Regional Councils Order, 1978

Kings Order in Council 22 of 1978


Regional Councils Order, 1978

Kings Order in Council 22 of 1978

A King’s Order-in-Council to provide for the establishment of four Regional Councils in Swaziland and to prescribe their functions.

1. Short title

This King’s Order-in-Council may be cited as The Regional Councils Order, 1978.

2. Interpretation

Unless the context otherwise requires—Administrator” means the Regional Administrator appointed under section 8;Districts” means the districts as set out in Schedule 1 to the General Administration Act, No. 11 of 1905, as amended from time to time under the provisions of section 6 of such Act;Electoral College[Repealed K.O-I-C. 1/1992]Inkhundla” means an Inkhundla established by and under an Order of the King;Minister” means the Minister determined by the King;Regional Council” means a Regional Council established under section 3.

3. Establishment of Regional Councils

There is hereby established four Regional Councils, being one Regional Council in respect of each District.

4. Composition of Regional Councils

(1)[Repealed K.O-I-C. 1/1992]
(2)[Repealed K.O-I-C. 1/1992]
(3)In the event of a vacancy in a Regional Council caused by death, ill-health, resignation, or by any other reason, the Inkhundla concerned shall appoint a person to serve in his place.
(4)There shall be appointed to each Regional Council such officers and staff as the Minister may in consultation with each Regional Administrator decide upon, and such officers and staff shall be officers in the public service.

5. Function of Regional Councils

(1)The duties and functions of Regional Councils shall be to—
(a)co-ordinate national and economic activities at District level;
(b)implement national and government policies and projects at District and Tinkhundla level;
(c)through the Indvuna Yetinkhundla liaise with the Swazi National Council in all matters of policy affecting Swazi law and custom;
(d)report through the Indvuna Yetinkhundla to the Government and the Swazi National Council on all decisions arrived at by the Tinkhundla in their Districts;
(e)through the Indvuna Yetinkhundla keep the Government and the Swazi National Council informed of all major economic or political activities taking place within their Districts;
(f)initiate and identify priority projects and the needs of the people residing in their Districts in accordance with National developments plans;
(g)maintain close contact with the Indvuna Yetinkhundla, and to seek his advice on all matters affecting their District; and
(h)generally, do all such things as they may deem fit to uplift the economic, health and educational standards of the residents of their Districts and act so that peace and harmony might prevail throughout Swaziland.
(2)The duties and functions of Regional Councils may be augmented from time to time by the Cabinet.

6. Rules governing Regional Councils

The Minister shall in consultation with the Regional Administrators formulate such rules for the conduct of the affairs and meetings of Regional Councils as may be agreed upon by them:Provided that it shall be the responsibility of each Regional Administrator to convene the first meeting of the Regional Council in his District by such means as may be agreed upon with the Minister.

7. Remuneration of members of Regional Council

The remuneration of members of the Regional Councils and any allowances payable to them shall be separately appropriated as a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

8. Regional Administrator

(1)The King, acting in consultation with the Prime Minister, shall appoint a Regional Administrator in respect of each Regional Council who shall have the same rights and privileges as any Deputy Minister but who shall operate under a Ministry to be determined by the King.
(2)The King may at any time remove an Administrator and appoint anyone else in his place.
(3)The Administrator shall preside at all meetings of the Regional Council to which he has been appointed and shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote:Provided that if the Administrator is unable to preside at any meeting of the Regional Council the Minister may appoint a member of the Regional Council to preside at such meeting.
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History of this document

01 December 1998 this version
12 October 1978
09 October 1978
Assented to

Cited documents 1

Legislation 1
1. General Administration Act, 1905 11 citations

Documents citing this one 0