.22, 77
 Pyrus spp.22, 79
 Quadraspidiotus perniciosus28, 33, 34, 66, 82
 Quarantine8—9, 15—16
 Queensland fruit fly44
 Quercus spp.75
 Radopholus similis35, 40, 41, 43, 49, 50, 53, 55, 66
 Ramularia bellunensis78
 Ramularia sorghi64
 Raphanus sativu53
 Raspberry leaf curl virus45
 Raspberry ringspot virus45
 Ratoon stunt disease64
 Ray blight of Chrysanthemum71
 Red locust15
 Redring disease37, 38, 76
 Red scale35
 Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus37, 38, 42, 76
 Rhagoletis spp.35
 Rhagoletis cerasi44
 Rhagoletis cingutata44
 Rhagoletis completa47
 Rhagoletis fausta44
 Rhagoletis pomonella44
 Rhamnus spp.69
 Rheum raponticum54
 Rhizoctonia leguminicola58
 Rhizomes22, 69
 Rhododendron spp.78
 Rhododendron rust78
 Rhubarb mosaic virus54
 Rhus toxicodendron77
 Rhyncophora palmarum37, 38, 42, 76
 Ribes spp.81
 Rice21, 63
 Ricinus spp.83
 Root wilt of coconut37, 38
 Rosa spp.22, 79
 Rosaceae22, 43, 78, 79, 80
 Rose7, 22, 79
 Rose rosette virus79, 80
 Rose wilt virus79, 80
 Rosellinia spp.87
 Rotylenchulus reniformis49, 51, 55
 Rubber22, 86, 87
 Rubus spp.45
 Rubus cuneifolius87
 Rubus fruticosus45
 Rubus idaeus45
 Russet crack virus55
 Rust red flour beetle87
 Saccharum officinale64
 Sagittaria guayanensis67
 Salix spp.80
 Salvinia molesta20, 67
 Sambucus spp.73
 San Jose scale34
 Scaphytopius nitridus35
 Scilla spp.69
 Scirrhia acicola72
 Scirpus spp.67
 Sclerophthora rayssiae var. zeae62
 Sclerospora graminicola63
 Sclerospora macrospora63
 Sclerospora maydis62, 63
 Sclerospora philippinensis62, 63
 Sclerospora sacchari63, 64
 Sclerospora spontanea63, 64
 Sclerotinia bulborum69, 70
 Sclerotium spp.81
 Sclerotium tuliparum69, 70
 Scolytus multistriatus85
 Scolytus scolytus85
 Scotch Thistle20
 Scyphophorus interstitialis80
 Secale spp.61
 Secretary— See Principal Secretary
 Seed potatoes22, 54
 Seeds21, 32
 Senecio spp.81
 Septobasidium aleuritidis46
 Septoria apii51
 Septoria azaleae78
 Septoria gladioli70
 Septoria glycines58
 Septoria linicola85
 Septoria tritici61
 Sesamum indicum45
 Sesbania punicea20
 Setaria chevalieri20
 Shade trees7
 Shuck die-back42
 Sigatoka disease40
 Sisal21, 22, 80
 Sisal weevil80
 Sitophilus zeamais87
 Sitrotroga cerealella87
 Solanum spp.54, 55
 Solanum indicum55
 Solanum mauritianum20
 Solanum melongena55
 Solanum tuberosum54
 Solidago spp.81
 Sorbaria spp.79
 Sorbus spp.79
 Sorghum spp.21, 22, 63
 Sorghum halepense62, 63
 South African citrus psylla35
 South American leaf blight87
 Soybean cyst nematode58
 Soybean stunt virus58
 Sparaxis spp.69
 Sparganium spp.67
 Spear thistle20
 Sphaceloma arachidis59
 Sphaceloma punicae77
 Sphenoclea zeylanica67
 Spilographa electa53
 Spinacia oleracea55
 Spiny Hakea20
 Spiraea spp.79
 Spodoptera littoralis66, 84
 Spodoptera litura66, 84
 Spodoptera mauritia63
 Sprekelia spp.69
 Squash mosaic virus56
 Stangeria spp.72
 St. Barnabas Thistle20
 Stem canker of soybean58
 Stephanitis pyri79
 Stephanitis typica41
 Stephanoderes hampei38
 Stereum purpureum79
 Sterility disease of wheat61
 Sternochetus mangiferae34
 Stipa trichotoma21, 62
 Stolbur mycoplasma54
 Stony pit virus disease of pear79
 Storage fungi61, 87
 Storage pests61, 87
 Stored products61, 87
 Stranvaesia spp.79
 Strawberry46, 78
 Strawberry tortrix46
 Strawberry vein bending virus46
 Strawberry weevil46
 Streak virus of carnation73
 Striate mosaic virus64
 Striga spp.21
 Stripe wilt61
 Subtropical crops22
 Subtropical fruits22
 Sugarcane8, 21, 64
 Sugarcane chlorotic streak virus III:64, 68
 Sugarcane grassy shoot virus64, 68
 Sugar smut64
 Sundry Imports22, 82
 Swaziland Citrus Board12, 21
 Swaziland Sugar Association4, 9
 Swaziland Sugar Industry Agreement8, 9
 Swaziland National Trust Commission6, 11, 12, 28
 Sweet Pea59
 Sweet potato55
 Sweet potato russet crack virus— See Russet crack virus
 Sweet william72
 Syagrus spp.37
 Synanthedon bibiopennis46
 Synchytrium endobioticum45, 48, 54, 68, 69, 70, 80, 81
 Tachypterellus quadrigibbus44, 79
 Target spot of soybean58
 Tea22, 87
 Tephrocactus spp.70
 Tetraneura akinire63
 Tetranychid mite35
 Tetranychus viennensis79
 Texas root rot71, 72
 Thatching material61
 Thea sinensis22, 87
 Theobroma cacao22, 36
 Thread blight42
 Thrips tabaci48, 66
 Thunbergia spp.80
 Tigridia spp.69
 Tilletia barclayana63
 Tilletia contraversa61
 Tilletia foetida61
 Tilletia indica61
 Timber5, 14, 72, 75
 Timangaja disease37, 38, 42
 Tobacco23, 87, 88
 Tobacco mottle virus88
 Tobacco ringspot virus68, 76, 88
 Tobacco vein distortion virus88
 Tomato21, 55
 Tomato aspermy virus71
 Tomato black ring virus39, 50, 56, 85, 88
 Tomato bunchy top virus56, 77
 Tomato fruit fly56
 Tomato ringspot virus33, 48, 56, 57, 60, 66, 82
 Tomato spotted wilt43
 Tortrix pronumbana73
 Toxoptera citricida35
 Trader5, 8
 Tragopogon spp.54
 Trapa natans67
 Tribolium castaneum87
 Trichoconis padwickii63
 Trichoplusia ni50
 Trifolium spp.60
 Trigonella foenum-graecum52
 Trioza erytreae35
 Tristeza virus35
 Triticale spp.61
 Triticum spp.61
 Tritonia spp.69
 Trogoderma granarium61, 87
 Trophotylenchulus florodensis43
 Tropical citrus aphid35
 Tropical fruit fly34
 Tulipa spp.22, 69
 Tulip breaking virus69
 Tulip fire69
 Tung oil tree46
 Tussock grass21
 Tylenchulus semipenetrans35
 Typha spp.67
 Typhonodorum lindleyanum67
 Ulmus spp.84
 Urocystis agropyri61
 Urocystis cepulae48, 49
 Uromyces spp. 51,70
 Urophlyctes alfalfae59
 Ustilaginoidea virens63
 Ustilago cichorii83
 Ustilago scitaminea64
 Ustilago scorzonerae54
 Ustilago violacea72
 Vaccinium spp.72
 Vaccinium macrocarpum22, 72
 Vaccinium stunt virus72
 Vancouveria spp.68
 Vanilla spp.23, 56
 Vegetable alectra21
 Vegetables8, 21, 22, 23, 47
 Vegetative material32
 Venturia chlorospora79, 81
 Venturia pirina79
 Verbena spp.81
 Verticillium spp.56
 Verticillium alboatrum54, 55, 59, 60, 84, 86
 Verticillium dahliae53
 Vetch22, 57
 Vicia spp.22, 57
 Vigna spp.57, 58
 Vine moth39
 Virus chlorosis of Salix80
 Viteus vitrifolii39
 Vitis spp.39
 Vossia cuspidata67
 Wahlenbergia spp.81
 Wart disease48, 68, 69, 70, 81
 Water fern20
 Water hyacinth20
 Water lettuce20
 Water milfoil20
 Water plantain20
 Watsonia spp.69
 Wax17, 18, 21
 Wax scale35
 Weeds13, 14, 20, 88
 Weed Inspector6, 13—14
 Weevils61, 72, 87
 Wheat21, 61
 Wheat curl mite48
 White rot of grape & vine39
 Wild cotton21
 Wild Mushroom Control Order20
 Willow blight 80,81
 Wisconsin leafspot88
 Wolffia arrhiza67
 Woodborer6, 14
 X disease of Prunus79
 Xanthium spinosum20
 Xanthium strumarium20
 Xanthomonas albilineans64
 Xanthomonas ampelina39
 Xanthomonas begoniae68
 Xanthomonas campestris50, 53
 Xanthomonas cassavae51
 Xanthomonas celebensis40, 41
 Xanthomonas citri35, 36
 Xanthomonas corylina74
 Xanthomonas fragariae46, 78
 Xanthomonas gorlencovianum87
 Xanthomonas hyacinthi69
 Xanthomonas holcicola64
 Xanthomonas juglandis47
 Xanthomonas lespedezae60
 Xanthomonas malvacearum84
 Xanthomonas manihotis51
 Xanthomonas oryzae63
 Xanthomonas oryzicola63
 Xanthomonas panici62
 Xanthomonas phaseoli58
 Xanthomonas phormicola73
 Xanthomonas pruni79
 Xanthomonas rubrilineans64
 Xanthomonas rubrisubalicans64
 Xanthomonas stewartii63, 64
 Xanthomonas vasculorum64
 Xanthomonas vesicatoria51
 Xylosandrus morigerus38
 Yam22, 56
 Yam mosaic virus56
 Yellow dwarf virus63
 Yellow tea mite35, 44, 56, 84, 87, 88
 Yellow thistle20
 Zabrus tenebrioides60
 Zelkova spp.84
 Zeuzera pyrina79
 Zingiber officinale22, 52
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
01 June 1985

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. Control of Cereals Act, 1959 27 citations

Documents citing this one 1

Legislation 1
1. Citrus Act, 1967