Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation Act, 1980
Act 11 of 1983
- Commenced on 1 April 1986
- [This is the version of this document at 1 December 1998.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation Act, 1980 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint.2. Interpretation
Part II – Establishment and management of the Corporation
3. Establishment of the Corporation
4. Establishment of the Board
There shall be a Board of Directors of the Corporation, in this Act referred to as the Board, which shall consist of—5. Powers of the Minister
The Minister may—6. Powers of the Board
In the exercise of its duty under section 7, subject to any directions of a general nature which may be given to it by the Minister, the Board may—7. Duties of the Board
8. Remuneration of Directors
The Corporation shall pay to the Directors such remuneration, fees or allowances for expenses as may be determined by the Minister:Provided that no remuneration, fees or allowances for expenses shall be paid to any Director who is a public officer in receipt of a salary.9. Managing Director, Deputy and Secretary
10. Functions of Managing Director
Subject to this Act, the control and executive management of the Corporation shall be vested in the Managing Director.11. Powers of Managing Director
Subject to the directions of the Board, the Managing Director may—12. Further provisions
Part III – Powers and functions of the Corporation
13. Powers of the Corporation
14. Power to acquire land
15. Power to enter on land to survey, etc.
16. Power to erect, etc. telephone lines on property
17. Removal of telephone lines, etc. erected on property
18. Power to enter land to prevent accidents
19. Powers in relation to electricity undertakers
20. Structures likely to interfere with telecommunications services
21. Provision of particular services
So far as it is not inconsistent with section 100, the Minister may, where he considers it in the public interest to do so, and after consultation with the Board, direct the Corporation to provide a particular postal, telephone, telegraph or radio communication service.Part IV – Postal services
22. No letters to be conveyed except by the Corporation
23. Stamps, envelopes, etc. to be issued by the Corporation
24. Corporation to determine rates and charges
Subject to sections 5 and 6, the Corporation may determine the rates of postage and the charges to be paid in respect of any postal service provided by the Corporation and shall publish such rates and charges in the Post Office Guide.25. Prepayment of postage
All postage and other charges on postal articles imposed under this Act shall be prepaid by means of postage stamps or impressions of franking machines licensed under this Act; and such stamps and impressions shall be affixed to all postal articles liable to postage to the amount of the rates of postage payable thereon:Provided that—26. Addressee may be liable for postage, etc.
27. Postal articles not to be opened
28. Interception of postal articles in public emergency, etc.
29. Power to detain or open a mail bag
Any mail bag may be detained or opened under the authority of the Managing Director.30. Power to dispose of obscene or prohibited postal articles
If the Managing Director has reason to believe—31. Power to deal with postal articles containing anything in respect of which an offence is committed
32. Power to detain postal articles with fictitious stamps
33. Duty of master to deliver postal articles without delay
The master of any vessel or aircraft arriving at any port, harbour, airport or other place in Swaziland shall without delay:34. Notice to post office of departure of vessel or aircraft
35. Duty of master to carry mail bags
The master of any vessel or aircraft, not being a mail vessel or an aircraft ordinarily authorised to carry mail, which is about to depart from any port, harbour or airport in Swaziland, to any other place, whether within or without Swaziland, shall receive on board any mail bag tendered to him by an authorised officer for conveyance, granting a receipt therefor in such form as the Managing Director may require, and shall without delay deliver it to the post office nearest to the port or place to which such mail bag is consigned.36. Reception of postal articles on board vessels
37. Payment to masters, etc. for conveyance of mail bags, etc.
38. Exemption from liability of the Corporation
39. Withholding postal articles until postage, etc. is paid
If any person refuses to pay any postage or other sum which he is legally bound to pay in respect of any postal article, the Managing Director may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, withhold from that person any postal article, not being an article designated as being sent in the service of the Government, addressed to that person, until such postage or other sum is paid.40. Refund of wrong payment of money order
Where any person receives—41. Proof of return, etc. of postal article
In every proceeding for the recovery of any postage or other charge alleged to be due under this Act in respect of a postal article—42. Postage stamps, etc. deemed stamps for purposes of revenue
Postage stamps, any envelopes, wrappers or forms prestamped for postage and international reply coupons provided for under this Act, and postal franks and impressions of franking machines issued under this Act, shall be deemed to be postage stamps for the purpose of revenue within the criminal law.43. Regulations for postal services
44. Unlawful opening or delivery, etc. of postal articles
Any person who being an employee of the Corporation or being employed in connection with postal services—45. Fraud in connection with official marks or postage
Any person who, being an employee of the Corporation or being employed in connection with postal services—46. Issuing money orders with fraudulent intent
Any person who, being an employee of the Corporation or being employed in connection with postal services, with intent to defraud issues any money order, postal order or valuable security shall be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.47. Fraudulently sending unpaid postal articles
Any person who being an employee of the Corporation or employed in connection with postal services, sends by post or puts into any mail bag any postal article upon which the postage has not been paid or charged as required by this Act, intending thereby to defraud the Corporation of the postage on such postal article, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.48. Authorised agent selling at wrong rate
Any person appointed by the Managing Director as an authorised agent under section 23 who sells any article mentioned in that section at a rate other than that fixed by the Corporation shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.49. Unlawfully conveying letters
Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of section 22 shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred emalangeni or ten emalangeni for each letter unlawfully collected, conveyed, distributed or delivered, whichever is the greater, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.50. Transmitting prohibited articles, etc. by mail
Any person who—51. Transmitting seditious matter by post
Any person who without lawful excuse, the proof of which shall lie on the person charged, sends or procures to be sent by post a postal article which has thereon or enclosed therein any word, drawing or picture of a seditious, scurrilous, threatening, obscene or grossly offensive character shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.52. Fraudulently removing or using postage stamps
53. Unlawful opening, etc. of postal articles, etc.
Any person who, not being an employee of the Corporation or not being employed in connection with postal services—54. Improper use of certain words, etc.
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged—55. Damaging property used for postal services
Any person who—56. Unauthorised affixing to post office or letter box
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged, affixes or attempts to affix any placard, board, advertisement, notice, document, paint or other thing to any post office or post office letter box shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.57. Failure to comply with undertaking
Any person who, having given the undertaking referred to in section 32, fails or refuses to comply therewith, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.58. Offences by master or agent
Any master or agent of a vessel or an aircraft—Part V – Telephone services
59. Exclusive privilege to provide telephone services
60. Power of Corporation on occurrence of public emergency
61. Secrecy of telephone communication
Subject to this Act, no employee of the Corporation nor any person in the employment of the holder of a public telephone licence shall—62. Exemption from liability for telephone services
Save in so far as it is otherwise provided in regulations made under section 63, the Corporation shall not incur any liability—63. Regulations for telephone services
64. Unlawful operation, etc. of telephone apparatus
Any person who, unless exempted under regulations made under section 63, constructs, maintains or operates any telephone apparatus otherwise than under and in accordance with, the provisions of any telephone licence, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of five hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.65. Offences by employees of the Corporation, etc.
Any person, being an employee of the Corporation or a person employed by the holder of a public telephone licence, who, being employed in connection with telephone services—66. Unlawfully damaging telephone apparatus, etc.
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director or, in the case of the holder of a public telephone licence, that holder, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged—67. Unlawful presence on premises used for telephone services, etc.
Any person who—68. Offences by electricity undertakers
Any person who, being required under section 19 to give any notice to the Managing Director—69. Defacing, etc. building and telephone apparatus
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged, affixes or attempts to affix any placard, board, advertisement, notice, document, paint or other thing to any building or telephone apparatus provided by the Corporation, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.Part VI – Telegraph services
70. Exclusive privilege to provide telegraph services
71. Powers of Corporation on occurrence of public emergency
72. Secrecy of telegrams
Subject to this Act, no employee of the Corporation nor any person in the employment of a holder of a public telegraph licence shall—73. Exemption from liability for telegraph services
Save in so far as it is otherwise provided in regulations made under section 76, the Corporation shall not incur any liability—74. Exemption from liability for defamatory telegrams
Neither the Corporation nor any employee of the Corporation nor the holder of any public telegraph licence nor any person employed in connection with the telegraph services shall be liable in any legal proceedings, civil or criminal, by reason of the transmission in the normal course of the telegraph services of any defamatory telegram.75. Transcript of telegram to be prima facie evidence
The transcript of every telegram after transmission and before delivery thereof to the addressee shall be stamped or initialled by the employee of the Corporation receiving such telegram for delivery; and such transcript purporting to be so stamped or initialled shall be admissible in any legal proceedings and shall be prima facie evidence—76. Regulations for telegraph services
77. Unlawful operation of telegraph services
Any person who, unless exempted under regulations made under section 76, constructs, maintains or operates any telegraph apparatus otherwise than under and in accordance with the provisions of any telegraph licence, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.78. Offences by employees of the Corporation, etc.
Any person, being an employee of the Corporation or a person employed by the holder of a public telegraph licence, who, being employed in connection with telegraph services—79. Fraudulently sending unpaid telegrams
Any person, being an employee of the Corporation or a person employed by the holder of a public telegraph licence, who, being employed in connection with telegraph services, transmits by means of telegraph services any telegram upon which the due charges have not been paid or charged, intending thereby to defraud the Corporation or the holder of a public telegraph licence, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both such fine and imprisonment.80. Forgery of telegrams
Any person who—81. Unlawfully damaging, etc. telegraph apparatus
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, or in the case of the holder of a public telegraph licence, that holder, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged—82. Unlawfully receiving or destroying telegrams
Any person who—83. Unlawful presence on premises used for telegraph services, etc.
Any person who—84. Making false telegrams or marks
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, the proof of whose authority shall lie on the person charged—85. Defacing buildings and telegraph apparatus
Any person who, without the authority of the Managing Director, the proof of which authority shall lie on the person charged, affixes or attempts to affix any placard, board, advertisement, notice, document, paint or other thing to any building or telegraph apparatus used in connection with telegraph services provided by the Corporation shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding fifty emalangeni or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to both such fine and imprisonment.Part VII – Radio communication
86. Licensing of radio communication
87. Experimental licences
88. Powers of Corporation on occurrence of public emergency
89. Regulations for radio communication
The Minister may make regulations generally with respect to the regulation of radio communication other than radio communication restricted to the receiving of public broadcasting and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, with respect to—90. Regulations for radiation of electromagnetic energy, etc.
91. Enforcement of regulations on the use of apparatus
92. Enforcement of regulations as to sales, etc. by manufacturers and others
93. Establishment and constitution of Appeal Tribunal
94. Application of certain provisions
95. Unlawfully using radio communication apparatus, etc.
Any person who—96. Unlawfully sending misleading or other messages, etc.
Any person who—97. Use or sale, etc. of apparatus in contravention of notice
Any person who—98. Interference with radio communication
Part VIII – Savings bank
99. Power to act as agent of a bank
Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Corporation may act in Swaziland as agent of a bank which operates a savings bank.Part IX – Financial and accounting provisions relating to the Corporation
100. Conduct of financial affairs of the Corporation
101. Transfer and vesting of assets and liabilities, etc.
102. Funds, assets, resources and liabilities
The funds, assets, resources and liabilities of the Corporation consist of—103. Investments
The Corporation may invest all or any of its moneys not required for the performance of its purposes, powers and duties—104. Borrowing powers
105. Appropriation of profits and exemption from taxes, etc.
106. Making good of deficits
107. Compensation for certain services
Compensation for services provided on or after the fixed date by the Corporation to or on behalf of any Ministry or Department, or by any Ministry or Department to or on behalf of the Corporation, shall be paid in accordance with normal accounting procedure.108. Financial year
109. Annual report and audit
110. Powers of auditor
Part X – Miscellaneous
111. Appointment of staff
112. Regulations relating to staff
Subject to this Act, the Minister may make regulations generally relating to the conditions of service of employees and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing may make regulations relating to—113. Powers of Corporation in respect of employees
114. Property of Corporation in the custody of employee, etc.
Part XI – Legal provisions
115. Delegation and signification
116. Compensation
117. Limitation
Where any action or other legal proceeding is commenced against the Corporation for any act done in pursuance or execution, or intended execution, of this Act or of any public duty or authority, or in respect of any alleged neglect or default in the execution of this Act or of any such duty or authority, the following provisions shall have effect—118. Restriction on execution against property of Corporation
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law—119. Service of notices, etc. on Managing Director
Any notice or other document required or authorised under this Act to be served on the Corporation, or the Managing Director, may be served—120. Service of notices by Managing Director
Any notice or other document required or authorised under this Act to be served on any person by the Corporation or the Managing Director or any employee may be served—121. Offences by bodies corporate and forfeiture of apparatus
122. Place of trial
Part XII – Repeal
123. Repeal
History of this document
01 December 1998 this version
01 April 1986