Immigration Regulations, 1987

Legal Notice 7 of 1987

Immigration Regulations, 1987

Immigration Act, 1982

Immigration Regulations, 1987

Legal Notice 7 of 1987

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Immigration Act, 1982 the Minister for Interior and Immigration hereby makes the following Regulations—

Part I – Preliminary

1. Citation and commencement

These Regulations may be cited as the Immigration Regulations, 1987 and shall come into force on the 1st March, 1987.

2. Interpretation

In these Regulations except where the context otherwise requires—Act” means the Immigration Act, 1982;exempted person” means a person of a class or description of person who is exempted by the Minister under the Act from obtaining an entry permit or pass; from reporting entry into or departure from Swaziland;holder” in relation to a permit pass or passport, means the person to or in respect of whom the permit, pass or passport has been lawfully granted or issued and any other person to or in respect of whom the same applies in addition to the holder and in a like manner as to the holder, whether by reason of the terms thereof or by reason of any duly authorized endorsement or extension thereof.

Part II – Entry and departure

3. Reports of entry

(1)Every person other than an exempted person, shall immediately on arrival in Swaziland, present himself in person and report his entry into Swaziland to the nearest Immigration officer and, if so required by an immigration officer, complete an entry declaration form in Form I in the First Scheduled hereto and deliver the same to an immigration officer.
(2)Where any aircraft enters Swaziland, the person in charge of the aircraft or the agent thereof shall—
(a)immediately on arrival provide the nearest immigration officer with a list in duplicate of the names of every person disembarking; and
(b)prevent any person to whom subregulation (1) applies from leaving the precints of the airport until authorized by an immigration officer.
(3)Where any train or vehicle enters Swaziland, the person in charge or the agent thereof shall, if so required by an immigration officer, provide a list in duplicate of every person disembarking.
(4)Where any aircraft enters Swaziland carrying any person from outside Swaziland whose destination is also outside Swaziland but who fails to continue his journey in such aircraft in circumstances which raise a reasonable presumption that the person has remained in Swaziland, the person in charge or agent of such aircraft shall, as soon as possible, notify the nearest immigration officer of the failure of the person to continue his journey.
(5)Any person who fails to comply with this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.

4. Reports of departure

(1)Every person, other than an exempted person, shall, immediately before his departure from Swaziland, complete a departure declaration from in Form 2 in the First Schedule hereto and, if such person intends to leave Swaziland by aircraft, deliver the same to an immigration officer or person in charge or agent of such aircraft and, in any other case, deliver the same to an immigration officer.
(2)Where any aircraft leaves Swaziland, the person in charge or agent thereof shall, before its departure—
(a)provide the nearest immigration officer with a list in duplicate of the names of every person embarking thereon and leaving Swaziland; and
(b)prevent the embarkation of any person who intends to leave Swaziland on such aircraft until such person has complied with subregulation (1).
(3)Where any train or vehicle leaves or is about to leave Swaziland, the person in charge or agent thereof, shall, if so required by an immigration officer, provide a list in duplicate of the names of every person who leaves or is about to leave Swaziland by means of that train or vehicle.
(4)Any person who fails to comply with this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.

5. Places and times of entry and departure

Any person other than an exempted person, who enters or departs from, or attempts to enter or depart from Swaziland at any place or at any time other than a place or at a time specified in relation to such place in the Third Schedule hereto shall be guilty of an offence.

Part II – Entry permits

6. Application for permits

(1)Every application for an entry permit shall be made to the Chief Immigration Officer in Form 3 in the First Schedule hereto,
(2)Every entry permit issued shall be in Form 4 in the First Schedule hereto and shall be issued upon payment by applicant of the fee specified in the Second Schedule hereto.

7. Issue of permits

(1)An entry permit issued in respect of a person not present in Swaziland at the time of issue shall cease to be valid if such person fails to enter Swaziland within six months from the date of issue thereof:Provided that an immigration officer may extend the validity of such entry permit for a period not exceeding six months.
(2)For the purposes of class I entry permits the prescribed amounts of the assured annual income required of a person specified in the Fourth Schedule hereto shall be specified in that Schedule; and any class I entry permit issued shall only remain valid so long as the holder has in his own right and at his full and free disposition the appropriate assured annual income.
(3)The immigration officer shall endorse particulars of any entry permit granted under these Regulations in the passport of the holder and where the holder has not arrived in Swaziland at the time the permit is issued, the endorsement shall be made within seven days after the holder has arrived in Swaziland.

8. Cancellation of permits

The Chief Immigration Officer may vary the terms and conditions of an entry permit under the Act and may, with the written consent of the Minister, cancel any such permit and cause the cancellation to be endorsed on the holder’s passport.

9. Cessation of employment

(1)Where the holder of an entry permit of any of the classes A to C ceases to engage in the employment in respect of which the entry permit was issued, the employer specified in the entry permit shall report in writing such cessation to the Chief Immigration Officer within a period of seven days from the date in which the holder ceased to engage in the employment, and the holder shall on demand hand up his passport to the Chief Immigration Officer for endorsement.
(2)Any person who fails to comply with subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

10. Returns by employers

(1)The Chief Immigration Officer may require the employer of any person issued with an entry permit of class A, class B or class C to furnish a return in Form 19 in the First Schedule hereto of all persons who are in his employment or have been in his employment.
(2)An employer of a holder of an entry permit of class A class B or class C who fails to render such returns within thirty days of being so required or who makes a return which he has reason to believe to be false in any material particular, shall be guilty of an offence.

11. Period of validity of permits

The period of validity of any entry permit shall be at the discretion of the Chief Immi­gration Officer but may be renewed for further periods on the payment of the renewal fee specified in the Second Schedule hereto;Provided that an entry permit shall not be issued or renewed for a period exceeding five years from the date of issue.

12. Appeals

(1)Any person wishing to appeal to the Minister under section 5(3) of the Act against a decision refusing an entry permit may submit an appeal in Form 5 in the First Schedule hereto accompanied by the appropriate fee specified in the Second Scheduled hereto, to the Minister within twenty one days upon receiving notification of such refusal.
(2)A person appealing under subregulation (1) shall serve a copy of the appeal on the Chief Immigration Officer in the First Schedule hereto.

13. Prescribed professions

For the purpose of class H entry permits the prescribed professions and prescribed qualifications shall be those specified in the Fifth Schedule hereto.

Part III – Passes

14. Types of pass

(1)The following types of passes may be issued under this Part—
(a)a dependant’s pass;
(b)a student’s pass;
(c)a visitor's pass;
(d)a transit pass;
(e)a prohibited immigrant's pass;
(f)a special pass.
(2)Subject to these Regulations, the issue of any pass under this Part shall be at the discretion of the Chief Immigration Officer who may issue such pass on such terms and condi­tions as he may specify in it.
(3)The Chief Immigration Officer may at any time cancel any pass issued under this Part and may vary any terms or condition thereof:Provided that a dependant’s pass shall not be cancelled without the prior approval of the Minister.
(4)A person who wishes to apply for a pass under this Part shall pay the fees specified in the Second Schedule hereto in respect of that particular pass before the pass can be issued to him.

15. Dependant's pass

(1)A person, who is lawfully in or entitled to enter Swaziland by virtue of—
(a)being a citizen of Swaziland; or
(b)having been issued with an entry permit; or
(c)being an exempted person; or
(d)being a person to whom section 4(3) of the Act applies,
may make an application to the Chief Immigration Officer, in Form 6 in the First Schedule hereto for a dependant’s pass for any of his dependant’s.
(2)The Chief Immigration Officer may only issue a dependant’s pass if he is satisfied that—
(a)the person, in respect of whom the application is made, is dependant for his maintenance upon the person making the application for a dependant’s pass.
(b)the dependant is by reason of age, disability or any incapacity unable to maintain himself adequately or for some other reason relies upon the applicant for his maintenance; and
(c)the applicant has an income sufficient to enable him to maintain and continue to maintain such dependant.
(3)All dependant’s passes shall be in Form 7 in the First Schedule hereto and where the applicant is the holder of an entry permit, the particulars of his wife and children (being dependants) may, at the discretion of an immigration officer, be endorsed on his entry permit.

16. Validity of dependant’s pass

(1)A dependant’s pass shall, subject to the terms and conditions specified therein, entitle the dependant in respect of whom it is issued to enter Swaziland within the periods specified therein and to remain in Swaziland thereafter during the validity of the pass.
(a)the dependant person is no longer dependant on the applicant; or
(b)the applicant fails or is unable to maintain the dependant; or
(c)the applicant leaves Swaziland in circumstances which raise a reasonable presumption that his absence will be other than temporary; or
(d)the dependant engages in employment; or
(e)the applicant dies,
then with effect from thirty days of the date of the occurrence of any event set out in this subregulation, the dependant’s pass shall be deemed to have expired and to be of no validity or effect:Provided that nothing in this regulation shall render invalid a dependant’s pass issued in respect of a married woman who is living with her husband and who has been issued with an entry permit of class B and such dependant’s pass shall, subject to the provisions of the Act, be of full force and effect for the unexpired period of its validity notwithstanding that such married woman engages in any employment under the entry permit or has ceased to engage in such employment.

17. Student’s pass

(1)A person seeking to enter or remain in Swaziland for the purposes of receiving education or training at an educational or training establishment within Swaziland by which he has been accepted as a student, or the parent or guardian on his behalf, may make an application accompanied by the prescribed fee to the Chief Immigration Officer, in Form 8 in the First Schedule hereto for a student’s pass.
(2)The Chief Immigration Officer may only issued a student’s pass under this regulation if he is satisfied that the person seeking to enter or remain in Swaziland has been accepted as a student by the educational or training establishment referred to in subregulation (1).
(3)A student’s pass shall be issued in Form 9 in the First Schedule hereto.

18. Validity of student’s pass

(1)Subject to such terms and conditions as the Chief Immigration Officer may spe­cify in the student’s pass, a student’s pass shall entitle the holder to enter Swaziland within the period specified and to remain in Swaziland for such period from the date of his entry as may be specified.
(2)Where the holder of a student’s pass—
(a)within a period of thirty days from the date of issue of such pass or from the date of the holder’s entry thereunder into Swaziland, which ever is the later, fails to enter as a student the educational or training establishment in respect of which the student pass was issued, the student’s pass shall be deemed to have expired and to be of no validity or effect;
(b)having entered such educational or training establishment as a student, at any time leaves or ceases to be a student in that establishment, with effect from the expiration of thirty days following the date on which the holder leaves or ceases to be a student in such establishment, the student’s pass shall be deemed to have expired and to be of no validity or effect.
(3)Any person, who being in charge of an educational or training establishment, allows a student who is required under this regulation to obtain a student’s pass to attend such establishment before that student is in possession of a student’s pass, shall be guilty of an offence.

19. Visitor's pass

(1)A person desiring to enter Swaziland for any other temporary purposes other than for the sole purpose of having a holiday, may make an application to the Chief Immigra­tion Officer, in Form 10 in the First Schedule hereto for a visitor’s pass.
(2)A person desiring to enter Swaziland for the sole purpose of having a holiday may be issued with a visitor’s pass by the Chief Immigration Officer which shall be endorsed in the holder’s passport.

20. Validity of visitor’s pass

(1)Subject to such terms and conditions as the Chief Immigration Officer may specify in a visitor’s pass, a visitor’s pass shall, entitle the holder to enter Swaziland within the period specified and to remain in Swaziland for such period, not exceeding six months from the date of his entry into Swaziland.
(2)An immigration officer may extend the validity of a visitor’s pass for such further period as he may determine and may vary any term or condition thereof:Provided that the aggregate period of validity of a visitor’s pass shall in no case exceed one year from the date of the holder’s entry into Swaziland.
(3)Except as provided in regulation 19(2), the holder of a visitor’s pass shall not accept or engage in any form of employment in Swaziland, whether paid or unpaid, without the written permission of the Chief Immigration Officer.
(4)If a holder of a visitor’s pass referred in subregulation (3) accepts or engages in employment without the permission of the Chief Immigration officer, he shall be guilty of an offence and his visitor’s pass shall, with effect from the date of such acceptance or engagement of employment be deemed to have expired and to be of no validity or effect.

21. Transit pass

(1)A person who—
(a)desires to enter Swaziland for the purpose of travelling to a destination outside Swaziland; and
(b)is in possession of such valid documents as may be required to permit him to enter the country of destination; and
(c)is otherwise qualified under the law in force in the country of destination to enter that country,
may make an application to an immigration officer, in Form 10 in the First Schedule hereto for a transit pass.
(2)A transit pass issued under this regulation shall be endorsed in the holder’s pass­port.

22. Validity of transit pass

Subject to such terms and conditions as an immigration officer may specify in a transit pass, a transit pass shall entitle the holder to enter into and remain in Swaziland for the purpose of travelling to a destination outside Swaziland and shall be valid for such period, not exceeding seven days, as may be specified.

23. Prohibited immigrant’s pass

(1)An application by a prohibited immigrant under section 3 of the Act for a prohi­bited immigrant’s pass shall be in Form 10 in the First Schedule hereto or in such other form as the Minister may require.
(2)A prohibited immigrant’s pass shall be in Form 12 in the First Schedule hereto.

24. Appeals and special pass

(1)A person who desires to enter or remain in Swaziland for a limited period for the purpose of conducting an appeal under regulation 12 or for applying for an entry permit or pass, or for any other purpose which the Chief Immigration Officer considers suitable, may make an application for a special pass to the Chief Immigration Officer, in Form 10 in the First Schedule hereto.
(2)The Chief Immigration Officer may issue a special pass for such period, not exceeding three months, as he may specify in the pass.
(3)A special pass shall be in Form 13 in the First Schedule hereto.

Part IV – Prohibited immigrants and recovery of expenses

25. Notice to prohibited immigrant

(1)An immigration officer or a police not below the rank of Sergeant may issue a notice, in Form Min the First Schedule hereto to a person who is a prohibited immigrant and who enters or attempts to enter Swaziland by any means.
(2)A notice issued under subregulation (1) may require the prohibited immigrant—
(a)to remain on the aircraft, train or vehicle by which he entered or attempted to enter Swaziland;
(b)to leave Swaziland by such means and within such period as may be stated in the notice;
(c)to comply with such other requirements as to place of residence, occupation, security or reporting to a specified authority as may be specified in the notice.
(3)The Chief Immigration Officer may cancel any notice issued to a prohibited immi­grant.
(4)Where an immigration officer issues a notice to a prohibited immigrant under this regulation, he may, issue a copy of such notice to the owner, person in charge or agent of the aircraft, train or vehicle on or from which the prohibited immigrant entered, or attempted to enter Swaziland, and thereafter the owner, person in charge or agent shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the prohibited immigrant complies with the terms of the notice served on him.
(5)A prohibited immigrant to whom a notice under this regulation has been issued and who refuses or fails to comply with any requirements specified in the notice shall be guilty of an offence.

26. Recovery of expenses

(1)On application by an immigration officer to a magistrate, the magistrate on being satisfied that any expenses have been incurred by Government in connection with the detention, maintenance, medical treatment or removal from Swaziland of any person under the Act and of bis wife, children and other dependants, may issue a warrant for the levy of the amount by distress and sale of any movable property belonging to such person.
(2)A warrant issued under this regulation may be executed in the same manner as a warrant for the levy of the amount of a fine under section 304 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, 1938.
(3)Subregulations (1) and (2) shall not be prejudicial to the liability of any surety in regard to the recovery of expenses under this regulation, nor shall the issue or execution of a warrant under this regulation be a condition precedent to the liability of a surety.

Part V – Security

27. Security in respect of permits, etc.

(1)As a condition precedent to the issue of every entry permit or pass the Chief Immigration Officer may require a sum to be deposited with him in respect of each entry permit or pass sufficient for the repatriation of the person to whom it was issued and of his wife, children and other dependant, if any.
(2)A deposit obtained under this regulation may, if necessary, be used to defray any expenses incurred or likely to be incurred by the Government in connection with the detention, maintenance, medical treatment or removal from Swaziland of the person in respect of whom the entry permit or pass was issued and of his wife, children and other dependants, if any.
(3)A deposit obtained under this regulation if not used as specified in subregulation (2) shall be refunded to the depositor if the Chief Immigration Officer is satisfied that—
(a)the person in respect of whom the deposit was made and his wife and children and other dependants, if any, have left or are leaving Swaziland permanently; or
(b)the person in respect of whom the deposit was made and his wife, children and other dependants, if any, are all dead; or
(c)retention of the deposit is for any other reason no longer necessary.

28. Bond in lieu of security

(1)As security for a deposit under regulation 27, the Chief Immigration Officer may permit the applicant for an entry permit or pass or some other person on his behalf, to enter into a bond to provide security, with or without sureties, in a sum not exceeding one thousand Emalangeni in respect of each entry permit or pass:Provided that the Chief Immigration Officer may, accept one composite bond in respect of any number of persons so long as the amount of the security provided by such bond does not exceed one thousand Emalangeni in respect of each person.
(2)Regulation 27(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any security provided under this regulation.
(3)A security bond under this regulation shall be in Form 15 in the First Schedule hereto and shall remain enforceable until such time as an immigration officer is satisfied that—
(a)the person in respect of whom the bond was given and his wife, children and other dependants, if any, have left Swaziland permanently; or
(b)the person in respect of whom the security was given and his wife, children and other dependants, if any, are all dead; or
(c)retention of the bond is for any other reason no longer necessary.

29. Covenant for group security

(1)Where any employer enters or intends to enter into contracts for the employment within Swaziland of persons in respect of whom applications will be made under the Act for the appropriate entry permits and in respect of whose wives, children and other dependants passes, the Chief Immigration Officer may, in lieu of a deposit or security bond in respect of each employee and his wife, children and other dependants, if any, permit the employer to enter into a covenant to provide general security in respect of ail such employees and their wives, children and other dependants, in a sum not exceeding one thousand Emalangeni in respect of each person.
(2)Regulation 27(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any general security provided under this regulation.
(3)A general security covenant under this regulation shall be in Form 16 in the First Schedule hereto.

30. Forfeiture of security

(1)On application by an immigration officer, a magistrate, on being satisfied that the security given under any security bond or general security covenant under regulation 28 or 29 has been forfeited, may issue a warrant for the attachment and sale of the movable property belonging to any person or his estate, if such person died after the security was forfeited bound by such security to pay the sum specified in the bond or covenant.
(2)A warrant issued under this regulation shall be enforceable by execution in the same manner as an order made under the Magistrate’s Court Act, 1938.
(3)An order by a magistrate under this regulation shall be appealable and may be revised by the High Court whose decision shall be final.

31. Refund of security

(1)Where the Chief Immigration Officer is satisfied upon the production of a ticket or passage order in respect of a passage to a destination outside Swaziland, that any person will permanently leave Swaziland, he may stamp the ticket or passage order with a no-refund endorsement in Form 17 in the First Schedule hereto, and if a deposit has been made under regulation 27, refund such deposit or the remaining balance thereof, as the case may be.
(2)Where any ticket or passage order has been stamped with a no-refund endorse­ment, a person bolding such ticket or passage holder shall not without first obtaining the permission of the Chief Immigration Officer, cancel or vary the ticket or passage order, or transfer the same to any other person or pay or refund to any person any moneys in respect thereof.
(3)A person who contravenes subregulation (2) shall be guilty of an offence and, in addition to any other penalty, may be ordered by the court by which he was convicted to pay the Chief Immigration Officer a sum not exceeding the price of the ticket or passage order in respect of which the offence was committed.
(4)Any sum ordered to be paid to the Chief Immigration Officer under subregulation (3) shall be used for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred in removing from Swaziland the person to whom the ticket or passage order was issued, and any unspent balance thereof shall be refunded to the convicted person.
(5)Notwithstanding any other provision of this regulation, where the Chief Immigra­tion Officer is satisfied, other than by the production of a ticket or passage order that any person will leave Swaziland permanently, and if a deposit has been made under regulation 27, he may refund such deposit or the remaining balance thereof as the case nay be.

Part VI – Miscellaneous

32. Exemption from fees

Upon an application having been made to the Chief Immigration Officer and at his recommendation, the Minister may exempt any person or class of persons from any of the provisions of these Regulations requiring the payment of fees.

33. Payment of fees for permits, etc.

Where an immigration officer has given notification in writing that the issue of an entry permit or a pass has been approved, such approval shall cease to be valid if the requisite fee has not been paid within a period of ninety days from the date of such notification.

34. Visas

Subject to the Sixth Schedule, a visa to enter Swaziland shall not be required in respect of the person or classes of persons set out in that Schedule.

35. Penalty

Any person convicted of an offence under these Regulations shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand Emalangeni or to a period of imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.

36. Places of entry into Swaziland by air

(1)A person shall not enter Swaziland by air—
(a)from a country within the Customs Union Agreement of 1969 unless the aircraft lands at one of the aerodromes in Swaziland which are set out in the Third Schedule hereto.
(b)from any other territory, unless the aircraft makes its first landing in Swaziland at a place appointed as a customs aerodrome by notice under the Customs Act, 1971 to be a customs aerodrome, which place shall be a port of entry for the purposes of this Act
(2)A person who contravenes subregulation (I) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand Emalangeni or a period of imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.

First Schedule

Forms 1-18

[Editorial note: The forms have not been reproduced.]

Second Schedule (Regulation 6)


Matter for which fee payableFee
On issue or renewal of an entry permit under classes A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, for a period of—
(a)one month to eleven monthsE50
(b)one yearE100
(c)two yearsE200
(d)three yearsE300
(e)four yearsE400
(f)five yearsE500
On lodging a notice of appeal to the Minister under section 5(3) of the Act:B25
Provided that:—(a)in the event of the appeal being successful the whole fee shall be returned to the appellant(b)in the event of the appeal being withdrawn one half of the fee shall be returned to the appellant.
On the issue of a
dependant’s passE10
student’s passE10
visitor’s passNo fee
transit passNo fee
prohibited immigrant’s passE50
special passE50
re-entry passNo fee
of any duplicate of replacement of any entry permit or passOne half of the original fee

Third Schedule (Regulation 5)

Places and times of arrival into and departure from Swaziland

(a)For persons arriving or departing by air:—
(i)Matsapha Airport — at any time
(ii)At any other airfield — between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
(b)For persons arriving by rail:—
(i)Mlaula border post — at any time
(ii)Lavumisa border post — at any time
(c)For persons arriving by road:—
(i)Mashobeni/Matsamo between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(i)Havelock/Bulembu between the hours of 0800 and 1600[Please note: numbering as in original.]
(iii)Mananga between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(iv)Ngwenya/Oshoek between the hours of 0700 and 2200
(v)Sandlane/Nerston between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(vi)Ndlozana/Sicunusa between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(vii)Gege between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(viii)Mahamba between the hours of 0700 and 2200
(ix)Ntsalrshe between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(x)Lavumisa between the hours of 0700 and 2200
(xi)Lundzi between the hours of 0800 and 1600
(xii)Lomahasha between the hours of 0700 and 2200

Fourth Schedule (Regulation 7)

Prescribed amounts of assured annual income

StatusAssured annual income
1.For a person without a spouse or DependantsE5000
2.For a person with dependantsE7000

Fifth Schedule (Regulation 13)

Prescribed professions and qualifications

1.Medical professionAny person who would be entitled to registration as a medical practitioner under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act 1970.
2.DentistsAny person who would be entitled to registration as a dentist under the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act 1970.
3.Legal ProfessionAny person qualified as a legal practitioner.
 (a)Land surveyorAny person qualified to be licensed as a surveyor under the Land Survey Act 1961.
(b)SurveyorAny person who is a Fellow or Professional Associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
(c)Estate Agent, Valuer and Land AgentAny person who is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
5.ArchitectsAny person who would be entitled to practise as an architect in Swaziland.
6.PharmacistsAny person who would be entitled to registration as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1929
7.Veterinary SurgeonsAny person who would be entitled to practise as a veterinary surgeon in Swaziland.
8.Engineers(a)Member of Associate Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers.(b)Member of Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.(c)Member of Associate Member of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects.(d)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Municipal and Country Engineers.(e)Member of Associate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers.(f)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.(g)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.(h)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.(i)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers.(j)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Gas Engineers.(k)Associate Fellow or Associate of the Institution of Aeronautical Engineers or Royal Aeronautical Society.(l)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.(m)Member or Associate Member of the Institution of Marine Engineers, or an equivalent qualification.
9.Nursing professionAny person who would be entitled to registration under the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1966.
10.PhysiotherapistsAny person holding the qualification of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy or an equivalent qualification.
11.AccountantsMembers of:—(a)the Institute of Chartered accountants of Scotland;(b)The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales;(c)the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland;(d)The Society of Incorporated Accountants;(e)the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants;(f)the Societies of Chartered Accountants in South Africa;(h)the Institute of Chartered Accountants in India;[Please note: numbering as in original.](i)the Institute of Municipal Treasurers and Accountants;(j)the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants, or an equivalent qualification.
12.Chartered Secretaries(a)Fellows and Associates of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries.(b)Fellows and Associates of the Corporation of Certified Secretaries or an equivalent qualification.

Sixth Schedule (Regulation 34)

Visa arrangements

(1)No visa is required for entry into Swaziland for the following classes of person:—Holders of a valid Residence Permit issued under the repealed Act.Holders of a valid Entry Permit or Pass issued under the Immigration Act 1982.Commonwealth Citizens/and Citizens of the Republic of Ireland except Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and Mauritius.
(2)No visa is required for entry into Swaziland for citizens of the following countries—
BelgiumDenmarkFinlandGreeceIcelandIsraelItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwaySan MarinoRepublic of South AfricaSwedenUruguayUnited States of AmericaPortugal
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History of this document

01 March 1987
30 January 1987 this version
Published in Government Gazette 497
30 December 1986
Assented to